Ivana Nemeckova, RNDr., PhD.

Born: February 10, 1982, Sobrance, Slovak Republic.


Education, Academic and Scientific Degrees:

2012 – RNDr. (FScience UK), 2011 – PhD. in Anatomy, histology and embryology (FMed HK), 2000 – MSc. in Biology (FScience UPJS).

Working Experience:

2011 – Assistant professor (FPharm HK), 2009 – Lecturer (Faculty of Pharmacy (FPharm HK), Department of Biological and Medical Sciences), 2005 – Research assistant (Faculty of Medicine (FMed HK), Department of Histology and Embryology)

Research Interests

Cardiovascular histopathology, cardiotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs, endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases histopathology


Since 2009 – teaching of seminars and practical classes of Human Morphology and Physiology (since 2011 also in English), Pathological Physiology, Histology and histological techniques, since 2015 examiner.

International Experience:

3 months – Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

2x2 weeks – Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Memberships in Scientific Societies:

Czech Atherosclerosis Society

Czech Histochemical Society

European Atherosclerosis Society


2014 – Best poster award, 11th New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research Meeting, Smolenice, Slovak Republic

Selected Lectures at Conferences

– 47th International Congress on Anatomy and 49th Lojda Symposium on Histochemistry, Hradec Kralove, 2012

- 42. pracovní konference Komise experimentální kardiologie, Destne v Orlickych horach, 2014

Peer Review

– Reviewer of manuscripts submitted into Acta Medica

– Reviewer of grant applications: GA UK.

– Master´s and bachelor´s thesis (15), dissertation thesis – (1).

Grant Projects

As a principal investigator (2x):
a) “The effect of erythropoietin on the development of neurodegenerative process within the striatum in an animal model of Huntington´s disease“, supported by ROCHE Co. (2006-2007)

b) “The morphological evaluation of the neurodegenerative process in the brain of transgenic rat model of Huntington´s disease“, supported by GAUK, 44609/2009/C

As a co-investigator (10x): GA ČR (1x), GA UK (6x), PRVOUK (1x), Research project of MŠMT (1x), UNCE (1x).

Publications and Citations (in total):

– Number of publications in WoS/Scopus: 15/17, > 90% with IF

– Number of citations in WoS/Scopus – total 132/107, without self-citations 121/69.

– H-index in WoS/Scopus (with self-citations) = 5/5.

Summary of Publications (in last 5 years, 2012-2017):

in WoS/Scopus: 9/11, cumulative IF (summa IF) = 29.392, average IF = 2.672.

Summary of all publications:

  1. Varejckova M, Gallardo-Vara E, Vicen M, Vitverova B, Fikrova P, Dolezelova E, Rathouska J, Prasnicka A, Blazickova K, Micuda S, Bernabeu C, Nemeckova I, Nachtigal P. Soluble endoglin modulates the pro-inflammatory mediators nf-kappab and il-6 in cultured human endothelial cells. Life sciences. 2017;175:52-60 (IF2016=2,936)
  2. Rathouska J, Fikrova P, Mrkvicova A, Blazickova K, Varejckova M, Dolezelova E, Nemeckova I, Vitverova B, Peslova L, Gallardo-Vara E, Pericacho M, Nachtigal P. High soluble endoglin levels do not induce changes in structural parameters of mouse heart. Heart Vessels. 2017;doi: 10.1007/s00380-017-0976-5 (IF2016=3,434)
  3. Jezkova K, Rathouska J, Nemeckova I, Fikrova P, Dolezelova E, Varejckova M, Vitverova B, Tysonova K, Serwadczak A, Buczek E, Bernabeu C, Lopez-Novoa JM, Chlopicki S, Nachtigal P. High Levels of Soluble Endoglin Induce a Proinflammatory and Oxidative-Stress Phenotype Associated with Preserved NO-Dependent Vasodilatation in Aortas from Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet.  J Vasc Res. 2016;53(3-4):149-162 (IF2016=1,759)
  4. Marin V, Rosso N, Dal Ben M, Raseni A, Boschelle M, Degrassi C, Nemeckova I, Nachtigal P, Avellini C, Tiribelli C, Gazzin S. An Animal Model for the Juvenile Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.  PLoS One 2016;11:e0158817 (IF2016=2,806)
  5. Rathouska J, Jezkova K, Nemeckova I, Nachtigal P. Soluble endoglin, hypercholesterolemia and endothelial dysfunction.  Atherosclerosis. 2015;243:383-388 (IF2016=3,942)
  6. Zemankova L, Varejckova M, Dolezelova E, Fikrova P, Jezkova K, Rathouska J, Cerveny L, Botella Luisa M, Bernabeu C, Nemeckova I, Nachtigal P. Atorvastatin-induced ENOS expression in endothelial cells is mediated by endoglin. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2015;66(3):403-413 (IF2015=2,804)
  7. Nemeckova I, Serwadczak A, Oujo B, Jezkova K, Rathouska J, Fikrova P, Varejckova M, Bernabeu C, Lopez-Novoa JM, Chlopicki S, Nachtigal P. High soluble endoglin levels do not induce endothelial dysfunction in mouse aorta. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0119665 (IF2015=3,057)
  8. Rathouska J, Jezkova K, Nemeckova I, Zemankova L, Varejckova M, Nachtigal P. Endoglin is not expressed with cell adhesion molecules in aorta during atherogenesis in apoE-deficient mice. Histology and Histopathology. 2015;30(2):233-244 (IF2015=1,875)
  9. Rathouska J, Nemeckova I, Zemankova L, Strasky Z, Jezkova K, Varejckova M, Nachtigal P. Cell adhesion molecules and eNOS expression in aorta of normocholesterolemic mice with different predispositions to atherosclerosis. Heart and Vessels. 2015;30(2):241-248 (IF2015=2,293)
  10. Mazurova Y, Anderova M, Nemeckova I, Bezrouk A. Transgenic Rat Model of Huntington's Disease: A Histopathological Study and Correlations with Neurodegenerative Process in the Brain of HD Patients. Biomed Research International. 2014;2014:291531 (IF2014=1,579)
  11. Strasky Z, Zemankova L, Nemeckova I, Rathouska J, Wong RJ, Muchova L, Subhanova I, Vanikova J, Vanova K, Vitek L, Nachtigal P. Spirulina platensis and phycocyanobilin activate atheroprotective heme oxygenase-1: a possible implication for atherogenesis. Food & Function. 2013;4(11):1586-1594 (IF2013=2,907)
  12. Mazurova Y, Guncova I, Latr I, Rudolf E. Intervention of proliferation and differentiation of endogenous neural stem cells in the neurodegenerative process of Huntington's disease phenotype. CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets. 2011;10:486-499 (IF2011=3,810)
  13. Guncova I, Latr I, Mazurova Y. The neurodegenerative process in an neurotoxic rat model and in  patients with Huntington´s disease: Histopathological parallels and differences. Acta Histochemica. 2011;113(8):783-792 (IF2011=1,829)
  14. Popelova O, Sterba M, Haskova P, Simunek T, Hroch M, Guncova I, Nachtigal P, Adamcova M, Gersl V, Mazurova Y. Dexrazoxane-afforded protection against chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity in vivo: effective rescue of cardiomyocytes from apoptotic cell death. British Journal of Cancer. 2009;101(5): 792-802 (IF2009=4,346)
  15. Popelova O, Sterba M, Simůnek T, Mazurova Y, Guncova I, Hroch M, Adamcova M, Gersl V. Deferiprone does not protect against chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity in vivo. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2008;326(1):259-269 (IF2008=4,309)
  16. Sterba M, Popelova O, Simunek T, Mazurova Y, Potacova A, Adamcova M, Guncova I, Kaiserova H, Palicka V, Ponka P, Gersl V. Iron chelation-afforded cardioprotection against chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity: a study of salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH). Toxicology. 2007;235: 150-166 (IF2007=2,919)
  17. Potacova A, Adamcova M, Sterba M, Popelova O, Simunek T, Mazurova Y, Guncova I, Gersl V. A pilot study of matrix metalloproteinases on the model of daunorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in rabbits. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove). 2007;50(2):109-111
  18. Guncova I, Mazurova Y, Latr I, Micuda S. Vliv erytropoetinu na rozvoj reaktivni gliozy ve striatu pri Huntingtonove chorobe – pilotní studie. Lekarske Zpravy LF UK Hradec Kralove. 2007;52:145-156. ISSN 0457 – 4206.
  19. Mazurova Y, Latr I, Österreicher J, Guncova I. Progressive reparative gliosis in aged hosts and interferences with neural grafts in an animal model of Huntington’s disease. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 2006;26(7-8):1423-1441 (IF2006=2,219)


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