Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Daniela Fialová, PhD.

  • Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic and Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 1st Faculty of Medicine,
  • University Clinical Pharmacy Educational Centre, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University in Prague- Chair


Previous Education and Employment

1998 – M.Sc. Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University

2006 – Ph.D.  Clinical Pharmacy - Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University

2001 – Board Certification in Clinical Pharmacy, Institute for Postgraduate Education in Healthcare, Prague, Czech Republic, Department for Postgraduate Education in Clinical Pharmacy

2001/2003–2019 – Assistant Professor (AP1, AP2), Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University in Prague and Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic

2008–2014 – Head of the Department for Postgraduate Education in Clinical Pharmacy, Institute for Postgraduate Education in Healthcare, Prague, Czech Republic

2014–present – Head of the University Educational Centre in Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, Czech Republic

2016 – Guarant of the Clinical Pharmacy subject (Clinical Pharmacy I.), Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Czech Republic

2019present – Associate Professor (AP3), Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Czech Republic

Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic (clinical practice in geriatrics)

Experience abroad (courses, study stays)

2002  Summer school "Health and Ageing in EU Countries", Spain

2003  Clinical course "Patient Centered Teaching for Clinical Pharmacists and Clinical Teachers", ESCP, Malta

2002  Study stay in clinical pharmacy, University of Wisconsin and College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa, USA

2003  Study stay in clinical pharmacy in geriatrics, Lothian Primary Care NHS Trust- Pharmacy Service, Edinburgh, Scotland

2004  Study stay in geriatric pharmacoepidemiology, Univ Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Italy (3 months)

2006  Study stay in clinical pharmacy and pharmacoepidemiology, University of Bordeaux, France

2009present – Research Fellow of the International InterRAI Corporation, Geriatric Medication CAPs

20012005 participation (twice a year) in foreign scientific meetings of the European project ADHOC - Aged in HOme Care (5th Framework Program of the European Commission, 11 participating EU countries)- researcher in rational geriatric pharmacotherapy

20092014 participation (twice a year) in foreign scientific meetings of the European project SHELTER- Services and Health in the Long-Term Care (7th Framework Program of the European Commission, 7 EU countries and Israel)- researcher in rational geriatric pharmacotherapy

2014–2018 – EU COST Action 1402 „Ageism – inteprofessional, multidisciplinary perspectives“, Management Committee member for the Czech Republic, Chair of activities of WG1b group  „Healthy clinical strategies for healthy ageing“. Organizer of the European Training School in Prague called „European perspectives in rational and individualized drug therapy in the older age and ageism – priorities for next decades“ (25. – 27. 4. 2016) and research meeting of the scietific teams of the EU COST Action (28. – 29. 4. 2016). Book chapter: „Ageism and medication use in older patients“

Oct 2018 – invited speaker at the EU COST Action and EuroAgeism H2020 policy event at the European Commission of Region in Brussels, Belgium entitled „Towards a world for all ages“ (topic of polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing in older patients and aspects of ageism)

2017–2021 – EUROAGEISM H2020 project, principle investigator of the 7th scientific program (ESR7 program) entitled “Inappropriate prescribing and availability of medication safety and medication management services in older patients in Europe and other countries"

Dec 2019  lecture at the United Nations Economic Commission of Europe (UNECE) policy meeting, visit of the policy organization and UNECE Ageing Unit office

2019–2022 – chair of WP4 "Pre-application research in rational pharmacotherapy in old age – development and application of knowledge of clinical pharmacy in geriatrics", e INOMED project (Pre-application research of innovative medicines and medical technologies – InoMed, reg. No: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_069/0010046). Operational program Research, development and education (OP VVV, priority axis 1)

2021-2023  supervisor of doctoral researcher Dr. I. Kummer as principle investigator of the START/MED/093 project – Grant Schemes at the Charles University, “Rational geriatric pharmacotherapy, medication errors and clinical pharmacy services in long-term care”, piloting implementation of clinical pharmacy services in nursing homes in 4 European countries (Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Slovakia) – reg. no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016935

2021-2025  chair of Czech research team collaborating on WP5, WP6 and WP7 of the I-CARE4OLD Horizon 2020 project “Individualized CARE for Older Persons with Complex Chronic Conditions at home and in nursing homes” (short description)

