Pourova J, Dias P, Pour M, Bittner Fialová S, Czigle S, Nagy M, Tóth J, Balázs VL, Horváth A, Csikós E, Farkas Á, Horváth G, Mladěnka P. Proposed mechanisms of action of herbal drugs and their biologically active constituents in the treatment of coughs: overview. PeerJ 2023; 11:e16096, DOI 10.7717/peerj.16096
Czigle S, Nagy M, Mladěnka P, Tóth J. 2023. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic herb-drug interactions—part I. Herbal medicines of the central nervous system. PeerJ 2023;:e16149 DOI 10.7717/peerj.16149
Mammari N, Albert Q, Devocelle M, Kenda M, Kočevar Glavač N, Sollner Dolenc M, Mercolini L, Tóth J, Milan N, Czigle S, Varbanov M, on behalf of the OEMONOM. Natural Products for the Prevention and Treatment of Common Cold and Viral Respiratory Infections. Pharmaceuticals. 2023; 16(5):662
Mandrioli R, Cirrincione M, Mladěnka P, Protti M & Mercolini L. Green analytical chemistry (GAC) applications in sample preparation for the analysis of anthocyanins in products and by-products from plant sources. Adv Sample Prep 2022;3:100037
Costa VM, Grando LGR, Milandri E, Nardi J, Teixeira P, Mladěnka P & Remião F, on behalf of The OEMONOM. Natural Sympathomimetic Drugs: From Pharmacology to Toxicology. Biomolecules. 2022; 12(12):1793
Janoušek J, Pilařová V, Macáková K, Nomura A, Veiga-Matosc J, Dias da Silva D, Remião F, Saso L, Malá-Ládová K, Malý J, Nováková L & Mladěnka P. Vitamin D: Sources, physiological role, biokinetics, deficiency, therapeutic use, toxicity, and overview of analytical methods for detection of vitamin D and its metabolites. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 2022, in press
Kenda M, Kočevar Glavač N, Nagy M, Sollner Dolenc M. Medicinal Plants Used for Anxiety, Depression, or Stress Treatment: An Update. Molecules. 2022; 27(18):6021
Carazo A, Macáková K, Matoušová K, Krčmová LK, Protti M, Mladěnka P. Vitamin A Update: Forms, Sources, Kinetics, Detection, Function, Deficiency, Therapeutic Use and Toxicity. Nutrients. 2021; 13(5):1703
Hrubša M, Siatka T, Nejmanová I, Vopršalová M, Kujovská Krčmová L, Matoušová K, Javorská L, Macáková K, Mercolini L, Remião F, Máťuš M, Mladěnka P, on behalf of the OEMONOM. Biological Properties of Vitamins of the B-Complex, Part 1: Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5. Nutrients 2022; 14(3):484.
Doseděl M, Jirkovský E, Macáková K, Krčmová LK, Javorská L, Pourová J, Mercolini L, Remião F, Nováková L, Mladěnka P, on behalf of The OEMONOM Researchers and Collaborators. Vitamin C—Sources, Physiological Role, Kinetics, Deficiency, Use, Toxicity, and Determination. Nutrients. 2021; 13(2):615.
Mladěnka P, Macáková K, Kujovská Krčmová L, Javorská L, Mrštná K, Carazo A, Protti M, Remião F & Nováková L. Vitamin K - Sources, Physiological role, Kinetics, Deficiency, Detection, Therapeutic use and Toxicity. Nutrition Reviews 2022; 80(4): 677–698
Mammari N, Krier Y, Albert Q, Devocelle M, Varbanov M, on behalf of the OEMONOM. Plant-Derived Antimicrobial Peptides as Potential Antiviral Agents in Systemic Viral Infections. Pharmaceuticals. 2021; 14(8):774.
Kenda M, Glavač NK, Nagy M, Sollner Dolenc M, On Behalf Of The Oemonom. Herbal Products Used in Menopause and for Gynecological Disorders. Molecules. 2021;26(24):7421
Csikós E, Horváth A, Ács K, Papp N, Balázs VL, Dolenc MS, Kenda M, Kočevar Glavač N, Nagy M, Protti M, Mercolini L, Horváth G, Farkas Á, On Behalf Of The Oemonom. Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia by Natural Drugs. Molecules. 2021;26(23):7141.
Silva B, Soares J, Rocha-Pereira C, Mladěnka P, Remião F, on behalf of The OEMONOM Researchers. Khat, a Cultural Chewing Drug: A Toxicokinetic and Toxicodynamic Summary. Toxins 2022; 14(2):71
Roque Bravo R, Faria AC, Brito-da-Costa AM, Carmo H, Mladěnka P, Dias da Silva D, Remião F, on behalf of The OEMONOM Researchers. Cocaine: An Updated Overview on Chemistry, Detection, Biokinetics, and Pharmacotoxicological Aspects including Abuse Pattern. Toxins. 2022; 14(4):278
Czigle S, Bittner Fialová S, Tóth J, Mučaji P & Nagy M; on behalf of the OEMONOM. Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders—Plants and Potential Mechanisms of Action of Their Constituents. Molecules 2022, 27, 2881.
Bittner Fialová S, Rendeková K, Mučaji P, Nagy M & Slobodníková, L. Antibacterial Activity of Medicinal Plants and Their Constituents in the Context of Skin and Wound Infections, Considering European Legislation and Folk Medicine—A Review. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22: 10746
Bencsik T, Balázs VL, Farkas Á, Csikós E, Horváth A, Ács K, Kocsis M, Doseděl M, Bittner Fialová S, Czigle S, Nagy M, Tóth J, Protti M, Mercolini L, Mladěnka P, Szentpéteri J & Horváth G. Herbal drugs in chronic venous disease treatment: An update, Fitoterapia 2024; 179: 106256
Moravcová M, Siatka T, Krčmová LK, Matoušová K & Mladěnka P. Biological properties of vitamin B12. Nutrition Research Reviews 2024, in press
Siatka T, Mát’uš M, Moravcová M, Harčárová P, Lomozová Z, Matoušová K, Suwanvecho C, Krčmová LK & Mladěnka. Biological, dietetic and pharmacological properties of vitamin B9. npj Science of Food 2025, in press