Eduard Jirkovsky, PharmD., PhD.

Born: February 21, 1984, Tabor, Czech Republic.
Web of Science ResearcherID: A-7297-2017
Scopus ID: 36627424600

Free PhD position in our lab from October 2024! See details here. 

Current Position

  • Assistant professor at Dpt. Pharmacology and Toxicology


  • 2015 – PharmD. (Fac. Pharmacy, Charles Univ.)
  • 2013 – PhD. in Medical Pharmacology (Fac. Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles Univ.)
  • 2008 – MSc. in Pharmacy (Fac. Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles Univ.)

Working Experience

  • since 2017 – Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles Universty, Dpt. Pharmacology and Toxiclogy (Assistant professor)
  • 2008-2017 – Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Charles Universty, Dpt. Pharmacology (Assistant professor since 2014, Lecturer since 2012, Research assistant since 2008) 

International Experience

  • 2019 (Feb-Sep) - Dr. Gavin Richardson's Lab - Cardiovascular Research Centre, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Research Interests

  • Cardiotoxicity of antineoplastic agents, environmental pollutants and natural compounds; cardiac regeneration and senescence; pharmacological cardioprotection; DNA topology


  • Since 2008 – teaching of seminars and practical classes of Pharmacology I and II in study programme General Medicine (since 2013 also in study programme Dentistry, since 2015 also in English), since 2015 – teaching of lectures of Pharmacology I and II in study programme of General Medicine and Dentistry (Fac. Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles Univ.)
  • Since 2017 - teaching of seminars of Pharmacology I and II in study programme Pharmacy (Fac. Pharmacy, Charles Univ.)

Memberships in Scientific Societies

  • Member of European Section of International Society for Heart Research (ISHR)
  • Member of Czech Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Memberships in University and Faculty Bodies

  • Member of Academic Senate of Charles University (since 2022)
  • Member of Academic Senate of Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University (since 2024)


  • 2015 – EPHAR Poster Award of 65th Pharmacology days; 2013 – Best publication of the year 2012 of young authors (in experimental pharmacology); 2010 – Best Poster Award of 60th Pharmacology days (all awards of the Czech Society for Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology)
  • 2011 – Best Lecture Award (2nd place) at 7th Postgraduate Medical Students Conference (Hradec Kralove)

Grant Projects

  • Principal investigator:
    • Grant Agency of Academy of Science of Czech Repubic (joint Czech-Slovenian project 2024-2026 – “Bisphenol A substitutes: health risks to the endocrine and cardiovascular systems”)
    • Grant Agency of Charles University  (GAUK) (1x)
  • As a co-investigator: Grant Agency of Academy of Science of Czech Republic (GACR) (3x), Charles University Reasearch Centre (UNCE 204019, @CardioToxHK), Charles University Charles University Research Program (PROGRES, PRVOUK, PRIMUS), VZ MSM (1x), IGA MZ (AZV) (3x), GA UK (2x), SVV LFHK (4x).

Publications and Citations:

– Number of publications with IF: 26 (in WoS/Scopus: 24/23) - cummualtive IF > 140

– Number of citations without self-citations in WoS/Scopus – 740/810.

– H-index in WoS/Scopus (with self-citations) = 13/13.

– twitter: @jirkovskye

Summary of all publications:

  1. Tvrdy V, Dias P, Nejmanova I, Carazo A, Jirkovsky E, Pourova J, Fadraersada J, Moravcova M, Masic LP, Dolenc MS, Mladenka P. The effects of bisphenols on the cardiovascular system ex vivo and in vivo. Chemosphere. 2023 Feb13.  doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137565.
  2. Moravcova M, Hrubsa M, Lomozova Z, Catapano MC, Argento R, Jirkovsky E, Kucera R, Mercolini L & Mladenka M. A complex methodological approach for the screening of efficient and safe cobalt chelators. Med Chem.  2023;19(5):495-507. doi: 10.2174/1871530322666221006144449
  3. Dias P, Tvrdy V, Jirkovsky E, Dolenc MS, Masic LP, Mladenka P. The effects of bisphenols on the cardiovascular system. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 2022;52(1):66-87. doi: 10.1080/10408444.2022.2046690.
  4. Pokorna Z, Kollarova-Brazdova P, Lencova-Popelova O, Jirkovsky E, Kubes J, Mazurova Y, Adamcova M, Holeckova M, Palicka V,
    Simunek T, Sterba M. Primary prevention of chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity with ACE inhibitor is temporarily effective in rabbits, but benefits wane in post-treatment follow-up. Clinical Science (Lond). 2021;CS20210836. doi: 10.1042/CS20210836.
  5. Tvrdy V, Hrubsa M, Jirkovsky E, Biedermann D, Kuty M, Valentova K, Kren V, Mladenka P. Silymarin Dehydroflavonolignans Chelate Zinc and Partially Inhibit Alcohol Dehydrogenase. Nutrients. 2021;13(12):4238. doi: 10.3390/nu13124238. 
  6. Jirkovsky E, Jirkovska A, Bavlovic-Piskackova H, Skalicka V, Pokorna Z, Karabanovich G, Kollarova-Brazdova P, Kubes J, Lencova-Popelova O, Mazurova Y, Adamcova M, Lyon AR, Roh J, Simunek T, Sterbova-Kovarikova P, Sterba M. Clinically translatable prevention of anthracycline cardiotoxicity by dexrazoxane is mediated by topoisomerase II beta and not metal chelation. Circulation Heart Failure. 2021;14:e008209. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.120.008209
  7. Jirkovska A, Karabanovich G, Kubes J, Skalicka V, Melnikova I, Korabecny J, Kucera T, Jirkovsky E, Novakova L, Bavlovic Piskackova H, Skoda J, Sterba M, Austin C, Simunek T, Roh J. Structure-activity relationship study of dexrazoxane analogues reveals ICRF-193 as the most potent bisdioxopiperazine against anthracycline toxicity to cardiomyocytes due to its strong topoisomerase IIβ interactions. J Med Chem. 2021;64(7):3997-4019. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c02157.
  8. Dosedel M, Jirkovsky E, Macakova K, Kujovska Krcmova L, Javorska L, Pourova J, Mercolini L, Remiao F, Novakova L, Mladenka P. Vitamin C - Sources, physiological role, kinetics, deficiency, use, toxicity, and determination. Nutrients. 2021;13(2):615. doi: 10.3390/nu13020615.
  9. Tvrdy V. Pourova J, Jirkovsky E, Kren V, Valentova K, Mladenka P. Systematic review of pharmacokinetics and potential pharmacokinetic interactions of flavonolignans from silymarin. Medicinal Research Reviews . 2021;41(4):2195-2246. doi: 10.1002/med.21791.  (IF 12.388; AIS 2.116; Q1) 
  10. Dookun E, Walaszczyk A, Redgrave R, Palmowski P, Tual‐Chalot S, Suwana A, Chapman J, Jirkovsky E, Donastorg Sosa L, Gill E, Yausep O, Santin Y, Mialet‐Perez J, Owens A, Grieve D, Spyridopoulos I, Taggart M, Arthur H, Passos J, Richardson G. Clearance of senescent cells during cardiac ischemia–reperfusion injury improves recovery. Aging Cell. 2020;e13249. doi: 10.1111/acel.13249.
  11. Kollárová-Brázdová P, Jirkovská A, Karabanovich G, Pokorná Z, Bavlovič Piskáčková H, Jirkovský E, Kubeš J, Lenčová-Popelová O, Mazurová Y, Adamcová M, Skalická V, Štěrbová-Kovaříková P, Roh J, Šimůnek T, Štěrba M. Investigation of Structure-Activity Relationships of Dexrazoxane Analogs Reveals Topoisomerase IIβ Interaction as a Prerequisite for Effective Protection against Anthracycline Cardiotoxicity. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2020;373(3):402-415.
  12. Pokorna Z, Jirkovsky E, Hlavackova M, Jansova H, Jirkovska A, Lencova-Popelova O, Brazdova P, Kubes J, Sotakova-Kasparova D, Mazurova Y, Adamcova M, Vostatkova L, Holzerova K, Kolar F, Simunek T, Sterba M. In vitro and in vivo investigation of cardiotoxicity associated with anticancer proteasome inhibitors and their combination with anthracycline. Clinical Science (Lond). 2019;133(16):1827-1844.
  13. Jirkovsky E, Jirkovska A, Bures J, Chladek J, Lencova O, Stariat J, Pokorna Z, Karabanovich G, Roh J, Brazdova P, Simunek T, Kovarikova P, Sterba M. Pharmacokinetics of the Cardioprotective Drug Dexrazoxane and Its Active Metabolite ADR-925 with Focus on Cardiomyocytes and the Heart. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2018 Mar;364(3):433-446.
