PharmDr. Marcela Šafratová, Ph.D.

Research focus

  • isolation of secondary metabolites from the family Amaryllidaceae (isolation, analysis, structural identification)
  • in vitro biological activities of isolated compounds (AChE, BuChE, POP and cytotoxicity)


  • 2008-2013 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy, (Master degree), Thesis: Biologically active metabolites of plants. 10. Alkaloids of Fumaria officinalis L. and their biological activity.

Current position

  • an Assistant Professor at the Department of Pharmacognosy since September 2016


  • Pharmacognosy (practicals)
  • Phytopharmaca (lectures; guarantor of this subject)


Original papers


WIJAYA, V., JANDOUREK, O., KROUSTKOVA, J., HRADISKA-BREITEROVA, K., KORABECNY, O., SOBOLOVA, K., KOHELOVA, E., HOSTALKOVA, A., KONECNA, K., SAFRATOVA, M., VRABEC, R., KUNES, J., OPLETAL, O., CHLEBEK, J., CAHLIKOVA, L.: Alkaloids of Dicranostigma franchetianum (Papaveraceae) and berberine derivatives as a novel class of antimycobacterial agents. Biomolecules 12, 844 (2022).

VRABEC, R., MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., LOČÁREK, M., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., HULCOVÁ, D., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., KUNEŠ, J., CHLEBEK, J., KUČERA, T., HRABINOVÁ, M., JUN, D., SOUKUP, O., ANDRISANO, V., JENČO, J., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., OPLETAL, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Monoterpene indole alkaloids from Vinca minor L. (Apocynaceae): identification of new structural scaffold for treatment of Alzheimer´s disease. Phytochemistry 194, 113017 (2022).


MAAFI, N., AL MAMUN, A., JANĎOUREK, O., MAŘÍKOVA, J., BREITEROVÁ, K., DIEPOLTOVÁ, A., KONEČNÁ, K., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., HULCOVÁ, D., KUNEŠ, J., KOHELOVÁ, E., KOUTOVÁ, D., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Semisynthetic derivatives of selected Amaryllidaceae alkaloids as a new class of antimycobacterial agents. Molecules 26, 6023 (2021).

AL SHAMMARI, L., HULCOVÁ, D., MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., KUČERA, T., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., SCHMIDT, M., PULKRÁBKOVÁ, L., JANOUŠEK, J., SOUKUP, O., KUNEŠ, J., OPLETAL, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Amaryllidaceae alkaloids from Hippeastrum x hybridum cv. Ferrari, and preparation of vittatine derivatives as potential ligands for Alzheimer’s disease. S. Afr. J. Bot. 136, 137-146 (2021).

KOHELOVÁ, E., MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., HULCOVÁ, D., KUČERA, T., JUN, D., CHLEBEK, J., JENČO, J., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., HRABINOVÁ, M., RITOMSKÁ, A., MALANÍK, M., PEŘINOVÁ, R., BREITEROVÁ, K., KUNEŠ, J., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., OPLETAL, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Alkaloids of Zephyrantes citrina (Amaryllidaceae) and their implication to Alzheimerʼs disease: isolation, structural elucidation and biological activity. Bioorg. Chem. 107, 104567 (2021).


PEŘINOVÁ, R., MAAFI, M., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., KOHELOVÁ, E., DE SIMONE, A., AL MAMUN, A., HULCOVÁ, D.,MARKOVÁ, J., KUČERA, T., JUN, D., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., ANDRISANO, V., JENČO, J., KUNEŠ, J., MARTINEZ, A., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Functionalized aromatic esters of the Amaryllidaceae alkaloid haemanthamine and their in vitro and in silico biological activity connected to Alzheimer´s disease. Bioorg. Chem. 100, 103928 (2020).

AL MAMUN, A., MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., HULCOVÁ, D., JANOUŠEK, J., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., KUČERA, T., HRABINOVÁ, M.,  KUNEŠ, J., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L: Amaryllidaceae alkaloids of belladine-type from Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton as new selective inhibitors of butyrylcholinesterase. Biomolecules 10, 800 (2020).

AL SHAMMARI, L., AL MAMUN, A., KOUTOVÁ, D., MAJOROŠOVÁ, M., HULCOVÁ, D., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., BREITEROVÁ, K. MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., HAVELEK, R., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Alkaloid profiling of Hippeastrum cultivars by GC-MS, isolation of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids and evaluation of their cytotoxicity. Rec. Nat. Prod. 14, 154-159 (2020).


ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., HULCOVÁ, D., BREITEROVÁ, K., HRABCOVÁ, V., MACHADO, M., FONTINHA, D., PRUDENCIO, M., KUNEŠ, J., CHLEBEK, J., JUN, D., HRABINOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., HAVELEK, R., SEIFERTOVÁ, M., OPLETAL, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L: Alkaloids from Narcissus poeticus cv. Pink Parasol of various structural types and their biological activity. Arch. Pharm. Res. 41, 208-218 (2018).

HULCOVÁ, D., BREITEROVÁ, K., SIATKA, T., KLÍMOVÁ, K., DAVANI, L., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., DE SIMONE, A., ANDRISANO, A., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Amaryllidaceae alkaloids as potential glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibitors. Molecules 23, 719 (2018).


HAVELEK, R., MUTHNA, D., TOMSIK, P., KRALOVEC, K., SEIFRTOVÁ, M., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., PERWEIN, M., ČERMÁKOVÁ, E.,  ŘEZÁČOVÁ, M.: Anticancer potential of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids evaluated by a screening with a panel of human cells, real-time cellular analysis and Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice.  Chem. Biol. Interact. 275, 121-132 (2017).

