PharmDr. Veronika Pilařová, Ph.D.


Contact information:

Department of Analytical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University
Ak. Heyrovského 1203
CZ 50005 Hradec Králové


Tel.: +420 495 067 504

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9394-2130
Research ID: T-6365-2017
Scopus Author ID: 55211778900

Short Bio

Veronika is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University.  She graduated from Pharmacy and received her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Analysis under the supervision of Prof. L. Nováková. During her Ph.D., she dealt with current trends in microextraction approaches based on solid phase extraction and liquid-liquid extraction for fast UHPLC-MS and UHPSFC-MS analyses.

Currently, her research is focused on the development and optimization of new methods using supercritical and gas-expanded fluids for extraction and analysis of biologically active compounds from various matrices and fundamental aspects of retention in UHPSFC and ionization in UHPSFC-MS.

Present position:

  • Assistant Professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University
  • Member of the Analytical Chemistry Group (ACG)
  • Junior Researcher, project NetPharm
  • Member of the projects GA CR: 25-15354S (prof. L. Nováková) and 25-16216S (dr. Grüner, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences)


  • 2020: Supercritical Fluid Technology Course, Lund University, Sweden.
    Teachers: Charlotta Turner, Margareta Sandahl.
  • 2015 – 2017: License study Interactive statistical data analysis, University of Pardubice.
    Guarantor of the study: Prof. RNDr. Milan Meloun, DrSc.
  • 2013- 2017: Ph.D. study (Pharmaceutical Analysis) at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University
    Doctoral thesis: Development and optimization of sample preparation step for fast chromatographic analysis.
  • 2008 - 2013: Master studies (Pharmacy) at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University

Research fellowships:

  • 2020 - 2021: internship in Lund University, Department of Chemistry, Center for Analysis and Synthesis (CAS), Green Technology Group, supervisor: prof. Charlotta Turner. November 2020 – December 2021
  • 2020: 3 and ½ months in Lund University, Department of Chemistry, Center for Analysis and Synthesis (CAS), Green Technology Group, supervisor: prof. Charlotta Turner. 1st March – 19th June
  • 2018: 1 week in Lund University, Department of Chemistry, Center for Analysis and Synthesis (CAS), Green Technology Group, supervisor: prof. Charlotta Turner. 8th – 14th October,
  • 2018: 3 months in Lund University, Department of Chemistry, Center for Analysis and Synthesis (CAS), Green Technology Group, supervisor: prof. Charlotta Turner. 1st March – 31st May.
  • 2016: 2 weeks in Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Biological Center in Holice – traineeship at Laboratory of Growth Regulators, Olomouc, CR 8th – 21st August. 
  • 2015: 6 weeks in University of Oslo, School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Stig Pederson-Bjergaard’s research group, 11th April – 22nd May
  • 2014: 8 weeks in Umeå University, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Karin Ljung Science Group, Umeå, Sweden, 5th May – 11th June; 15th – 30th November
  • 2014: Quinta Analytica s.r.o. – traineeship at Department of Biopharmaceutical Analysis, Prague, CR, 24th – 28th March
  • 2014: Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Biological Center in Holice – traineeship at Laboratory of Growth Regulators (Prof. O. Novák), Olomouc, CR 14th – 18th April

Research interests:

  • fundamental aspects of supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), including column aging and hyphenation of UHPSFC with mass spectrometry (MS);
  • optimization and validation of separation methods, including ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and UHPSFC with MS detection for various applications;
  • sample preparation including traditional (solid phase extraction, liquid-liquid extraction) and modern approaches (micro-SPE in pipette tips, MEPS, PALME);
  • supercritical fluid extraction and gas-expanded liquid extraction for extraction of biologically active compounds from plant materials

Teaching activity:

  • Analytical chemistry
  • Instrumental methods
  • Special methods of instrumental analysis
  • Selected separation methods
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Advanced instrumental methods
  • Advanced techniques for analysis of natural compounds
  • Supervising of diploma and bachelor students

Professional Membership:

  • Czech Society for Mass Spectrometry
  • Spectroscopic Society of J. M. M.

