88 publications (Σ IF > 235), 3 Czech patent applications, over 1285 citations (excluding self-citations), H-index 23 (WOS-3/2023), 23 (Scopus)
Háková M., Modebelu U., Erben J., Matysová L., Šatínský D., Švec F., Sklenářová H., Comparative study of drug release from electrospun nanofibers loaded with clotrimazole via two different approaches using a fully automated sequential injection system, Talanta 269 (2024) 125415. (IF = 6.1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2023.125415
Hollá M., Pilařová V., Švec F., Sklenářová H., Green solvents in the extraction of bioactive compounds from dried apple cultivars, Foods 12 (2023) 893. (IF = 5.561) https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12040893
Naplekov D.K., Bárta P., Trejtnar F., Sklenářová H., Lenčo J., Implementing reversed-phase and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography into the characterization of DTPA-ramucirumab conjugate before radiolabeling, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 235 (2023) 115615. (IF = 3.4) doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2023.115615
Naplekov D.K., Jadeja S., Myslivcová Fučíková A., Švec F., Sklenářová H., Lenčo J., Easy, robust, and repeatable online acid cleavage of proteins in mobile phase for fast quantitative LC-MS bottom-up protein analysis - Application for ricin detection, Anal. Chem. 95 (2023) 12339-12348. (IF = 7.4) doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.3c01772
Chocholouš P., Matoušová K., Šatínský D., Kujovská Krčmová L., Sklenářová H., Longevity and other practical benefits of monolithic silica columns in the analysis of samples with complex matrices, J. Sep. Sci. 46 (2023) 2300448. (IF = 3.1) doi.org/10.1002/jssc.202300448
Jadeja S., Kupčík R., Fabrik I., Sklenářová H., Lenčo J., A stationary phase with a positively charged surface allows for minimizing formic acid concentration in the mobile phase, enhancing electrospray ionization in LC-MS proteomic experiments, Analyst 148 (2023) 5980. (IF = 4.2) doi.org/10.1039/d3an01508d
Aguinaga Martínez M.V., Jozičová N., Dušek J., Horstkotte B., Pávek P., Miró M., Sklenářová H., Real-time monitoring of Metridia luciferase release from cells upon interaction with model toxic substances by a fully automatic flow setup – A proof of concept, Talanta 245 (2022) 123465. (IF = 6.057) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2022.123465
Bílková A., Knapová P., Suran P., Kwiecien J., Švec F., Sklenářová H., Effect of storage conditions on content of pesticide residues in sweet cherries, Food Chem. X 13 (2022) 100185. (IF = 5.182) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fochx.2021.100185
Hollá M., Šatínský D., Švec F., Sklenářová H., UHPLC coupled with charged aerosol detector for rapid separation of steviol glycosides in commercial sweeteners and extract of Stevia rebaudiana, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 207 (2022) 114398. (IF = 3.935) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2021.114398
Nussbaum L., Llamas N., Chocholous P., Rodriguez M.S., Sklenarova H., Solich P., Di Anibal C., Acebal C.C., A simple method to quantify azo dyes in spices based on flow injection chromatography combined with chemometric tools, J. Food Sci. Technol. 59(7) (2022) 2764-2775. (IF = 2.701) https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-021-05299-8
Sklenářová H., Rosecká M., Horstkotte B., Pávek P., Miró M., Solich P., 3D printed permeation module to monitor interaction of cell membrane transporters with exogenic compounds in real-time, Anal. Chim. Acta 1153 (2021) 338296. (IF = 5.977) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2021.338296
Fikarová K., Hortskotte B., Machián D., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Lab-In-Syringe for automated double-stage sample preparation by coupling salting out liquid-liquid extraction with online solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatographic separation for sulfonamide antibiotics from urine, Talanta 221 (2021) 121427. (IF = 5.339) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121427
Hollá M., Bílková A., Jakubec P., Košková S., Kočová Vlčková H., Šatínský D., Švec F., Sklenářová H., Benefits and pitfalls of HPLC coupled to diode-array, charged aerosol, and coulometric detections: Effect of detection on screening of bioactive compounds in apples, Molecules 26 (2021) 3246. (IF = 4.411) https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26113246
Sklenářová H., Beran M., Novosvětská L., Šmejkalová D., Solich P., Sequential injection analysis for automation and evaluation of drug liberation profiles: Clotrimazole liberation monitoring, Molecules 26 (2021) 5538.(IF = 4.411) https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26185538
Sklenářová H., Pávek P., Horstkotte B., Solich P., Miró M., Modul k on-line monitorování permeačních testů, Czech patent application 308 778 (2021).
