PharmDr. Ivona Kolichová, Ph.D.

Born: 1990 in Opava (maiden name Lhotská)

Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University

Pharmaceutical Analysis Group 

ORCID ID:  0000-0002-0017-5869


Research focus

  • Modern chromatographic methods ((U)HPLC-UV/FLD/MS) for target analysis of bioactive compounds,
    especially environmental and food contaminants
  • Sample preparation methods, solid phase extraction, microextraction techniques (e.g. packed pipette tips),
    automation (online SPE-HPLC)
  • Novel extraction sorbent preparation and characterization: molecularly imprinted polymers, polymer nanofibers
  • Currently: optimization of SPE methods using polymer nanofibers, testing modified and composite polymer nanofibers
    (in cooperation with Technical University in Liberec)


2014 – 2018 Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Analytical Chemistry,
PhD thesis: Modern chromatographic techniques in food contamination analysis (Prof. Šatínský) 

2009 – 2014 Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové,
study program Pharmacy - diploma thesis: Column switching chromatography for mycotoxins determination in Czech beer samples

Research Fellowships

10 – 12 / 2023 – Vienna University of Technology (Austria), Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, research scholarship Aktion 
Screening of advanced polymer nanofibers for extraction of persistent organic pollutants (Prof. E. E. Rosenberg)

04 – 05 / 2018 – University of Granada (Spain), Faculty of Science, research scholarship Erasmus+
Electrophoretic method for insecticide determination in eggs (Prof. A. García-Campaña)

06 / 2017 – Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic – Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers (Prof. K. Hroboňová)

08 / 2012 – Teva Czech Industries s.r.o., Department of Quality Control of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients QC – TAPI

Grants, research projects

principal investigator – GAUK 726316 (2016-2018) Grant Agency of Charles University): Online extraction using molecularly imprinted polymers in chromatographic systems for determination of trace amounts of mycotoxins (final evaluation: exceptionally good)

2023 – 2025 – GACR 23-05586S (Czech Science Foundation): Nanofibers as advanced extraction materials for chromatographic analysis

2020 – 2022 – GACR 20-19297S (Czech Science Foundation): Nanofibrous polymers with restricted access materials functionality
for the on-line chromatographic extraction of complex samples

2019 – 2020 – STARSS CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000465 (ERDF) Specialized Team for Advanced Research on Separation Science (postdoc)

2019 – GACR 17-05409S (Czech Science Foundation): Development of advanced analytical methods for evaluation of metabolism of natural flavonoids

2017 – 2019 – GACR 17-08738S (Czech Science Foundation): Nanofiber polymers as perspective sorbents for on-line extraction in chromatography systems

2015 – 2017 – GACR 15-10781S (Czech Science Foundation): On-line hyphenation of automated extraction processes with liquid chromatography for complete sample analysis

Teaching activity

Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Methods
Special Methods of Instrumental Analysis
Food Analysis

Supervising diploma theses
Consultant of dissertation theses (Kholová, Zatrochová)

Workshops: 09/2022 Summer School: Automation and miniaturization in sample preparation (topics: column-switching HPLC,
nanofiber sorbents, packing pipette tips for SPE)


3rd Prize for Pharmacy organized by Sanofi and the French Embassy in the Czech Republic (2019)

Josef Hlávka Award for the Best Students and Graduates (2020)

Medal of the City Hradec Králové (nomination for the Annual Prize of Mayor for creative student work, 2020)

Recent Publications

Full record:

Lhotská I., Kholová A., Švec F., Šatínský D. (2024) Nanofibers prepared from synthetic polymers and biopolymers as advanced extraction materials for sample preparation prior to liquid chromatography. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 180, 117912.

Lhotská I., Háková M., Erben J., Chvojka J., Švec F., Šatínský D. (2024) Stirred discs from polycaprolactone nanofibers highly doped with graphene for straightforward preconcentration of pollutants in environmental water. Talanta 266, 124975.

Kholová A., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Švec F., Solich P., Šatínský D. (2024) Advanced nanofibrous sorbents for the extraction of pollutants from river waters and protein matrixes. Talanta 269, 125449.

Huliciak M., Lhotska I., Kocova-Vlckova H., Halodova V., Dusek T., Cecka F., Staud F., Vokral I., Cerveny L. (2023) Effect of P-glycoprotein and Cotreatment with Sofosbuvir on the Intestinal Permeation of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate. Pharmaceutical Research 40, 2109–2120.

Kholová A., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Švec F., Solich P., Šatínský D. (2023) Comparison of nanofibers, microfibers, nano/microfiber graphene doped composites, molecularly imprinted polymers, and restricted access materials for on-line extraction and chromatographic determination of citrinin, zearalenone, and ochratoxin A in plant-based milk beverages. Microchemical Journal 191, 108937.

Kholová A., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Švec F., Solich P., Šatínský D. (2023) Comparing adsorption performance of microfibers and nanofibers with commercial molecularly imprinted polymers and restricted access media for extraction of bisphenols from milk coupled with liquid chromatography. Talanta 252, 123822.

Zatrochová S., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Švec F., Chocholouš P., Šatínský D. (2023) Small nanofibrous disks for preconcentration of environmental contaminants followed by direct in-vial elution and chromatographic determination. Talanta 263, 124688.

Zatrochová S., Peréz-Cejuela H. M., Catalá-Icardo M., Simó-Alfonso E. F., Lhotská I., Šatínský D., Herrero Martínez J. M. (2022) Development of hybrid monoliths incorporating metal-organic frameworks for stir bar sorptive extraction coupled with liquid chromatography for determination of estrogen endocrine disruptors in water and human urine samples. Microchimica Acta 189, 92.


Last update 10/2024

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