Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Zdeňka Šklubalová, Ph.D.

Acting Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology,
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

Tel. +420 495067390

ORCID: 0000-0001-9314-705X
ResearcherID: S-5530-2017

Affiliation and academic degrees

2015                Acting head of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

2013-2015      Deputy head of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

2011                Assoc. Prof. in Pharmaceutical Technology, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

1999                Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Technology, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

1985                PharmDr. degree at Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

1984                Master degree at Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

Professional Memberships

Associate Editor of European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy - Science and Practice

Chair of Board for Postgraduate Study on Pharmaceutical Technology, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

Member of Board for Postgraduate Study on Pharmaceutical Technology-Galenic Pharmacy, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University in Brno, Faculty of Pharmacy

Member of Board for Postgraduate Study at Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals – Drugs and biomaterials, Faculty of Chemical Technology, UCT Prague

European Pharmacopoeial Committee, Member of Group 12 (Dosage forms), EDQM, Strasbourg

Czech Pharmacopoeial Committee of the Ministry of Health, Head of the Section of Pharmaceutical Technology

Czech Pharmacopoeial Committee of the Ministry of Health, Member of group for Stability of extemporaneous preparations, the Section of Pharmacy

Czech Pharmaceutical Association, Member of the Section of Pharmaceutical Technology

Teaching activities

Pharmaceutical Technology

Hospital compounding of pharmaceutical preparations

Mentor of 71 defended diploma thesis

Mentor of 4 postgradual students (1 defended 2017)

Significant achievements

52 original scientific papers (22 WOS/33 Scopus)

over 30 conference papers

3 patents (CZ, WO, US)

Sum of times cited without self-citations: 52

H-index: 5 (WOS)

Recent supported projects

2011-2015 Project TAČR TA01010128. Investigation of lyophilized lablets for allergen vaccines. Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, No. TA01020573, co-applicant

2015-2018 Project No. 322315/2015 of Grant Agency of Charles University. The study of fractal aspects of flowability of particulate matter in pharmaceutical technology. Mentor of the Ph.D. student (applicant)

6 industry-related projects within last 5 years

Research activities

Particulate solids in pharmaceutical technology

- fractal aspects of powder flow

- mathematical modeling of flow rate for optimization of hopper design

- evaluation of static and dynamic flow properties

- shear testing

Formulation aspects of liquid dosage forms

- extemporaneous paediatric preparations

- stability testing

Formulation aspects of sterile dosage forms

- optimization of dose uniformity for eye drops

- viscosity prediction for hydrogels

Dissolution testing

- testing of dosage forms using USP 1 and USP 4 method

- kinetic of drug dissolution


HURYCHOVÁ, H., KUENTZ, M., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z.: Fractal aspects of static and dynamic flow properties of pharmaceutical excipients. J. Pharm. Innov. 2018. ISSN: 1872-5120. IF 2.234. DOI:

ZAHÁLKA, L., KLOVRZOVÁ, S., MATYSOVÁ, L., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., SOLICH, P.: Furosemide ethanol-free oral solutions for paediatric use – formulation, HPLC method, and stability study. Eur. J. Hosp. Pharm. 2017. ISSN 2047-9956. IF 0,7

HURYCHOVÁ, H., ONDREJČEK, P., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., VRANÍKOVÁ, B., SVĚRÁK, T.: The influence of stevia on the flow, shear and compression behavior of sorbitol, a pharmaceutical excipient for direct compression. Pharm. Dev. Technol. 2017, ISSN: 1083-7450. IF 1,566

KLOVRZOVÁ, S., ZAHÁLKA, L., KŘÍŽ, T., ZAHÁLKOVÁ, O., MATYSOVÁ, L., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., HORÁK, P.: Extemporaneous sotalol hydrochloride oral solutions for use in paediatric cardiology: Formulation and stability study. Eur. J. Hosp. Pharm. 2016, 23, 33-37. ISSN 2047-9956. IF 0,471. doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2015-000711.