  14. Lencova-Popelova O, Jansova H, Jirkovsky E, Bures J, Jirkovska-Vavrova A, Mazurova Y, Reimerova P, Vostatkova L, Adamcova M, Hrochf M, Pokorna Z, Kovarikova P, Simunek T and Serba M. Are cardioprotective effects of NO-releasing drug molsidomine translatable to chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity settings? Toxicology. 2016;372:52-63.
  15. Adamcova M, Popelova-Lencova O, Jirkovsky E, Simko F, Gersl V and Sterba M. Cardiac troponins - Translational biomarkers in cardiology: Theory and practice of cardiac troponin high-sensitivity assays. Biofactors. 2016;42:133-148.
  16. Lencova-Popelova O, Jirkovsky E, Jansova H, Jirkovska-Vavrova A, Vostatkova-Tichotova L, Mazurova Y, Adamcova M, Chladek J, Hroch M, Pokorna Z, Gersl V, Simunek T and Sterba M. Cardioprotective effects of inorganic nitrate/nitrite in chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity: Comparison with dexrazoxane. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2016;91:92-103.
  17. Adamcova M, Lencova-Popelova O, Jirkovsky E, Mazurova Y, Palicka V, Simko F, Gersl V and Sterba M. Experimental determination of diagnostic window of cardiac troponins in the development of chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity and estimation of its predictive value. International Journal of Cardiology. 2015;201:358-367.
  18. Jirkovska-Vavrova A, Roh J, Lencova-Popelova O, Jirkovsky E, Hruskova K, Potuckova-Mackova E, Jansova H, Haskova P, Martinkova P, Eisner T, Kratochvil M, Sus J, Machacek M, Vostatkova-Tichotova L, Gersl V, Kalinowski D, Muller M, Richardson D, Vavrova K, Sterba M and Simunek T. Synthesis and analysis of novel analogues of dexrazoxane and its open-ring hydrolysis product for protection against anthracycline cardiotoxicity in vitro and in vivo. Toxicology Research. 2015;4:1098-1114.
  19. Lencova-Popelova O, Jirkovsky E, Mazurova Y, Lenco J, Adamcova M, Simunek T, Gersl V and Sterba M. Molecular remodeling of left and right ventricular myocardium in chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity and post-treatment follow up. PLoS One. 2014;9:e96055.
  20. Jirkovsky E, Lencova-Popelova O, Hroch M, Adamcova M, Mazurova Y, Vavrova J, Micuda S, Simunek T, Gersl V and Sterba M. Early and delayed cardioprotective intervention with dexrazoxane each show different potential for prevention of chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity in rabbits. Toxicology. 2013;311:191-204.
  21. Sterba M, Popelova O, Vavrova A, Jirkovsky E, Kovarikova P, Gersl V and Simunek T. Oxidative stress, redox signaling, and metal chelation in anthracycline cardiotoxicity and pharmacological cardioprotection. Antioxidants & redox signaling. 2013;18:899-929.
  22. Jirkovsky E, Popelova O, Krivakova-Stankova P, Vavrova A, Hroch M, Haskova P, Brcakova-Dolezelova E, Micuda S, Adamcova M, Simunek T, Cervinkova Z, Gersl V and Sterba M. Chronic Anthracycline Cardiotoxicity: Molecular and Functional Analysis with Focus on Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-Related Factor 2 and Mitochondrial Biogenesis Pathways. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2012;343:468-478.
  23. Vavrova A, Popelova O, Sterba M, Jirkovsky E, Haskova P, Mertlikova-Kaiserova H, Gersl V and Simunek T. In vivo and in vitro assessment of the role of glutathione antioxidant system in anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Archives of Toxicology. 2011;85:525-535.
  24. Sterba M, Popelova O, Lenco J, Fucikova A, Brcakova E, Mazurova Y, Jirkovsky E, Simunek T, Adamcova M, Micuda S, Stulik J and Gersl V. Proteomic insights into chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2011;50:849-862.
  25. Nachtigal P, Sterba M, Popelova O, Vecerova L, Kudlackova Z, Jirkovsky E and Gersl V. Daunorubicin does not induce immunohistochemically detectable endothelial dysfunction in rabbit aorta and femoral artery. Histology and Histopathology. 2011;26:551-562.
  26. Bendova P, Mackova E, Haskova P, Vavrova A, Jirkovsky E, Sterba M, Popelova O, Kalinowski DS, Kovarikova P, Vavrova K, Richardson DR and Simunek T. Comparison of clinically used and experimental iron chelators for protection against oxidative stress-induced cellular injury. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2010;23:1105-14.

Patent applications

PCT patent applications

  1. WO2021/144746 A1 (PCT/IB2021/050285). Roh J., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Štěrbová P., Karabanovich G., Jirkovská A., Jirkovský E., Bavlovič Piskáčková H., Kubeš J., Jansová H., Kollárová P. Use of ICRF-193 derivatives and pharmaceutical preparations containing thereof for the prevention of chronic cumulative cardiotoxicity caused by therapy with anthracycline anticancer drugs. 

© Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
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