Bílková A., Baďurová K., Svobodová P., Vávra R., Jakubec P., Chocholouš P., Švec F., Sklenářová H., Content of major phenolic compounds in apples: Benefits of ultra-low oxygen conditions in long-term storage, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 92 (2020) 103587. (IF = 3.721) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2020.103587
Novosvětská L., Chocholouš P., Švec F., Sklenářová H., Fully automated method based on on-line molecularly imprinted polymer solid-phase extraction for determination of lovastatin in dietary supplements containing red yeast rice, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 411 (2019) 1219-1228. (IF 3.307) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-018-1554-0
Chládková G., Kunovská K., Chocholouš P., Polášek M., Sklenářová H., Automatic screening of antioxidants based on the evaluation of kinetics of a suppression of chemiluminescence in luminol – hydrogen peroxide system using sequential injection analysis setup with the flow-batch detection cell, Anal. Methods 11 (2019) 2531-2536. (IF 2.073) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2019/ay/c9ay00160c
Fikarová K., Horstkotte B., Sklenářová H., Švec F., Solich P., Automated continuous-flow in-syringe dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of mono-nitrophenols from large sample volumes using a novel approach to multivariate spectral analysis, Talanta 202 (2019) 11-20. (IF 4.244) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2019.04.044
Fikarová K., Cocovi-Solberg D., Rosende M., Horstkotte B., Sklenářová H., Miró M., A flow-based platform hyphenated to on-line liquid chromatography for automatic leaching tests of chemical additives from microplastics into seawater, J. Chromatogr. A 1602 (2019) 160-167. (IF 3.858) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2019.06.041
certifikovaná metodika
Hollá M., Sklenářová H., Chocholouš P., Adamcová A., Košková S., Šmídová B., Bílková A., Nekvindová V., Suran P., Metodika pro kvalitativní hodnocení ovoce a zpracovatelských produktů z hleidska obsahu látek prospěšných pro zdraví člověka. Certifikovaná metodika, Univerzita karlova v Praze, Farmaceutická fakulty v Hradci Králové, osvědčení č. 45848/2019-MZE-18140, 2019.
užitný vzor
Bílková A., Šiška F., Hollá M., Sklenářová H., Sušený jablečný product, užitný vzor č. 33395, 2019.
Sklenářová H., Bílková A., Pechová M., Chocholouš P., Determination of major phenolic compounds in apples. Part I: Optimization of HPLC separation with diode array detection, J. Sep. Sci. 41 (2018) 3042-3050. (IF 2.415) https://doi.org/10.1002/jssc.201800302
Hostkotte Šrámková I., Horstkotte B., Fikarová K., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Direct-immersion single-drop microextraction and in-drop stirring microextraction for the determination of nanomolar concentrations of lead using automated Lab-In-Syringe technique, Talanta 184 (2018) 162-172. (IF 4.244) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2018.02.101
Mihalčíková L., Boonjob W., Sklenářová H., Automated sequential injection method for determination of caffeine in coffee drinks, Food Anal. Methods 11 (2018) 111-118. (IF 2.245) DOI 10.1007/s12161-017-0982-3
González N., Grünhut M., Šrámková I., Lista A.G., Horstkotte B., Solich P., Sklenářová H., Acebal C.C., Flow-batch analysis of clenbuterol based on analyte extraction on molecularly imprinted polymers coupled to an in-system chromogenic reaction. Application to human urine and milk substitute samples, Talanta 178 (2018) 934-942. (IF 4.244) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2017.10.040
certifikovaná metodika
Bílková A., Vávra R., Hollá M., Sklenářová H., Chocholouš P., Dvořáková R., Horna A., Eichlerová E., Metodika stanovení hlavních fenolických sloučenin v genotypech jabloní s ohledem na různé podmínky skladování. Certifikovaná metodika, Výzkumný a šlechtitelský ústav ovocnářský Holovousy s.r.o., osvědčení č. 4034/2019-MZE-17222, 2018.