MATYSOVÁ, L., ZAHALKOVÁ, O., KLOVRZOVÁ, S., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., SOLICH, P., ZAHÁLKA, L.: Development of a gradient HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of sotalol and sorbate in oral luqiud preparations using solid core stationary phase. J. Anal. Methods Chem. 2015, Article ID 806736, 6 p. ISSN 2090-8865. IF = 0,948

ČUPERA, J., LÁNSKÝ, P., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z.: Sampling times influence the estimate of parameters in the Weibull dissolution model. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2015, 78, 171-176. ISSN 0928-0987. IF 3,350. doi:

ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., HURYCHOVÁ, H.: The effect of the size of a conical hopper aperture on the parameters of the flow equation of sorbitol and its size fractions. Čes. Slov. Farm., 2015, 64 (1-2), 14-18. ISSN 1210-7816.

ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., ZATLOUKAL, Z.: Flow rate and flow equation of pharmaceutical free-flowable powder excipients. Pharm. Dev. Technol., 2013, 18 (1), 106-111. DOI:10.3109/10837450.2011.640686.

ZAHÁLKA, L., MATYSOVÁ, L., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., KLOVRZOVÁ, S., SOLICH, P.: Simultaneous determination of propranolol hydrochloride and sodium benzoate in oral liquid preparations by HPLC. Chromatographia. 2013, 76:1553–1558. DOI 10.1007/s10337-013-2457-z.

KLOVRZOVÁ, S., ZAHÁLKA, L., MATYSOVÁ, L., HORÁK, P., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z.: Pediatric oral solutions with propranolol hydrochloride for extemporaneous compounding: the formulation and stability study. Čes. Slov. Farm., 2013, 62 (1), s. 35-39.

KLOVRZOVÁ, S., MALIŠ, J., ČAPKOVÁ, Š., HOSTAŠA, J., HORÁK, P., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z.: Magistraliter receptury s propranololem v pediatrii, Farm. obzor 2013, 4-5, 84-88.

ZATLOUKAL, Z., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z.: The effect of orifice geometry on particle discharge rate for a flat-bottomed, cylindrical hopper. Particul. Sci. Technol., 2012, 30, s.316-328. DOI:10.1080/02726351.2011.573839.

KLOVRZOVÁ, S., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z.: Pediatrické lékové formy v magistraliter přípravě II. Perorální roztoky a suspenze. Prakt. Lékáren. 2012, 8 (2), s. 80-84.

ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z.: Odhad osmolarity infuzních roztoků pomocí metod USP. Prakt. Lékáren. 2012, 8 (4), s. 175-176.

ZATLOUKAL, Z., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z.: The influence of orifice height on flow rate of powder excipients. Pharmazie, 2011, 64 (12), s. 953-955. DOI:

ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., ZATLOUKAL, Z.: Area under rheogram as multi-point viscosity characteristic of the sterilized hydrogels of hypromellose. Acta Pol. Pharm. Drug Res., 68 (4), 2011, s. 565-569.

ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., ZATLOUKAL, Z.: The relationship between osmolarity and osmolality of infusion solutions of monosaccharides. J. Pharm. Sci. Res., 2010, 2 (9), s. 545-548.

ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., ZATLOUKAL, Z.: Optimization of regression equation for prediction of viscosity of aqueous solutions of the cellulose derivatives. Pharm. Dev. Technol., 13 (5), 2008, s. 359-365

Grants and projects

2018-2020 Project No. 1286218/2018 of Grant Agency of Charles University. TRPĚLKOVÁ, Ž., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., ONDREJČEK, P.: Study of fractal aspects of flow and consolidation behaviour of pharmaceutical excipients as prospective carriers for interactive mixtures with drugs.

2015-2018 Project No. 322315/2015 of Grant Agency of Charles University. HURYCHOVÁ, H., ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., et al: The study of fractal aspects of flowability of particulate matter in pharmaceutical technology.

2011-2015 Technology Institute TAČR TA01010128: Research of lyophilized tablets for allergen vaccines. (Coordinator A. Jabo, SevaPharma)

2015 Charles University ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z., KLOVRZOVÁ, S. Development of new subject " Extemporaneous preparation in hospital pharmacy" for students in study programm Pharmacy at Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University (Coordinator)

2013 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 1414/2013/A/a: ŠKLUBALOVÁ, Z. et al: Modernization of laboratory for practical training in subject Pharmaceutical Technology. (Coordinator)

2012-2014 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: MSMT OPVK CZ.1.07./2.2.00/28.0194 Inovation of study programm Pharmacy at Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University (Coordinator prof. Wsol)

2005-2011 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: Institutional research plan MSM0021620822 “Research of novel drug structures” (Coordinator Prof. Karlíček)

© Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Česká republika
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