Research Interests

  • ageing and impact of processes of ageing on therapeutic value of medications in the aged
  • clinical pharmacy, drug risks, drug safety, geriatric clinical pharmacy
  • research use of explicit and implicit criteria for the evaluation of inappropriate drug prescribing in older patients
  • rational geriatric pharmacotherapy, geriatric pharmacoepidemiology
  • impact of suboptimal drug prescribing on seniors´ health, morbidity and mortality, pharmacoeconomic implications


  • Clinical pharmacy I (guarant of the subject - academic lectures, seminars), Clinical pharmacy II- drug risks (academic lectures) - Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University (17 years of experience in pregraduate teaching of clinical pharmacy)
  • Rational geriatric pharmacotherapy, applied geriatric pharmacology, drug risks in geriatrics (academic lectures) Dept of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 1st Faculty of Medicine - pregraduate and postgraduate courses (19 years of experience)
  • Lectures, seminars and courses in rational geriatric pharmacotherapy for clinical pharmacists, pharmacists, physicians, nurses - postgraduate and continuing education organized by University Educational Center in Clinical Pharmacy, Czech Geriatric and Gerontological Society, Czech Pharmaceutical Society and other Czech Professional Medical Societies (22 years of experience)
  • Lectures in preparatory courses for the specialty of clinical pharmacy (2001- present), chair of the theoretical and practical training of clinical pharmacists before specialty examination - Chair of Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Institute for Postgraduate Training in the Healthcare, Prague, Czech Republic (2008- 2014)
  • Founder, organizer and lecturer in postgraduate educational courses of the University Educational Centre in Clinical Pharmacy. Head of the University Educational Centre in Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, Czech Republic (2014-present)

Professional Memberships

  • Board Member (2005- present), President (2009-2013) and Vice-president (2019-present) of the Section of Clinical Pharmacy, Czech Pharmaceutical Society, Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyně, Czech Republic
  • Member of the Main Board of the Czech Pharmaceutical Society, Czech Medical Association J.E.Purkyně, Czech Republic (2019-present)
  • Member of the Scientific Panel of Agency for Healthcare Research, Czech Republic („Age-specific disorders“), 2016-present
  • Member and Chair of the Accreditation Committee of Clinical Pharmacy, Ministry of Health, Czech Republic (2009-2016)
  • Head of the Subdivision of Clinical Pharmacy, Institute for Postgraduate Training in Healthcare, Prague, Czech Republic (2007- 2014)
  • Head of the University Educational Centre in Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University (2014- present)
  • Member of the Czech Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Czech Republic (2002- present)
  • Invited Full Fellow of the International InterRAI Corporation (2009- present)
  • Member of the ESCP- European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (2003- present)
  • Member of the Research Committee of the ESCP (2016- present), invited member of the General Committee of the ESCP- European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (2019- present)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for Prague ESCP Symposium 2009 and 2013, President of the organizing and scientific committee for Prague ESCP Symposium 2020
  • Chair of the EU COST Action WG1b- scientific group „Healthy clinical strategies for healthy ageing“ including researchers in rational geriatric pharmacotherapy from 7 Central and Eastern European countries- Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovac Republic, Serbia, Turkey, Estonia, Croatia, Poland (2015- 2018)
  • Chair of the European Consorcium of 11 EU countries participating in the Horizon 2020 ESR7 program of the EUROAGEISM H2020 project – Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Turkey, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, India, Ethiopia (2017- present)
  • Member of the Main Consorcium of Marie-Curie Sklodowska EUROAGEISM H2020 ITN network (2017- present)
  • Member of the European Consorcium of 12 EU countries involved in I-CARE4OLD project- Canada, USA, Italy, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Israel, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Belgium, Poland, Finland (2020- submitted)
  • Chair of WG4 group of the European project INOMED (2018- 2022) aimed to develop SWs helping to individualize drug regimens in complex older adults using polypharmacy
  • Invited reviewer of the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, Drugs and Aging Journal and Drugs Safety Journal