Horstkotte B., Fikarová K., Cocovi-Solberg D.J., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Miró M., Online coupling of fully automatic in-syringe dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with oxidative back-extraction to inductively coupled plasma spectrometry for sample clean-up in elemental analysis: A proof of concept, Talanta 173 (2017) 79-87. (IF 4.035) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2017.05.063
Sánchez R., Horstkotte B., Fikarová K., Sklenářová H., Maestre S., Miró M., Todolí J.L., Fully automatic in-syringe magnetic stirring-assisted dispersive liquid−liquid microextraction hyphenated to high-temperature torch integrated sample introduction system-inductively coupled plasma spectrometer with direct injection of the organic phase, Anal. Chem. 89 (2017) 3787−3794. (IF 5.886) DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00400
Sklenářová H., Voráčová I., Chocholouš P., Polášek M., Quantum dots as chemiluminescence enhancers tested by sequential injection technique: Comparison of flow and flow-batch conditions, J. Lumin. 184 (2017) 235-241. (IF 2.693) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlumin.2016.12.030
Zelená L., Řezníček J., Čečková M., Sklenářová H., Universal efavirenz determination in transport study, rat placenta perfusion and placenta lysate by HPLC-UV, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 137 (2017) 70-77. (IF 3.169) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2017.01.012
Šrámková I., Horstkotte B., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Kolev S., A novel approach to Lab-In-Syringe - Single Drop microextraction and on-drop sensing of ammonia, Anal. Chim. Acta 934 (2016) 132-144. (IF 4.712) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2016.06.039
Acebal C., Grünhut M., Llamas N., Insausti M., Zelená L., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Band B., An integrated on-line method for the preconcentration and simultaneous determination of metsulfuron methyl and chlorsulfuron using oxidized carbon nanotubes and second order fluorescent data, Microchem. J. 129 (2016) 90-97. (IF 2.893) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2016.06.011
Zelená L., Marques S., Segundo M., Miro M., Pávek P., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Fully automatic flow-based device for monitoring of drug permeation across a cell monolayer, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 408 (2016) 971-981. (IF 3.436) DOI: 10.1007/s00216-015-9194-0
Alves AC., Ramos I., Nunes C., Magalhaes LM., Sklenářová H., Segundo M., Lima JLFC., Reis S., On-line automated evaluation of lipid nanoparticles transdermal permeation using Franz diffusion cell and low-pressure chromatography, Talanta 146 (2016) 369-374. (IF 3.545) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2015.08.070
Horstkotte B., Jarošová P., Chocholouš P., Sklenářová H., Solich P.: Sequential injection chromatography with post-column reaction/derivatization for the determination of transition metal cations in natural water samples, Talanta 136 (2015) 75-83. (IF 3.545) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2015.01.001
Šrámková I., Chocholouš P., Sklenářová H., Šatínský D.: On-line coupling of micro-extraction by packed sorbent with sequential injection chromatography system for direct extraction and determination of betaxolol in human urine, Talanta 143 (2015) 132-137. (IF 3.545) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2015.05.048
Boonjob W., Sklenářová H., Barron L., Solich P., Smith N.: Renewable sorbent material for solid phase extraction with direct coupling of sequential injection analysis-bead injection to liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 407 (2015) 5719-5728. (IF 3.436) DOI: 10.1007/s00216-015-8752-9
Sklenářová H., Fialová B., Šandrejová J., Chocholouš P., Solich P.: An automated method for monitoring aluminum in water samples based on a sequential injection platform, Anal. Methods 7 (2015) 5530-5537. (IF 1.821) DOI: 10.1039/c5ay01176k
Šrámková I., Amorim C. G., Sklenářová H., Montenegro M. C. B. M., Horstkotte B., Araújo A. N., Solich P.: Fully automated analytical procedure for propofol determination by sequential injection technique with spectrophotometric and fluorimetric detections, Talanta 118 (2014) 104-110. (IF 3.545) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2013.09.059
Acebal C., Grünhut M., Šrámková I., Chocholouš P., Lista A., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Band B.: Application of a fully integrated photodegradation-detection flow-batch analysis system with an on-line preconcentration step for the determination of metsulfuron methyl in water samples, Talanta 129 (2014) 233-240. (IF 3.545) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2014.05.024
Šrámková I., Horstkotte B., Solich P., Sklenářová H.: Automated in-syringe single-drop head-space micro-extraction applied to the determination of ethanol in wine samples, Anal. Chim. Acta 828 (2014) 53-60. (IF 4.513) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2014.04.031
Boonjob W., Sklenářová H., Lara F., García-Campana A., Solich P.: Retention and selectivity of basic drugs on solid phase extraction sorbents: Application to direct determination of beta-blockers in urine, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 406 (2014) 4207-4215. (IF 3.436) DOI 10.1007/s00216-014-7753-4
Bolinová P., Šrámková I., Sklenářová H., Acebal C., Band B., Solich P.: A study of the effect of the organic solvents on the fluorescence signal in a sequential injection system, Anal. Methods, 6 (2014) 9392-9396. (IF 1.821) DOI: 10.1039/c4ay01977f
