Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Jaroslav Roh, Ph.D.

Contact Information

  • Work Address: Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 05 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
  • E-mail:
  • Tel.: +420 495 067 200

Date and Place of Birth: 1983 in Jihlava, Czech Republic

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4698-8379
ResearcherID: S-7863-2017
Scopus Author ID: 16647003200

Education, positions, international experiences

  • 2019-2022 - Head of the Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University
  • 2018-2022 - Vice-Dean for Scientific Activity, Doctoral Studies and Technology Transfer, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University
  • since 2018 - Associate Professor at the Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University
  • 2013 - three months research stay at the University of Bath (UK) in the group of Dr. Ian M. Eggleston
  • 2008 - 2017 assistant professor at the Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University
  • 2007 - three month traineeship at State Technological Institute in St.Petersburg, (Russian federation) - supervisor Prof. G. I. Koldobskii
  • 2006-2010 - Doctoral study of Bioorganic chemistry at the Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University in Prague
  • 2001-2006 - Master’s study of pharmacy at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University in Prague

Research interests

  • Structure-activity relationships of potential antitubercular agents
  • Structure-activity relationships of dexrazoxane analogues and topoisomerase II inhibitors
  • (chemistry of nitrogen heterocycles)

Teaching and popularization of science:

  • Guarantor of subjects
    M.Sc. study program Pharmacy: General and Inorganic Chemistry; Exercises in General Chemistry; Constitution of Organic Compounds
    B.Sc. study program Medical Bioanalytics: General and Inorganic Chemistry, Exercises in General Chemistry
  • since 2008:
    • supervisor of >25 M.Sc. students (diploma theses)
    • co-supervisor of one Ph.D. students (graduated), supervisor of eight Ph.D. students (two graduated)
    • lecturer of General and Inorganic Chemistry study courses for B.Sc. and M.Sc. students (Pharmacy and Medical Bioanalytics), Chemical Laboratory Technique for M.Sc. students (Pharmacy), Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
  • 2014 - 2019 - organizer of “Postgraduate and Postdoc conference” at the Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Presentations “Science at the Faculty of Pharmacy” for Secondary schools

Scientific Grants


  • since 2024 - Principal investigator of INTER-EXCELLENCE project "Unique isoform-selective topoisomerase II inhibitors as a tool for effective and safe anticancer therapy" (reg. no. LUAUS24335)

  • since 2024 - Member of EU-funded project New Technologies for Translational Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences /NETPHARM (CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004607)

  • since 2024 - Member of the EU-funded project Pre-application research of drugs for oncological diseases and for the prevention and treatment of serious complications caused by them - OncoPharm (CZ.02.01.01/00/23_021/0008442)

  • since 2024 - co-principal Investigator of Czech Health Research Council project NW24-08-00135 Sensitizing Gram-negative bacteria to antibiotic treatment using efflux pump inhibitors

  • since 2022 - Member of the project National Institute of virology and bacteriology - NIVB (Programme EXCELES, ID Project No. LX22NPO5103) funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU.

Finished projects

  • 2021 - 2024 - co-principal Investigator of Czech Health Research Council project NU21-05-00446 From hit-to-lead candidate – development of novel agents to combat tuberculosis

  • 2021 - 2023 -  co-worker of Czech Science Foundation project 21-16195SChemical biology approach to study anthracycline cardiotoxicity and pharmacological cardioprotection with focus on topoisomerase II beta

  • 2019 – 2023 - senior researcher in EU-funded project Pre-application research into innovative medicines and medical technologies (InoMed), reg. no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_069/0010046

  • 2019 - 2022 - senior researcher in EU-funded project Efficiency and Safety Improvement of Current Drugs and Nutraceuticals: Advanced Methods – New Challenges (EFSA–CDN), reg. no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000841

  • 2018-2020 - co-worker of Czech science foundation project 18-08169S - Study of individual topoisomerase II isoforms in anticancer and cardiotoxic effects of anthracyclines and their modulations by bisdioxopiperazines

  • 2014-2016 - co-worker of finished Czech science foundation project 14-08423S - Structure-activity-toxicity relationships studies in the group of small-molecule compounds with antimycobacterial activity - corresponding author of all resulting publications

  • 2014-2016 - Co-Principal and later Principal Investigator of finished Czech science foundation project 14-02165P

  • Co-worker of other 5 finished Czech science foundation projects:
    - 2013-2017 - 13-15008S - New potential cardioprotective agents: Study of structure-activity relationships in various types of myocardial injury
    - 2013-2017 - 13-23891S - Lipid membrane models – a new tool for studying pathophysiology of skin diseases at a molecular level
    - GACR 203/07/1302
    - GACR 207/10/2048
    - GACR 207/11/0365

  • 2012-2017 - co-worker of Charles University Research Centre (UNCE 204019/304019/2012): Centre for the Study of Toxic and Protective Effects of Drugs on Cardiovascular System

  • 2012 - 2015 - co-worker in two EU-funded projects “Pre-seed activities of CU out of Prague“, reg. no. CZ.1.05/3.1.00/13.0284 and "Pre-seed activities of CU out of Prague II", reg. no. CZ.1.05/3.1.00/14.0299.


