
Academicians and postdoc researchers


Assoc. Prof. Daniela Fialová, PharmD, Ph.D.

Chair of the Research Unit

Research interest: ageing and impact of processes of ageing on therapeutic value of medications in the aged; clinical pharmacy, drug risks, drug safety, geriatric clinical pharmacy; research use of explicit and implicit criteria for the evaluation of inappropriate drug prescribing in older adults; rational geriatric pharmacotherapy, geriatric pharmacoepidemiology; impact of suboptimal drug prescribing on seniors´ health, morbidity and mortality, health and socio-economic implications of inappropriate prescribing in older patients

Personal professional profile


Jan Kostřiba, PharmD., Ph.D.

Chair of Subunit 2

Research interest: population ageing, preparedness of health and socioeconomic systems for population ageing, socio-economic and pharmacoeconomic consequences, pharmacoeconomic analyses (cost-utility, cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness and cost-minimization analysis), drug pricing and reimbursement, drug consumption studies, health economics and pharmacoeconomics, social pharmacy, social and economic consequences of inappropriate prescribing in older adults, drug regulatory aspects


Jitka Pokladníková, PharmD., Ph.D.

Chair of Subunit 3

Research interest: integrative medicine and non-pharmacological strategies. drug burden in older adults by parapharmaceuticals and OTC medicines, specific features of non-pharmacological treatments and life-style recommendations in ageing population, complementary medicine (efficacy, effectiveness), pharmacoepidemiology (cross-sectional and outcome studies), behavioral medicine, medication psychology


Anna Lukačišinová, PharmD, Ph.D.

Postdoc researcher

Research interest: rational geriatric pharmacotherapy, psychotropic drug use in the aged, population ageing, geriatric syndromes, comprehensive geriatric assessment; geriatric pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomic analyses (cost-utility, cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness and cost-minimization analyses), drug pricing and reimbursement, drug consumption studies, efficacy and effectiveness of drugs and drug strategies, drug regulatory issues, potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients


Jindra Reissigová, RNDr., Ph.D.

Postdoc researcher, statistician

Research interest: heath statistics, biostatistics, statistical modelling, general and geriatric pharmacoepidemiology, multifactorial multi regression statistical models (cross-sectional, interventional), analytical programming, cross-sectional and outcome studies using CGA and specificaly developed geriatric methods


Milada Halačová, PharmD., Ph.D.

Postdoc researcher
Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Homolka Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
Head of the Section of Clinical Pharmacy, Czech Pharmaceutical Society, Czech Medical Association J.E.Purkyně

Research interest: clinical pharmacy, clinical pharmacy in geriatrics, clinical pharmacy in ambulatory care, acute care, intensive care, nursing home care and in social care homes, rational pharmacotherapy, applied pharmacology


Eliška Dvořáčková, PharmD., Ph.D.

Postdoc researcher, clinical pharmacist

Research interest: clinical pharmacy, therapeutic value of drugs in older patients suffering from renal failure, clinical pharmacy in nefrology, transplantology, acute care and intensive care, applied pharmacology in intensive care and acute care, therapeutic value of drugs in older patients in nefrology, intensive care and acute care



Andrea Sara Ruiz, MD., Ph.D.

Postdoc researcher

Research interest: rational pharmacotherapy, rational geriatric pharmacotherapy, evaluation of research studies, research methods


Prof. MUDr. Eva Topinková, CSc.

Professor of geriatrics, Head of the Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic

Research interest: clinical geriatrics, geriatric assessments, geriatric syndromes and symptomes, gerontology, quality of life in older patients, healthcare and social services for older adults, rational geriatric pharmacotherapy


MUDr. Božena Jurašková, Ph.D.

Geriatrician, Head of the Czech Geriatric and Gerontological Society, Czech Republic

Research interest: clinical geriatrics, geriatric assessments, geriatric syndromes and symptomes, gerontology, quality of life in older patients, healthcare and social services for older adults, rational geriatric pharmacotherapy



Postgraduate students

  • Silvia Grešáková, MSc. (Czech Republic)
  • Jovana Brkič, MSc. (Czech Republic, Serbia)
  • Ingrid Kummer, PharmD. (Croatia)
  • Deepak Kumar Bandari, PharmD. (India)
  • Akshaya Srikanth Bhagavathula, PharmD. (Ethiopia,UAE)
  • Gabriela Vaculová, PharmD. (Czech Republic)
  • Olena Antonenko, MD., MSc. (Czech Republic, Ukraine)
  • Bhagya Sri Areman, PharmD. (India)
  • Andreas Matthios, MSc. (Greece)

© Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Česká republika
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