Research Group of Cancer Pharmacology

Drug resistance represents a primary obstacle, which hinders the clinical success of anticancer pharmacotherapy. Our international team aims to reveal key pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic mechanisms of tumor drug resistance. In addition, we focus on the development of approaches to overcome this phenomenon. In our work, we collaborate with several research teams and use a variety of in silico, in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo techniques to fulfill scientific aims. Our vision is to bring a valuable preclinical findings that can be translated into clinical treatment, thus providing benefit to number of oncological patients. Currently, we search for PhD students, who feel motivated to join our team and work on our upcoming grant projects. For more information about dissertation topics, please see Doctoral Dissertation Themes | Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy ( or Témata disertačních prací | Farmaceutická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy ( for foreign or inland candidates, respectively.

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