Grant projects:


  • Principal investigator - Grant Agency of Charles University project GA UK No.1948214; SFC-MS technique for analysis of biological material with emphasis on matrix effects. (2015)
  • Principal investigator - Norway Grants and EEA grant project No. NF-CZ07-INS-4-046-2014; New important microextraction techniques for rapid sampling and sample preparation. (2014)

Team member on:

  • NetPharm (New Technologies for Translational Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences No. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004607)
  • GA ČR 25-15354S: Development of comprehensive prediction model and software tool for supercritical fluid chromatography using artificial neural networks (prof. L. Nováková)
  • GA ČR 25-16216S: Overlooked phenomenon with significant impact - the chirality in cluster (metalla)carboranes. (dr. Grüner, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • STARSS (Specialized Team for Advanced Research on Separation Science, No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000465)
  • GA ČR 21-27270S: Supercritical fluid chromatography: Investigation of fundamental aspects of an innovative alternative to current separation techniques
  • GA ČR 21-27270S: Supercritical fluid chromatography: Investigation of fundamental aspects of an innovative alternative to current separation techniques
  • Grant agency of the Czech Republic project No. 301/17/05409S
  • UNCE project No. 204026/2012
  • Grant agency of Charles University project GA UK No. 253115
  • AZV ČR grant project No. 15-29225A
  • Grant agency of the Czech Republic project No. 15-10781S
  • TEAB project No. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0235 (2014)



Author and co-author of 31 articles; 607 citations; H‑index: 13 (Scopus, 9th January 2025)