  • Main investigator- “Interactions on CYP450 enzyme isoforms- key for evaluation of risks of pharmacotherapy in the elderly”- Grant Agency of the Charles University 95/2001 (2001-2003) 
  • Main investigator- „Risks of drug regimens with high anticholinergic activity- impact on health and consuption of health services in seniors“- Grant Agency of the Charles University 138/2004 (2004-2006)
  • Co-investigator- „Increase in the quality of drug prescribing to seniors- validation of tools for the purposes of national drug policy in the Czech Republic“, Internal grant agency of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic IGA No NS/10029-4/2008 (2008-2011)
  • Researcher -  European „Aged in Home Care” project (ADHOC)- 5th Framework Programme of the European Commission (2001-2005), grant QLRT-2000-00002, 11 European countries, pharmacotherapeutical analyses in 8 European countries
  • Researcher -  European „Services and Health in the Elderly” project (SHELTER)- 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (2009-2014)- grant FP7-HEALTH-F4-2008-201917, 7 particpating European countries and Israel
  • Researcher -  European project „Participation of Elderly in Clinical Trials (PREDICT)”- 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (2008-2011), grant No FP7-HEALTH-2007-B-223115
  • EU Consorcium member- European project CARPOOL „Combined Approach to Reduce POlypharmacy and improve quality of prescribing in OLder adults”, Horizon 2020 project- project preparation and submission (2014)- project successful in the 1st round of evaluations, refused in the 2nd round
  • EU Consorcium member- European project REPAIR ”REsolving problematic Polypharmacy and nonAdherence In oldeR patients”, Horizont 2020 project- chair of WP3- project preparation and submission (2016)- project successful in the 1st round of evaluations, refused in the 2nd round
  • EU Consorcium member- EU COST Action 1402 project “Ageism-multi-national, interprofessional perspective” (2015-2018), Chair of WG1 „Health” and WG1b group „Healthy clinical strategies for healthy aging” (working group including researchers from Central and Eastern EU countries deqadling with rational geriatric pharmacotherapy)- chair of research works, works on research reports
  • EU Consorcium member- European project EUROAGEISM Horizon 2020, MCSF-ITN, H2020-MCSF-ITN-764632 (2017-2021)- chair of ESR7 program held in 11 EU countries and entitled “Inappropriate prescribing and medication safety and medication management services in older patients in Europe and other countries”- chair of research works, works on research reports,
  • Consorcium member of the EU funded project- Operational program OPVVV „Research, Development and Education“, Ministry of Education, Czech Republic- „INOMED project“- Chair of WG4 research works, works on research reports
  • EU Consorcium member- European project I-CARE4OLD Horizon 2021 (submitted 2020, research works on application), 12 participating EU countries- Canada, USA, Italy, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Israel, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Belgium, Poland, Finland


  • 1996, 1997, 1998 – Award of the Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy
  • 2005 – French Award for Pharmacy, French Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic
  • 2005 – Scientific Award of the Czech Medical Society J.E. Purkyně
  • 2006 – Scientific Award of Dr. Paul Janssen, Czech Republic
  • 2019 – Medal Prize of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University awarded to 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University by the Dean of the Faculty ad Rector of the Charles University for „Excellent scientific results and contribution to the development of the Faculty of Pharmacy“


H-index= 22 (WoS 2024), 107 publications, 2083 citations

a. Monographies:

  1. Fialová D. Specifické rysy farmakoterapie ve stáří - změny terapeutické hodnoty léků u geriatrických nemocných. Karolinum, Praha, 2008, s. 92. (ISBN 978-80-246-1353-6)
  2. Vlček J, Fialová D. Klinická farmacie I. Grada, Praha, 2010, s 368. (ISBN 978-80-247-3169-8)


a1. Theme Issues:

  1. Fialová D, Bouvy M, Vlček J, Desplenter F. Clinical Pharmacy Services, Rational Pharmacotherapy and Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Optimization of Pharmacotherapy in Older patients in Different Settings of Care. Drugs Aging 2016; 33 (3): 161-222; IF (2016)= 2.769
  2. Fialová D, Lukačišinová-Ballóková A., Ayalon L, Tesch-Rӧmer C. EU COST Action 1402 Training School Abstract Book „European Perspectives in Rational and Individualized Drug Therapy and Ageism-Priorities for Next Decades“. Prague: Prager press, Czech Republic, 2016: p. 10-13 (ISSN: 2336_8101) (Abstract Book of the European Training School in Rational Geriatric Pharmacotherapy)


b. Chapters in monographies:

