Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Pavel Doležal, CSc.

Contant information

  • Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Heyrovského 1203, 500 05 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
  • email:
  • phone: +420 495 518 002
  • fax: +420 495 518 002

Previous Education and Employment

  • 2002 Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
  • 1984 CSc. degree, ibid.
  • 1979 RNDr. degree, ibid.
  • 1997 University teacher ibid.
  • 1977 graduated pharmacist, ibid.

Research Interests

  • Dosage forms
  • Drug release and permeation of drug through biological membranes (dermal, pulmonary, rectal, sublingual)
  • Nanodispersion systems, nanofiber drug carriers

Professional Memberships

  • 2007 - 2015 member of the American Chemical Society, Colloid and Surface, Chemistry Section
  • since 2002 Member of the Pharmaceutical Technology Section of Pharmacopoeia Board of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
  • 2004 - 2015 member of the European Association of Pharma Biotechnology
  • 2003 - 2015 member of the European Federation of Biotechnology
  • Since 1991 - member of the Czech Pharmaceutical Society of JEP


  • Since 2011  Chair of Subject-Area Board of Postgraduate Doctoral Studies in Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Since 2008 Guarantor of the subjects Pharmaceutical Technology, Cosmetology for Pharmacists, Industrial Production of Pharmaceutical Preparations
  • 2008 – 2011 Chair of Board of Rigorosal Studies in Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Since 2004 –Advisor of Rigorosal Degree Thesis (6 thesis defended)
  • Since 2004 Lecturer of Pharm. Technology at Qualified Persons Courses at
  • Institute of Postgraduate Education in HealthCare, Prague
  • Since 2000  Member of Scholarly Board of the Faculty of Pharmacy
  • 2000 – 2011 Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Since 2000  Examiner´s Committee Member of the State Final Examination in Pharmacy
  • Since 1996 – Supervisor of Post-Graduate students (4 thesis defended
  • Since 1994 Member of Subject-Area Board of Pharmaceutical Technology)
  • Since 1991 – Lecturer and examiner in Pharmaceutical Technology, 
  • Cosmetology for Pharmacists , and Industrial Production of Pharmaceutical Preparations
  • Since 1985 – Advisor of Diploma Thesis (more than 100 diploma thesis students has defended)
  • Since 1978 – Tutor of Practical Training and Seminary Tutor in Pharmaceutical Technology

Grants Received

Research Grants

  1. MPO project FR-TI1/436 - "Use of nanofiber membranes for the controlled release of active substances". Pharmaceutical part of the project. Principal investigator: Ing. Denisa Stránská, Elmarco Liberec. 2009 - 2012.
  2. Project MSM 0021620822 "Research of drug structures" Coordination of pharmaceutical-technological part of the roject. Principal investigator and director: Prof. RNDr. Rolf Karlíček, DrSc., Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové. 2005 - 2011.
  3. MPO project FT-TA2/012 "Modulators transdermal permeation". Pharmaceutical-technological part of the project. Recipient: Ing. Michael Bartoš, VÚOS Pardubice VÚOS Pardubice/Fac. Pharm. Hradec Králové/Dep. Pharm. Technol. 2006 - 2008.
  4. MPO project 2A-1TP1/015 "New procedures and formulation of microdispersed nanodispersed lipid systems as transport systems of pharmacologically active substances". Pharmaceutical-technological part of the Project. Principal investigator: Dr. Jan Mikeska, PhD. Biomedica Prague / Dep. Pharm. Tech., Faculty of  Pharmacy in Hradec Králové. 2007 - 2008.
  5. GAČR project 203/95/0602 "Salts of carbamic acids as transdermal penetration enhancers". Principal investigator 1995 -1998.
  6. Project MO AČR 114/3/93. "Transdermal administration of antidotes OFI".Principal investigator: 1993 - 1996.

Main Education Grant

Developmental Project MSMT 432 and Developmental Project MSMT 567„Harmonization of Doctoral Studies in Advanced Drug Delivery".Principal investigator 2005, 2006, 2007.


Gold Medal, Brussels Eureka Expo '97 (Belgium) for the „Transdermal permeation accelerant Transkarbam 12“.


  • Number of papers: 31 (SCOPUS)
  • Number of citation: 276 (without autocitation, WoS)
  • H index: 12
  • Number of patents: 14

The most important publications in the last 3 years

VRBATA, P., BERKA, P.,  STRÁNSKÁ, D., DOLEŽAL, P., MUSILOVÁ, M., ČIŽINSKÁ, L. Electrospun drug loaded membranes for sublingual administration of sumatriptan and naproxen. Int. J. Pharm., 2013, 457, 168-176

VRBATA, P., BERKA, P.,  STRÁNSKÁ, D., DOLEŽAL, P., LÁZNÍČEK, M. Electrospinning of diosmin from aqueous solutions for improved dissolution and oral absorption. Int. J. Pharm. 2014, 473, 407-413.

The most important 5 patents:
1. Stránská D, Klabanová A, Doležal P, Vrbata P, Berka P, Musilová M: A carrier for oromucosal, especially sublingual administration of physiologically active substances, especially drugs. PCT/WO CZ 2011/000116 (2011)

2. Vávrová K, Doležal P, Hrabálek A: Pseudoceramides and pharmaceutical and / or cosmetic compositions designed for administration to the skin containing the same. WO 2007/147370 A2. (2007)

3. Hrabálek A, Doležal P, Farsa O, Krebs A, Kroutil A, Roman M, Šklubalová Z: ε-amino acid derivatives, processes of their preparation and use. U.S. Pat 6,187,938 (2001), Eur. Pat 0,973,710 B1 (2002)

4.  Doležal P, Vachek J, Hrabálek A, Formánek J, Doležalová J.: Pharmaceutical composition for prophylactic and / or therapeutic transdermal administration of cholinesterase reactivators. CZ Pat. 282,476 (1997); Implemented in Czech Army, Special Chemical Troops as the preparation „Transant“.

5. Doležal P, Klimeš J, Sochor J, Korner J; Transdermal therapeutic system. CZ. Pat. 261,105 (1989)

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