Important Events


HPLC in theory and practice, 2nd Edition - a book in Czech language

A new, updated 2nd edition of the book HPLC in theory and practice, originaly published in 2013, addressing theory, history, HPLC instrumentation, practical aspects of HPLC, and current trends in chromatography, was published and introduced at the 8th Czech Chromatographic School, 2021.  



Czech Chromatographic School – 2021

19. – 22. September, Vinařství u Kapličky, Zaječí

8th traditional Czech conference focused on separation techniques is one of the regular meetings of experts dealing with separation methods in practice and academia. Since 2013, a team from the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University under the leadership of Prof. Lucie Nováková has been involved in the organization of this conference. Since 2019, the conference has also been partnered with the OPVV project STARSS (Specialized Team for Advanced Research on Separation Science).

The conference attracted unprecedented interest with almost 160 participants. (report)



20. Škola hmotnostní spektrometrie/ Mass Spectrometry School

9. – 13. September, Hotel Horal, Špindlerův Mlýn

A jubilee edition of the Czech traditional conference focused on Mass spectrometry, fundamentals, current trends, and applications. Information in Czech language





Czech Chromatographic School – HPLC 2019

12. – 15. May, Vinařství u Kapličky, Zaječí

7th traditional Czech conference focused on separation techniques. Information in Czech language 




19. Škola hmotnostní spektrometrie

10. - 14. September, Hotel Horal, Špindlerův Mlýn




HPLC 2017 Prague


The most important conference in the field of separation science, 45th International symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniques, will be held in Prague in 2017. Numerous invited speakers have already accepted the invitation to present their research at HPLC 2017 Prague.

Also, well established awards will be presented during the meeting including prestigious Martin Medal, Uwe Neue Award for industrial scientist, Georges Guiochon Faculty Fellowship for young full-time U.S. faculty member, J.F.K. Huber Lecture Award, Csaba Horváth Young Scientist Award and Best Poster Award.

Czech Chromatographic School – HPLC 2017 

6th Czech Chromatographic School – HPLC 2017 was again in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm in early spring: 12. – 15. 03. 2017.

The meeting was very successful and received more than 90 participants. Scientific program included 23 lectures in 7 sections and poster presentation section. Participants also appreciated a competing scientific workshop.






Best poster award at HPLC 2016 San Francisco

The third place in the Best poster award competition was granted to Assoc. Prof. Lucie Nováková at „44th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques“ (HPLC 2016) conference in San Francisco, USA,  19. – 24. 06. 2016. HPLC 2016 is the greatest conference in the field of separation science focused on chromatographic, electrophoretic and hyphenated separation techniques and sample preparation. This award was a recognition of traditional long-term collaboration of Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy with University of Geneva, Department of Analytical Sciences and its presentation as a poster:

L. Nováková, V. Desfontaine, F. Ponzetto, R. Nicoli, M. Saugy, J. Veuthey, D. Guillarme: „UHPSFC-MS/MS as a viable option in doping control analysis“, poster P‑Th‑2013.




History of liquid chromatography – another book from the series on history of instrumental techniques

5th Czech Chromatographic School – HPLC 2015 was held 3. - 6. 5. 2015. During this conference a new book „Počátky a historie československé kapalinové chromatografie“ was introduced. The book makes a part of the series of historical books dealing with individual instrumental techniques in Czech Republic and Slovakia. The project is organized by Jaroslav Pól and Michael Volný and supported by Czech division of Thermo Scientific.



Who are the Top 40 Under 40 in Analytical Science?


On October 24, 2014, The Analytical Scientist magazine published its annual Power List, featuring 40 individuals under the age of 40 who are already having a big impact on the field of analytical science.
Rich Whitworth, editor of The Analytical Scientist, explained the change in direction: “Last year, we profiled the Top 100 most influential analytical scientists, shining the spotlight on some of the scientists, engineers, and business leaders at the top of their game. It was controversial, but it also generated a great deal of excitement. This year, we wanted to shift the focus to the next generation. The new list loses none of the diversity found in our inaugural Power List, and also proves just how bright the future of analytical science is.”
“It has been an inspirational experience working with the Top 40 Under 40 to find out what makes them tick. It quickly became clear that they all share two characteristics: an absolute passion for science and the desire to forge their own path.” (web link) (web link cze)


10th anniversary of UHPLC

The 2014 is an anniversary of 10 years of UHPLC technique, which was commercially introduced by Waters in 2004. At this occasion, one of the most recognized analytical journals Trends in Analytical Chemistry is preparing a special issue concerning UHPLC technique. Our group had an honour to participate in this issue based on the invitation to write a review dealing with HILIC in UHPLC analysis, which has just been accepted and published.

SFC tutorial

A Tutorial dealing with the "analytical supercritical fluid chromatography using columns packed with sub-2 μm particles" was published in Analytica Chimica Acta (Volume 824, 8 May 2014, Pages 18–35). 

New HRMS instrument at Faculty of Pharmacy

A new HRMS system was installed in a newly-build LC-MS laboratory at the Department of analytical chemistry in November 2013. The system consists of Acquity UPLC I-class and Synapt G2Si Q-TOF mass spectrometer. Opening ceremony of this laboratory took place in January 2014. (web link, web link 2)



HPLC in theory and practice - a book in Czech language

A new book addressing theory and practical aspects of HPLC, written in Czech language was published and introduced at 4th Czech Chromatographic SchoolHPLC 2013 congress in Czech Republic (webpage). The book is now available here.

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