  1. Fialová D, Kummer I, Držaić M, Leppee M. Ageism in Medication Use in Older Patients (pp 213-240). In: Ayalon L., Tesch-Römer C. (Eds.) Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism (ISBN: 978-3-319-73819-2). In: Powell JP, Chen S. International Perspectives on Aging. Springer. 2018; 19: 213- 240 (ISSN: 2197-58-41)
  2. Ballóková-Lukačišinová A, Fialová D. Benzodiazepines, age-related pharmacological changes, and risk of falls in older adults. In: Preedy VR. Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse. Volume 3: General Processes and Mechanisms, Prescription Medications, Caffeine, Polydrug Misuse, Emerging Addictions and Non-Drug Addictions. 2016, Elsevier Inc., pp: 334–344 (ISBN: 978-0-12-800634-4) Available online at
  3. Finne Soveri H, Fialová D, Jónsson PV, Leff B, Ljunggren G, Steel K, Szcerbinska K, Sorbye LW, Topinková E, Morris, JN. Appropriate Medications CAP. InterRAI Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) for Use with Community and Long-Term Care Assessment Instruments. Version 9.1.1 Ed. Washington: Washington D.C.- inter RAI; 2010; pp155-160 (ISBN 978-1-936065-15-8)


c. Original publications in foreign scientific journals

  1. Fialova D, Topinková E, Gambassi G, Finne-Soveri H, Jonsson PV, Carpenter I, Schroll M, Onder G, Sorbye LW, Wagner C, Reissigová J, Bernabei R and ADHOC project reserach group. Potentially inappropriate medication use among elderly home care patients in Europe. JAMA. 2005; 293 (11): 1348-58. IF (2004)= 21.455
  2. Fialová D, Desplenter F. Aging of the Population, Clinical Pharmacy Sevices, and Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Optimization of Pharmacotherapy in Older Patients. Drugs Aging 2016; 33 (3): 163-167, IF (2016)= 2.769
  3. Fialova D, Laffon B, Marinković V, Tasić L, Doró P, Sόos G, Mota J, Dogan S, Brkić J, Teixeira JP, Valdiglesias V. Medication use in older patients and age-blind approach: narrative literature review (insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of drugs in older age, frequent use of PIMs and polypharmacy, and underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strategies). European journal of clinical pharmacology. 2019; 4:1-6. (Open Acess Article) IF= 3,4
  4. Fialová D, Brkić J, Laffon B, Reissigová J, Grešáková S, Dogan S, Doro P, Tasić L, Marinković V, Valdiglesias V, Costa S, Kostřiba J. Applicability of EU(7)-PIM criteria in cross-national studies in European countries. Ther Adv Drug Saf. 2019;10: 2042098619854014.doi: 10.1177/2042098619854014. eCollection 2019. (Open Acess article)
  5. Spinewine A, Fialová D, Byrne S. The role of the pharmacist in optimizing pharmacotherapy in older people. Drugs Aging. 2012; 29(6): 495-510.Citations: 27, IF (2012) = 2.646
  6. Ayalon L, Fialová D, Areán PA, Onder G. Challenges associated with the recognition and treatment of depression in older recipients of home care services. Int Psychogeriatr. 2010; 22 (4): 514-22. Citations: 5, IF (2010) = 2.478
  7. Wawruch M, Fialová D, Zikavska M, Wsolova L, Jezova D, Kuzelova M, Liskova S, Krajcik S. Factors influencing the use of potentially inappropriate medication in older patients in Slovakia. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2008; 33 (4): 381-92. IF (2008) = 1.47
  8. Onder G, Liperoti R, Fialová D, Topinkova E, Tosato M, Danese P, Gallo PF, Carpenter I, Finne-Soveri H, Gindin J, Bernabei R, Landi F; SHELTER Project. Polypharmacy in nursing home in Europe: results from the SHELTER study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012; 67(6): 698-704. IF (2012) = 4.781
  9. Lukas A, Mayer B, Fialová D, Topinkova E, Gindin J, Onder G, Bernabei R, Nikolaus T, Denkinger MD. Pain characteristics and pain control in European nursing homes: cross-sectional and longitudinal results from the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm care (SHELTER) study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013; 14(6): 421-8. Citations: 12, IF (2013) = 4.781
  10. Ballokova A, Peel NM, Fialová D, Scott IA, Gray LC, Hubbard RE. Use of benzodiazepines and association with falls in older people admitted to hospital: a prospective cohort study. Drugs Aging. 2014; 31(4): 299-310. IF (2014) = 2.838