Sklenářová H., Chocholouš P., Koblová P., Zahálka L., Šatínský D., Matysová L., Solich P.: High-resolution monolithic columns – new tool for effective and quick separation, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405(7) (2013) 2255-2263. (IF 3.778) DOI 10.1007/s00216-012-6561-y
Andruch V., Acebal C.C., Škrlíková J., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Balogh I.S., Billes F., Kocúrová L.: Automated on-line dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on a sequential injection system, Microchem. J. 100 (2012) 77-82. (IF 3.048) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2011.09.006
Koblová P., Sklenářová H., Brabcová I., Solich P.: Development and validation of a rapid HPLC method for the determination of ascorbic acid, phenylephrine, paracetamol and caffeine using a monolithic column, Anal. Methods 4 (2012) 1588-1591. (IF 1.547) http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C2AY05784K
Matysová L., Koblová P., Galla L., Sklenářová H., Havlíková L., Solich P.: Chromatographic determination of active compounds in topical formulations, Anal. Methods 4 (2012) 1525-1529. (IF 1.547) http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C1AY05336A
Acebal C., Sklenářová H., Škrlíková J., Šrámková I., Andruch V., Balogh I., Solich P.: Application of DV-SIA manifold for determination of thiocyanate ions in human saliva samples, Talanta 96 (2012) 107-112. (IF 3.794) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2012.01.021
Lešková M., Sklenářová H., Bazel Y., Chocholouš P., Solich P., Andruch V.: A non-extractive sequential injection method for determination of molybdenum, Talanta 96 (2012) 185-189. (IF 3.794) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2012.01.040
Vishnikin A., Al-Shwaiyat M., Petrushina G., Tsiganok L., Andruch V., Bazel Y., Sklenářová H., Solich P.: Highly sensitive sequential injection determination of p-aminophenol in paracetamol formulations with 18-molybdodiphosphate heteropoly anion based on elimination of Schlieren effect, Talanta 96 (2012) 230-235. (IF 3.794) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2012.02.049
Chocholouš P., Kosařová L., Šatínský D., Sklenářová H., Solich P.: Enhanced capabilities of separation in Sequential Injection Chromatography - Fused-core particle column and its comparison with narrow-bore monolithic column, Talanta 85 (2011) 1129-1134. (IF 3.722) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2011.05.027
Khlyntseva S., Vishnikin A., Al-Shwaiyat M., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Bazel Y., Andruch V.: Sequential injection determination of orthophosphate as ion associate of 12-molybdophosphate with Astra Phloxine, Talanta 84 (2011) 1355-1360. (IF 3.722) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2011.02.046
Koblová P., Sklenářová H., Chocholouš P., Polášek M., Solich P.: Simple automated generation of gradient elution conditions in sequential injection chromatography using monolithic column, Talanta 84 (2011) 1273-1277. (IF 3.722) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2011.01.029
Siatka T., Sklenářová H., Kašparová M., Solich P.: Vliv chloridu rtuťnatého na produkci kumarinů v suspenzní kultuře Angelica archangelica L., Chem. Listy 105 (2011) 367-370. (IF 0.62)
Sklenářová H., Koblová P., Chocholouš P., Šatínský D., Krčmová L., Kašparová M., Solichová D., Solich P.: Separation of vitamins retinol acetate, ergocalciferol, or choloecalciferol and tocopherol acetate using sequential injection chromatography, Anal. Lett. 44(1) (2011) 446-456. (IF 0.92) DOI:10.1080/00032719.2010.500784
Škrlíková J., Andruch V., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Balogh I.S., Billes F.: A novel non-extractive sequential injection procedure for determination of cadmium, Anal. Lett. 44(1) (2011) 431-445. (IF 0.92) DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2010.500783
Vishnikin A.B., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Petrushina G.A., Tsiganok L.P.: Determination of ascorbic acid with Wells-Dawson type molybdophosphate in sequential inection system, Anal. Lett. 44(1) (2011) 514-527. (IF 0.92) . DOI:10.1080/00032719.2010.500789
Chocholouš P., Šatínský D., Sklenářová H., Solich P.: Two-column sequential injection chromatography - New approach for fast and effective analysis and its comparison with gradient elution chromatography, Anal. Chim. Acta 668 (2010) 61-66. (IF 3.757) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2010.01.017
Škrlíková J., Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Sklenářová H., Solich P.: The application of ultrasound for the improvement of analytical procedures: Determination of boron, Anal. Methods 2 (2010) 1275-1279. (IF 1.036) http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C0AY00299B
Škrlíková J., Andruch V., Sklenářová H., Chocholouš P., Solich P., Balogh I.S.: A novel dual-valve sequential injection manifold (DV-SIA) for automated liquid-liquid extraction. Application for the determination of picric acid, Anal. Chim. Acta 666 (2010) 55-61. (IF 3.757) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2010.03.039
Škrlíková J., Andruch V., Sklenářová H., Chocholouš P., Solich P., Balogh I.S.: An air-assisted liquid-liquid extraction using a dual-valve sequential injection manifold (DV-SIA): Determination of copper, Anal. Methods 2 (2010) 1134-1139. (IF 1.036) http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C0AY00211A
Vishnikin A.B., Svinarenko T.Y., Sklenářová H., Solich P., Bazel Y.R., Andruch V.: 11-Molybdobismuthophosphate—A new reagent for the determination of ascorbic acid in batch and sequential injection systems, Talanta 80 (2010) 1838–1845. (IF 3.29) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2009.10.031