HULCOVÁ, D., BREITEROVÁ, K., ZEMANOVÁ, L., SIATKA, T., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., VANĚČKOVÁ, N., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., WSÓL, V., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Screening of AKR1C3 inhibitory potency of naturally occuring Amaryllidaceae alkaloids of different structural types. Nat. Prod. Commun. 12, 245-246 (2017).


VANĚČKOVÁ, N., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., KUNEŠ, J., HULCOVÁ, D., HRABINOVÁ, H., DOSKOČIL, I., ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Š., OPLETAL, L., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., JUN, D., CHLEBEK, J., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Isolation of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids from Nerine bowdenii W. Watson (Amaryllidaceae) and their biological activity. RSC Advances 6, 80114-80120 (2016).

HAVELEK, R., SEIFERTOVÁ, M., KRÁLOVEC, K., KROCOVÁ, E., TEJKALOVÁ, V., NOVOTNÝ, I., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., OPLETAL, L., BÍLKOVÁ, Z., VÁVROVÁ, J., ŘEZÁČOVÁ, M.: Comparative cytotoxicity of chelidonine and homochelidonine, the dimethoxy analogues isolated from Chelidonium majus L. (Papaveraceae), against human leukemic and lung carcinoma cells. Phytomedicine  23, 253-266 (2016).

CHLEBEK, J., DOSKOČIL, I., HULCOVÁ, D., BREITEROVÁ, K., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., HAVELEK, R., HABARTOVÁ, K., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., VOLŠTÁTOVÁ, T., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Cytotoxicity of naturally occurring isoquinoline alkaloids of  different structural types. Nat. Prod. Commun11, 753-756 (2016).

CHLEBEK, J., NOVÁK, Z., KASSEMOVÁ, D., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., KOSTELNÍK, J., MALÝ, L., LOČÁREK, M., OPLETAL, L., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., HRABINOVÁ, M., KUNEŠ, J., NOVOTNÁ, P., URBANOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., MACÁKOVÁ, K., HULCOVÁ, D., SOLICH, P., MARTÍN, C.P., JUN, D., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L..: Isoquinoline alkaloids from Fumaria officinalis L. and their biological activities related to Alzheimer’s disease. Chem. Biodivers. 13, 91-99 (2016).


LOČÁREK, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, J., KLOUČEK, P., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., KOKOŠKA, L., GÁBRLOVÁ, L., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., OPLETAL, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Antifungal and antibacterial activity of extracts and alkaloids of selected Amaryllidaceae species. Nat. Prod. Commun. 10, 1537-1540 (2015).

DOSKOČIL, I., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., BENEŠOVÁ, N., HAVLÍK, J., HAVELEK, R., KUNEŠ, J., KRÁLOVEC, K., CHLEBEK, J., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Cytotoxic activities of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids against gastrointestinal cancer cells. Phytochem. Lett. 13, 394-398 (2015).

CAHLÍKOVÁ, L., PÉREZ, D.I., ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Š, CHLEBEK, J., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., OPLETAL, L.: In vitro inhibitory effects of 8-O-demethylmaritidine and undulatine on acetylcholinesterase, and their predicted penetration across the blood-brain barrier. J. Nat. Prod. 78, 1189-1192 (2015).

CAHLÍKOVÁ, L., HULOVÁ, L., HRABINOVÁ, M., CHLEBEK, J., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., ADAMCOVÁ, M., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., JUN, D., OPLETAL, L., LOČÁREK, M., MACÁKOVÁ, K.: Isoquinoline alkaloids as potential prolyl oligopeptidase inhibitors. Fitoterapia 103, 192-196 (2015).


OPLETAL, L., LOČÁREK, M., FRAŇKOVÁ, A., CHLEBEK, J., ŠMÍD, J., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., HULCOVÁ, D., KLOUČEK P., ROZKOT, M., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Antimicrobial activity of extracts and isoquinoline alkaloids of selected Papaveraceae plants. Nat. Prod. Commun. 9, 1709-1712 (2014).

ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., NOVÁK, Z., KULHÁNKOVÁ, A., KUNEŠ, J., HRABINOVÁ,M., JUN, D., MACÁKOVÁ K., OPLETAL, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Revised NMR data for 9-O-demethylgalanthine: an alkaloid from Zephyranthes robusta (Amaryllidaceae) and its biological aktivity. Nat. Prod. Commun.  9, 787-788 (2014).

HAVLASOVÁ, J., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., SIATKA, T., ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Š., LOČÁREK, M., OPLETAL, L., HRABINOVÁ, M., JUN, D., BENEŠOVÁ, N., NOVÁK, Z., KUNEŠ, J., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Chemical composition of bioactive alkaloid extracts from some Narcissus species and varieties and their biological activity. Nat. Prod. Commun. 9, 1151-1155 (2014).



ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., VRABEC, R., BLUNDEN, G., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. KŘOUSTKOVÁ, J. Specialized metabolites of the genus Zephyranthes Herb.: a critical review on taxonomy and phytochemistry. Phytochem. Rev. (2024).


CAHLIKOVA, L., VANECKOVA, N., SAFRATOVA, M., BREITEROVA, K., BLUNDEN, G., HULCOVA, D., OPLETAL, L.: The genus Nerine Herb. (Amaryllidaceae): ethnobotany, phytochemistry, and biological activity. Molecules 24, 4238 (2019).



CAHLÍKOVÁ, L., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., CHLEBEK, J., HULCOVÁ, D., BREITEROVÁ, K., OPLETAL, L.: Pharmacognosy and its role in the system of profile disciplines in Pharmacy. Nat. Prod. Commun. 15, 1-7 (2020).

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