  11. Cooper C, Carpenter I, Katona C, Schroll M, Wagner C, Fialová D, Livingston G. The AdHOC Study of older adults' adherence to medication in 11 countries. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2005; 13(12): 1067-76. IF (2005) = 2.929
  12. Onder G, Landi F, Liperoti R, Fialová D, Gambassi G, Bernabei R. Impact of inappropriate drug use among hospitalized older adults. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2005; 61 (5-6): 453-9. IF (2005) = 2.298
  13. Wawruch M, Zikavska M, Wsolova L, Jezova D, Fialová D, Kunzo M, Kuzelova M, Lassanova M, Kruty P, Kriska M. Perception of potentially inappropriate medication in elderly patients by Slovak physicians. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2006; 15(11): 829-34. IF (2006) = 2.155
  14. Alanen HM, Finne-Soveri H, Fialová D, Topinkova E, Jonsson PV, Soerbye LW, Bernabei R, Leinonen E. Use of antipsychotic medications in older home-care patients. Report from nine European countries. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2008; 20 (3): 260-5. IF (2008)= 1.397
  15. Agrawal A, Aronson JK, Britten N, Ferner RE, De Smet PA, Fialová D, Fitzgerald RJ, Likic R, Maxwell SR, Meyboom RH, Minuz P, Onder G, Schachter M, Velo G. Members of EMERGE, Erice Medication Errors Research Group. Medication errors: problems and recommendations from a consensus meeting. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2009; 67 (6): 592-8. IF (2009) = 3.246
  16. Catananti C, Liperoti R, Settanni S, Lattanzio F, Bernabei R, Fialová D, Landi F, Onder G. Heart failure and adverse drug reactions among hospitalized older adults. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2009; 86 (3): 307-10. IF (2009) = 6.961
  17. Sørbye LW, Garms-Homolová V, Henrard JC, Jónsson PV, Fialová D, Topinková E, Gambassi G. Shaping home care in Europe: the contribution of the Aged in Home Care project. Maturitas. 2009; 62(3):235-42. IF (2009) = 2.093
  18. Colloca G, Tosato M, Vetrano DL, Topinkova E, Fialová D, Gindin J, van der Roest HG, Landi F, Liperoti R, Bernabei R, Onder G; SHELTER project. Inappropriate drugs in elderly patients with severe cognitive impairment: results from the shelter study. PLoS One. 2012; 7(10): e46669. IF (2012) = 3.730
  19. Vetrano DL, Tosato M, Colloca G, Topinkova E, Fialová D, Gindin J, van der Roest HG, Landi F, Liperoti R, Bernabei R, Onder G; SHELTER Study. Polypharmacy in nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairment: results from the SHELTER Study. Alzheimers Dement. 2013; 9(5): 587-93. IF (2013) = 17.472
  20. Lukas A, Mayer B, Fialova D, Topinkova E, Gindin J, Onder G, Bernabei R, Nikolaus T, Denkinger MD. Treatment of pain in European nursing homes: results from the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm Care (SHELTER) study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013; 14(11): 821-31. IF (2013) = 4.781
  21. Onder G, Liperoti R, Foebel A, Fialova D, Topinkova E, van der Roest HG, Gindin J, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Fini M, Gambassi G, Bernabei R; SHELTER project. Polypharmacy and mortality among nursing home residents with advanced cognitive impairment: results from the SHELTER study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14(6):450.e7-12. IF (2013) = 4.781
  22. Gindin J, Shochat T, Chetrit A, Epstein S, Ben Israel Y, Levi S, Onder G, Carpenter I, Finne-Soveri H, van Hout H, Henrard JC, Nikolaus T, Topinkova E, Fialova D, Bernabei R; SHELTER project. Insomnia in long-term care facilities: a comparison of seven European countries and Israel: the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm care study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014; 62(11): 2033-9. IF (2014)= 4.572
  23. Foebel A, Ballokova A, Wellens NI, Fialova D, Milisen K, Liperoti R, Hirdes JP. A retrospective, longitudinal study of factors associated with new antipsychotic medication use among recently admitted long-term care residents. BMC Geriatr. 2015;15:128, IF (2015)= 2.371
  24. Soldato M, Liperoti R, Landi F, Finne-Sovery H, Carpenter I, Fialova D, Bernabei R, Onder G. Non malignant daily pain and risk of disability among older adults in home care in Europe. Pain. 2007; 129(3): 304-10. IF (2007) = 5.249