  1. Pilařová Veronika, Plachká Kateřina, Gazárková Taťána, Švec František, Garrigues Jean-Christophe, Nováková Lucie.
    Using artificial neural networks to elucidate retention interactions on stationary phases with amine moieties dedicated to supercritical fluid chromatography.
    Separation and Purification Technology, 2025, 356, 129965.
  2. Plachká Kateřina, Pilařová Veronika, Gazárková Taťána, Švec František, Garrigues Jean-Christophe, Nováková Lucie.
    Advancing Fundamental Understanding of Retention Interactions in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Using Artificial Neural Networks: Polar Stationary Phases with −OH Moieties.
    Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96, p. 12748
  3. Pilařová Veronika, Plachká Kateřina, Švec František, Nováková Lucie.
    Matrix effects in ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of vitamin E in plasma: The effect of sample preparation and data processing.
    Talanta, 2024, 280, 126658
  4. Pilařová Veronika, Plachká Kateřina, Herbsová Diana, Kosturko Štefan, Švec František, Nováková Lucie.
    Comprehensive two-step supercritical fluid extraction for green isolation of volatiles and phenolic compounds from plant materiál.
    Green Chemistry, 2024, 26, 6480.
  5. Pilařová Veronika, Socas-Rodríguez Bárbara, Nováková Lucie, Essén Sofia, Holm Cecilia, Turner Charlotta, Sandahl Margareta.
    Analysis of vitamin D and its metabolites in biological samples – Part I: Optimization and comparison of UHPSFC-MS/MS and UHPLC-MS/MS methods.
    Journal of Chromatography B, 2024, 1237, 124087
  6. Pilařová Veronika, Socas-Rodríguez Bárbara, Nováková Lucie, Holm Cecilia, Turner Charlotta, Sandahl Margareta.
    Analysis of vitamin D and its metabolites in biological samples – Part II: Optimization of a sample preparation method for liver tissue
    Journal of Chromatography B, 2024, 1237, 124088
  7. Plachká Kateřina, Pilařová Veronika, Kosturko Štefan, Škop Jan, Švec František, Nováková Lucie.
    Ultrahigh-Performance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography−Multimodal Ionization−Tandem Mass Spectrometry as a Universal Tool for the Analysis of Small Molecules in Complex Plant Extracts.
    Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96, p. 2840
  8. Plachká Kateřina, Pilařová Veronika, Horáček Ondřej, Gazárková Taťána, Kočová-Vlčková Hana, Kučera Radim, Nováková Lucie.
    Columns in analytical-scale supercritical fluid chromatography: From traditional to unconventional chemistries.
    Journal of Separation Science, 2023, vol. 46, 2300431.
  9. Yıldırım Sercan, Fikarová Kateřina, Pilařová Veronika, Nováková Lucie, Solich Petr, Horstkotte Burkhard.
    Lab-in-syringe automated protein precipitation and salting-out homogenous liquid-liquid extraction coupled online to UHPLC-MS/MS for the determination of beta-blockers in serum.
    Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, vol. 1251, p. 340966
  10. Hollá Marcela, Pilařová Veronika, Švec František, Sklenářová Hana.
    Green Solvents in the Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Dried Apple Cultivars.
    Foods, 2023, 12, p. 893
  11. Pilařová Veronika, Hadysová Zuzana, Švec František, Nováková Lucie.
    Supercritical fluids in analysis of cannabinoids in various Cannabis products.
    Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022, vol. 1232, p. 340452
  12. Pilařová Veronika, Kuda Lukáš, Kočová Vlčková Hana, Nováková Lucie, Gupta Shubhpriya, Kukarni Manoj, Švec František, van Staden Johannes, Doležal Karel.
    Carbon dioxide expanded liquid: an effective solvent for the extraction of quercetin from South African medicinal plants.
    Plant Methods, 2022, vol. 18, p. 87
  13. Janoušek Jiří, Pilařová Veronika, Macáková Kateřina, Nomura Anderson, Veiga-Matos Jéssica, da Silva Diana Dias, Remiao Fernando, Saso Luciano, Malá-Ládová Kateřina, Malý Josef, Nováková Lucie, Mladěnka Přemysl
    Vitamin D: sources, physiological role, biokinetics, deficiency, therapeutic use, toxicity, and overview of analytical methods for detection of vitamin D and its metabolites.
    Critical reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 2022
  14. Socas-Rodríguez Bárbara, Pilařová Veronika, Sandahl Margaretta, Holm Cecilia, Turner Charlotta.
    Simultaneous Determination of Vitamin D and Its Hydroxylated and Esterified Metabolites by Ultrahigh-Performance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry.
    Analytical Chemistry, 2022
  15. Ťupová Lenka, Hirschmugl Birgit, Sucha Simona, Pilarova Veronika, Székely Virág, Bakos Éva, Novakova Lucie, Özvegy-Laczka Csilla, Wadsack Christian, Ceckova Martina.
    Interplay of drug transporters P-glycoprotein (MDR1), MRP1, OATP1A2 andOATP1B3 in passage of maraviroc across human placenta.
    Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2020, vol. 129, 110506
  16. Pilařová Veronika, Kočová Vlčková Hana, Jung Ondřej, Prott Michele, Buchta Vladimír, Mercolini Laura, Svec Frantisek, Nováková Lucie.
    Unambiguous determination of farnesol and tyrosol in vaginal fluid using fast and sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS method.
    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2020
  17. Pilařová Veronika, Al Hamimi Said, Cunico P. Larissa, Nováková Lucie, Turner Charlotta.