  • 2022 - medal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenium University Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2018 - winner of Alfred Bader’s Prize in bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry
  • 2009 - Medal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University
  • 2006 - Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University

Professional Memberships

  • Scientific Council, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové (Chairman)
  • Scientific Board, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
  • Scientific Board, University of Defence, Faculty of Military Health Sciences in Hradec Kralové
  • Scientific Board, Masaryk university, Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Scientific Board, Comenium University Bratislava, Faculty of Pharmacy, Slovakia
  • Scientific Council, University of Pardubice
  • Research Board, University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Science
  • Czech Chemical Society


author and co-author of 56 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, >1400 citations (WoS; excluding self-citations); H-index: 23 (WoS)

Complete list

Patents and patent applications

PCT patent applications

  1. WO2024/132001 A1 (PCT/CZ2022/050136). Pávek P., Dušek J., Drastík M., Štefela A., Roh J., Karabanovich G., Melnikova I., Smutný T., Mičuda S., Kučera O., Laštůvková H. Multitarget Nuclear Receptor Ligands Based on 2- (4-(Quinolin-2-yloxy)phenoxy)propanoic Acid and 2-(4-(Quinoxalin-2-yloxy)phenoxy)propanoic Acid for the Treatment of Metabolic and Liver Diseases.

  2. WO2021/144746 A1 (PCT/IB2021/050285). Roh J., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Štěrbová P., Karabanovich G., Jirkovská A., Jirkovský E., Bavlovič Piskáčková H., Kubeš J., Jansová H., Kollárová P. Use of ICRF-193 derivatives and pharmaceutical preparations containing thereof for the prevention of chronic cumulative cardiotoxicity caused by therapy with anthracycline anticancer drugs. 

  3. WO2016/091228 A1 (PCT/CZ2015/000126). Roh J., Němeček J., Hrabálek A., Klimesova V., Karabanovich G., Pavek P., Sychra P. Substituted phenyltetrazole, its use and pharmaceutical preparation containing the same.

  4. WO2014/161516 (PCT/CZ2013/000131). Hrabálek A., Roh J., Karabanovich G., Klimešová V., Němeček J., Pávek P.: Oxa- and thia-diazoles useful in the treatment of Tuberculosis.

Czech patents

  1. CZ 309884 B6. Finger V., Korábečný J., Kufa M., Andrš M., Soukup O., Roh J. Substituovaný purin, jeho použití a farmaceutický přípravek ho obsahující.

  2. CZ 309069 B6. Roh J., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Štěrbová P., Karabanovich G., Jirkovská A., Jirkovský E., Bavlovič Piskáčková H., Kubeš J., Jansová H., Kollárová P.: Použití derivátů sloučeniny ICRF-193 a farmaceutický přípravek k prevenci chronické kumulativní kardiotoxicity způsobené terapií antracyklinovými protinádorovými léčivy

  3. CZ 308557​ B6. Roh J., Karabanovich G., Pavek P., Hrabálek A.: Substituovaný 1,2,4-oxadiazol, jeho použití a farmaceutický přípravek ho obsahující (Substituted 1,2,4-oxadiazole, its use and pharmaceutical preparation containing the same). bought by Svenox Pharmaceuticals LLC

  4. CZ 307936 B6. Čonka P., Hrabálek A., Karabanovich G., Němeček J., Klimešová V., Valášková L., Roh. J.: Substituovaný nitrobenzyltetrazol, jeho použití a farmaceutický přípravek ho obsahující.

  5. CZ 306321 B6. Němeček J., Roh J., Hrabálek A., Klimešová V., Karabanovich G., Pávek P.: Substituovaný dinitrofenyltetrazol, jeho použití a farmaceutický přípravek ho obsahující.

  6. CZ 306245 B6. Roh J., Němeček J., Hrabálek A., Klimešová V., Karabanovich G., Pávek P., Sychra P.: Substituovaný fenyltetrazol, jeho použití a farmaceutický přípravek ho obsahující.

  7. CZ 306408 B6. Karabanovich G., Roh J., Hrabálek A., Klimešová V., Pávek P.: Dinitrofenyl oxadiazol a triazol, jeho použití a farmaceutický přípravek ho obsahující.

  8. CZ 305622 B6. Hrabálek A., Roh J., Karabanovich G., Klimešová V., Němeček J., Pávek P.: Substituovaný tetrazol, jeho použití a farmaceutický přípravek ho obsahující.

  9. CZ 305680 B6. Hrabálek A., Roh J., Karabanovich G., Klimešová V., Němeček J., Pávek P.: Substituovaný diazol, jeho použití a farmaceutický přípravek ho obsahující.

© Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
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