Research Unit is supported for long-term by the institutional program PROGRESS Q42 of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University (Scientific group KSKFII chaired by Assoc. Prof. Daniela Fialová, PharmD., Ph.D.) and by SVV 260417 grant of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, Czech Republic. Research unit receives funding also from ongoing European multicentric projects- the EU project EUROAGEISM H2020 funded under European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Foundation ITN (grant agreement No 764632) and the European Commission funded EU project INOMED (reg. No. CZ. 02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18ˍ069/0010046).
Ongoing research projects
European project EUROAGEISM Horizon 2020

European Commision Marie Curie Sklodowska-ITN grant No: H2020-MCSF-ITN-764632
Research period: 2017-2021/2022
EU Consorcium: Israel, Czech Republic (CZ), UK, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Belgium
ESR7 program under leadership of our CZ team: “Inappropriate prescribing and availability of medication safety and medication management services in older patients in Europe and other countries”
Participating countries (11): Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Turkey, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, India, Ethiopia
Chair: Assoc. Prof. Daniela Fialová, PharmD., Ph.D., ESR7: Jovana Brkič, MSc., Project manager: Ing. Andrea Vokálová
Project description: The whole EUROAGEISM H2020 project is targeted at the EU level to raise awareness to problems associated with population ageing and discrimination of older adults in provision of different services and goods (including provision of heath care and social care and appropriate medication treatments), also in workforce, human rights, media presentations and legal environment. The project constitutes of 15 bigger international scientific programs targeted to describe above stated phenomena and formulate strategies for their resolution in future decades. ESR7 initiative under our leadership called “Inappropriate prescribing and availability of medication safety and medication management services in older patients in Europe and other countries” in conducted in 11 EU countries and describes problems and proposed solutions for inappropriate geriatric prescribing.
See webpage of the whole EUROAGEISM H2020 project
EU funded project INOMED
Principle investigator: prof. Vladimír Wsól
Chair of Working group 4 (WG4): Assoc. Prof. Daniela Fialová, PharmD, Ph.D.
WG4 title: „Pre-aplication research in rational geriatric pharmacotherapy- development and application of knowledge in geriatric clinical pharmacy“
Period: 2018- 2022
Aim of WG4 of the INOMED project: is to develop SWs helping to individualize drug therapy in older patients and supporting collaboration of clinical pharmacists with other healthcare professionals in different settings of care in the area of rational geriatric pharmacotherapy
EU COST Action IS1402 “Ageism-multi-national, interprofessional perspectives”
Principle investigator: Prof. L. Ayalon (Israel)
Grant period: 2015-2018, continuing publication period: 2019- 2022
WG1 Health Chairs: prof. Onder, Assoc. Prof. Fialová
WG1b Chair: Assoc. Prof. Fialová
WG1b „Healthy clinical strategies for healthy aging” – working group of researchers from Central and Eastern EU countries deadling with rational geriatric pharmacotherapy and aspects of ageism in the area of medication prescribing in older patients
EU project I-CARE4OLD Horizon 2021
- submitted 2020, under evaluation
- 12 participating countries: Canada, USA, Italy, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Israel, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Belgium, Poland, Finland
Past research projects
- “Interactions on CYP450 enzyme isoforms- key for evaluation of risks of pharmacotherapy in the elderly”- Grant Agency of the Charles University 95/2001 (2001-2003) - Main investigator: Fialová D.
- „Risks of drug regimens with high anticholinergic activity- impact on health and consuption of health services in seniors“- Grant Agency of the Charles University 138/2004 (2004-2006) - Main investigator: Fialová D.
- „Increase in the quality of drug prescribing to seniors- validation of tools for the purposes of national drug policy in the Czech Republic“, Internal grant agency of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic IGA No NS/10029-4/2008 (208-2011). Co-investigator: Fialová D.
European Commission project „Aged in Home Care” (ADHOC), 5th Framework Programme of the European Commission (2001-2005), grant QLRT-2000-00002, 11 participating European countries, pharmacotherapeutical analyses in 8 European countries. Researcher: Fialová D.
European Commission project „Services and Health in the Elderly” (SHELTER)- 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (2009-2014) - grant FP7-HEALTH-F4-2008-201917, 7 participating European countries and Israel, pharmacotherapeutical analyses in 8 countries. Researcher: Fialová D.
- European Commission project „Participation of Elderly in Clinical Trials (PREDICT)”- 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (2008-2011), grant No FP7-HEALTH-2007-B-223115. Researcher: Fialová D.
- European project CARPOOL „Combined Approach to Reduce POlypharmacy and improve quality of prescribing in OLder adults”, Horizon 2020 project- project preparation and submission (2014)- successful in the 1st round of evaluations, refused in the 2nd round. EU Consorcium member: Fialová D.
- European project REPAIR ”REsolving problematic Polypharmacy and nonAdherence In oldeR patients”, Horizont 2020 project- project preparation and submission (2016)- project successful in the 1st round of evaluations, refused in the 2nd round. Consorcium member and WP3 chair: Fialová D.