    Extending the design space in solvent extraction – from supercritical fluid to pressurized liquids using carbon dioxide, ethanol, ethyl lactate, and water in a wide range of proportions.
    Green Chemistry, 2019, vol. 21, p. 5427-5436
  18. Pilařová Veronika, Plachká Kateřina, Khalikova Maria A., Svec Frantisek, Nováková Lucie.
    Recent developments in supercritical fluid chromatography – mass spectrometry: Is it a viable option for analysis of complex samples?
    TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2019, vol. 112, p. 212-225
  19. Skjærvø Øystein, Pilařová Veronika, Khalikova Maria, Reubsaet Leon, Halvorsen Trine Grønhaug, Gjelstad Astrid, Øiestad Elisabeth Leer, Wilson Steven, Pedersen-Bjergaard Stig.
    Those Who Can, Teach: Pharma Stars.
    The Analytical Scientist, 2018, vol. 70, p. 40 – 45.
  20. Pourová Jana, Najmanová Iveta, Vopršalová Marie, Migkos Thomas, Pilařová Veronika, Applová Lenka, Nováková Lucie, Mladěnka Přemysl.
    Two flavonoid metabolites, 3,4 dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and 4 methylcatechol, relax arteries ex vivo and decrease blood pressure in vivo.
    Vascular Pharmacology, 2018, vol. 11, p. 36 – 43.
  21. Pěnčík Aleš, Casabova-Sáez Rubén, Pilařová Veronika, Žukauskaité Asta, Pinto Rui, Micol Luis José, Ljung Karin, Novák Ondřej.
    Ultra-rapid auxin metabolite profiling for high-throughput mutant screening in Arabidopsis.
    Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018, vol. 69, p. 2569 – 2579.
  22. Piera Porcu Elena, Cossu Massimo, Rassu Giovanna, Giunchedi Paolo, Cerri Guido, Pourová Jana, Najmanová Iveta, Migkos Thomas, Pilařová Veronika, Nováková Lucie, Mladěnka Přemysl, Gavini Elisabetta
    Aqueous injection of quercetin: An approach for confirmation of its direct in vivo cardiovascular effects
    International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2018, vol. 541, p. 224 – 233
  23. Pilařová Veronika, Plachká Kateřina, Chrenková Lucia, Najmanová Iveta, Mladěnka Přemysl, Švec František, Novák Ondřej, Nováková Lucie
    Simultaneous determination of quercetin and its metabolites in rat plasma by using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
    Talanta, 2018, vol. 185, p. 71 – 79.
  24. Kočová Vlčková Hana, Pilařová Veronika, Svobodová Pavlína, Plíšek Jiří, Švec František, Nováková Lucie
    Current state of bioanalytical chromatography in clinical analysis
    Analyst, 2018, vol. 143, p. 1305 – 1325.
  25. Vlčková Hana, Pilařová Veronika, Novák Ondřej, Solich Petr, Nováková Lucie
    Micro-SPE in pipette tips as a tool for analysis of small-molecule drugs in serum
    Bioanalysis, 2017, vol. 9, p. 887 – 901
  26. Pilařová Veronika, Sultani Mumtaz, Ask Kristine Skoglund, Nováková Lucie, Pedersen-Bjergaard Stig, Gjelstad Astrid
    One-step extraction of polar drugs from plasma by Parallel Artificial Liquid Membrane Extraction
    Journal of Chromatography B, 2017, vol. 1043, p. 25 - 32
  27. Pilařová Veronika, Gottvald Tomáš, Svoboda Pavel, Novák Ondřej, Benešová Karolína, Benešová Karolína, Nováková Lucie
    Development and optimization of ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography mass spectrometry method for high-throughput determination of tocopherols and tocotrienols in human serum
    Anal. Chim. Acta, 2016, vol. 934, p. 252-265.
  28. Filipský Tomáš, Říha Michal, Hašková Pavlína, Pilařová Veronika, Nováková Lucie, Semecký Vladimír, Vávrová Jaroslava, Holečková Magdaléna, Palicka Vladimir, Šimůnek Tomáš, Hrdina Radomír, Mladěnka Přemysl
    Intravenous rutin in rat exacerbates isoprenaline-induced cardiotoxicity likely due to intracellular oxidative stress
    Redox Report 2016, vol. 21, p. 78 - 90.
  29. Najmanová Iveta, Pourová Jana, Vopršalová Marie, Pilařová Veronika, Semecký Vladimír, Nováková Lucie, Mladěnka Přemysl
    Flavonoid metabolite 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid formed by human microflora decreases arterial blood pressure in rats
    Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2016, vol. 60, p. 981-991. 
  30. Hirsová Petra, Doležel Jan, Kučerová-Chlupáčová Marta, Kuneš Jiří, Pilařová Veronika, Nováková Lucie, Opletalová Veronika
    Molbank, 2015, vol. M872, p. 1-7. 
  31. Říha Michal, Vopršalová Marie, Pilařová Veronika, Semecký Vladimír, Holečková Magdalena, Vávrová Jaroslava, Palička  Vladimír,  Filipský  Tomáš,  Hrdina  Radomír, Nováková Lucie, Mladěnka Přemysl
    Oral administration of quercetin is unable to protect against isoproterenol cardiotoxicity
    Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol, 2014, vol. 387, p. 823-835.

Other activities:

  • Practical workshops on supercritical fluid extraction and sample preparation
  • The member of the Organizing committee for the School of Mass Spectrometry (2018, 2019) and Czech Chromatographic School HPLC (2017, 2019, 2023, 2025)
  • Science communication and presentation of Faculty of Pharmacy: author of different projects for different events ((HPLC 2017 in Prague, Festival vědy, Vědecký jarmark, Nábřeží vysokých škol, Science Market, Researcher’s Night, JUK, …)
  • 2013 – 2017: Member of The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

Hobbies/Personal interests:

  • yoga and meditation, travelling and hiking, music, art

© Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
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