c1. Original publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Fialová D., Topinková E., Ballóková A., Matějovská-Kubešová H. Expertní consensus ČR 2012 v oblasti léčiv a lékových postupů potenciálně nevhodných ve stáří. Klinická farmakologie a farmacie. 2013; 27 (1): 180-90 (ISSN 1212-7973)
  2. Fialová D., Topinková E., Matějovská-Kubešová H., Ballóková A. Racionální farmakoterapie ve stáří: Expertní konsensus ČR 2012 v oblasti léčiv a lékových postupů potenciálně nevhodných u seniorů. Geriatrie a gerontologie 2013; 2 (1): 4-10 (ISSN 1805-4684)
  3. Fialová D., Příhodová V., Topinková E. Explicitní kritéria hodnocení kvality lékové preskripce ve stáří. Geriatria (Slovenská republika). 2010; 16 (3): 104-117 (ISSN 1335-1850)
  4. Fialová D, Topinková E. Koncept léčiv nevhodných ve stáří- farmakologické a farmakoepidemiologické aspekty. Remedia 2005; 15 (4-5): 410-417 (ISSN 0862-8947)
  5. Fialová D., Topinková E. Specifické rysy geriatrické farmakoterapie z pohledu farmakokinetických a farmakodynamických změn ve stáří. Remedia 2002; 12 (6):434-440 (ISSN 0862-8947)
  6. Fialová D, Topinková E, Gambassi G, a kol. Užívání léčiv nevhodných ve stáří u starších seniorů domácí péče v Evropě. JAMA-CS (České a slovenské vydání) 2005; 13 (9): 505-576 (ISSN: 1210-4132)
  7. Vinšová J, Fialová D, Topinková E, Vlček J, Wawruch M, Vitásek Z. Prevalence a vývojové trendy v preskripci léčiv potenciálně nevhodných ve stáří u ambulantních seniorů v České Republice. Praktický lékař 2006; 8 (12): 21-24 (ISSN: 0032 – 6739)
  8. Fialová D, Topinková E. Principy farmakoterapie ve vyšším věku – význam poznatků geriatrické farmakologie. Postgraduální medicina 2004; 6(3) - příloha Geriatrie pro praktické lékaře: str. 5-12 (ISSN 1212-4184)
  9. Fialová D. Specifické aspekty léčby ICHS ve stáří. Practicus 2005; 4 (2): 69-72 (1213-8711)
  10. Fialová D, Topinková E. Léky potenciálně nevhodné ve stáří. Medical Tribune 2005; 16: 9 (1213-2578)
  11. Fialová D, Topinková E. Léčiva potenciálně nevhodná ve stáří (I.). Farmakoterapeutické informace, SÚKL 2006; 10:1-4 (ISSN 1211 - 0647)
  12. Fialová D, Topinková E. Léčiva potenciálně nevhodná ve stáří (II.). Farmakoterapeutické informace, SÚKL 2006; 11:1-4 (ISSN 1211 - 0647)
  13. Fialová D. Bezpečnost a účinnost farmakoterapie ve stáří. Geriatrie (příloha Zdravotnických novin). 2003; 8: 19-22 (1805-2355)
  14. Fialová D., Vlček J., Pelíšková D., Topinková E. Metabolické interakce ve stáří a faktory ovlivňující jejich klinickou významnost. Praktické lékárenství 2006; 2: 76-80 (1801-2434)
  15. Topinková E, Fialová D. Geriatrická farmakoterapie- léčiva nevhodná pro starší nemocné. Postgraduální medicína. 2006 (mimořádná příloha): 30-35 (ISSN 1212-4184)
  16. Fialová D. Vliv potravy na terapeutickou hodnotu léčiv ve vyšším věku. Geriatrická revue. 2003; (1): 2-7 (ISSN 1214–0732)
  17. Fialová D. Nežádoucí příhody farmakoterapie ve stáří a možnosti jejich predikce. Sanquis. 2002; 20:26-29 (ISSN 212-6535)
  18. Ficková (Fialová) D., Vlček J. Topinková E. Role P-glykoproteinového transportu v klinicky významných lékových interakcích. Remedia 2002; 12 (3): 207-213 (ISSN 0862-8947)
  19. Ficková (Fialová) D., Topinková E., Vlček J. Znalost metabolických lékových interakcí- jedna z cest ke snížení rizik farmakoterapie ve stáří.(Knowledge of drug metabolic interaxctions- feasible way to decrease the risk of pharmacotherapy in the older age). Geriatria (Slovensko). 2003 (1): 23-35 (ISSN 1335-1850)
  20. Fialová D. Specifické rysy racionální geriatrické farmakoterapie, role klinických farmaceutů v individualizované léčbě ve stáří (Specific features of rational geriatric pharmacotherapy, the rols of clinical pharmacists in individualized drug therapy in the aged). Vnitř Lék 2018; 64(11): 1028-1037


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