Najpaverova S, Kovarik M, Kacerovsky M, Zadak Z, Hronek M. The Relationship of Nutritional Energy and Macronutrient Intake with Pregnancy Outcomes in Czech Pregnant Women. Nutrients., 2020, vol.12(4):1152 (IF: 5.719 Q1; AIS 1,139 Q2).
Josková V, Patková A, Havel E, Najpaverová S, Uramová D, Kovařík M, Zadák Z, Hronek M. The bioimpedance spectroscopy as useful tool for measuring the fluid excess and fluid management in severe polytrauma patients. Physiol. Res, 2019, vol. 68 (2), p. 255-264 (IF: 1,655 Q4; AIS 0,356 Q4).
Joskova V, Patkova A, Havel E, Najpaverova S, Uramova D, Kovarik M, Zadak Z, Hronek M. Critical evaluation of muscle mass loss as a prognostic marker of morbidity in critically ill patients and methods for its determination. J Rehabil Med, 2018, vol. 50 (8), p. 696-704 (IF:1,907 Q2/Q3; AIS 0,617 Q2/Q2).
Patkova A, Joskova V, Havel E, Najpaverova S, Uramova D, Kovarik M, Zadak Z, Hronek M. Prognostic value of respiratory quotients in severe polytrauma patients with nutritional support. Nutrition, 2018, vol. 49, p. 90-95 (IF: 3,591 Q2; AIS 0,930 Q2).
Kovarik M, Joskova V, Patkova A, Koblizek V, Zadak Z, Hronek M. Hand grip endurance test relates to clinical state and prognosis in COPD patients better than 6-minute walk test distance. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 2017, vol. 12, p. 3429-3435 (IF = 2,917 Q2; AIS 0,802 Q2)
Patkova A, Joskova V, Havel E, Kovarik M, Kucharova M, Zadak Z, Hronek M. Energy, Protein, Carbohydrate, and Lipid Intakes and Their Effects on Morbidity and Mortality in Critically Ill Adult Patients: A Systematic Review. Adv Nutr, 2017, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 624-634 (IF = 6,853 D1; AIS 2,312 D1).
- Kovarik M, Hronek M, Zadak Z. Clinically relevant determinants of body composition, function and nutritional status as mortality predictors in lung cancer patients. Lung Cancer, 2014, vol 84(1), p. 1-6 (IF 3,958 Q1/Q2; AIS 1,038 Q2/Q2).
- Hronek M, Kovarik M, Aimova P, Koblizek V, Pavlikova L, Salajka F, Zadak Z. Skinfold anthropometry – the accurate method for fat free mass measurement in COPD. COPD, 2013, vol 10(5), p. 597-603 (IF = 2,620 Q2; AIS 0,926 Q2).
- Kovarik M, Muthny T, Sispera L, Holecek M. The dose-dependent effects of endotoxin on protein metabolism in two types of rat skeletal muscle. J Physiol Biochem, 2012, vol. 68, no. 3, p. 385-95 (IF 1,654 Q3/Q4; AIS 0,389 Q4/Q4).
- Holecek M, Kandar R, Sispera L, Kovarik M. Acute hyperammonemia activates branched-chain amino acid catabolism and decreases their extracellular concentrations: different sensitivity of red and white muscle. Amino Acids, 2011, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 575-84 (IF 3,248 Q2; AIS 0,812 Q3).
- Holecek M, Kovarik M. Alterations in protein metabolism and amino acid concentrations in rats fed by a high-protein (casein-enriched) diet - Effect of starvation. Food Chem Toxicol, 2011, vol. 49, no. 12, p. 3336-42 (IF 2,999 Q1/Q2; AIS 0,636 Q1/Q2).
- Kovarik M, Muthny T, Sispera L, Holecek M. Effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate treatment in different types of skeletal muscle of intact and septic rats. J Physiol Biochem, 2010, vol. 66, no. 4, p. 311-9 (IF 1,357 Q4/Q4; AIS 0,400 Q4/Q4).
- Holecek M, Muthny T, Kovarik M, Sispera L. Effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) on protein metabolism in whole body and in selected tissues. Food Chem Toxicol, 2009, vol. 47, no. 1, p. 255-9 (IF 2,114 Q1/Q3; AIS 0,558 Q1/Q3).
- Muthny T, Kovarik M, Sispera L, de Meijere A, Larionov OV, Tilser I, Holecek M. The effect of new proteasome inhibitors, belactosin A and C, on protein metabolism in isolated rat skeletal muscle. J Physiol Biochem, 2009, vol. 65, no. 2, p. 137-46 (IF 0,891 Q4/Q4; AIS 0,326 Q4/Q4).
- Muthny T, Kovarik M, Sispera L, Tilser I, Holecek M. Protein metabolism in slow- and fast-twitch skeletal muscle during turpentine-induced inflammation. Int J Exp Pathol, 2008, vol. 89, no. 1, p. 64-71 (IF 2,460 Q2; AIS 0,811 Q2).
- Holecek M, Muthny T, Kovarik M, Sispera L. Proteasome inhibitor MG-132 enhances whole-body protein turnover in rat. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2006, vol. 345, no. 1, p. 38-42 (IF 2,855 Q2/Q2).
- Holecek M, Muthny T, Kovarik M, Sispera L. Simultaneous infusion of glutamine and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to septic rats does not have more favorable effect on protein synthesis in muscle, liver, and small intestine than separate infusions. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2006, vol. 30, no. 6, p. 467-73 (IF2005 1,898 Q2).