The automatic protocol is compiled either by daisy chaining five identical assay protocols into which increasing volumes and flowrates generated by P2, are inserted, along with corresponding standard concentrations, or by using script where dilutions and corresponding standard values are programmed (A).
Automated calibration protocol vers. 1M yielded flawless calibration runs (B,D) and reproducible calibration lines (C,E). Because the protocol is designed to function in batch-flow mode calibrations, obtained with standards prepared in DI (C) and sea water (E) are identical (F). Note that r.s.d. values are mostly within 3% range for 5-point calibration, for 4-point calibration, when 8x dilution point is eliminated, r.s.d is equal or better than 1%.

Autocalibration by SS script vers 1M was, unless otherwise stated, used for all experiments in Chapter 3.2.