Previous Education and Training
- 2003-2004: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Laboratory for Physiology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands (13 months, Huyghens Scholarship)
- 1999-2003: Doctoral Study - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, (Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology; PharmD in Pharmacy);
- 1998-1999: Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Vienna, Austria (6 months, M.Sc. Diploma Thesis Project, ERASMUS)
- 1994-1999: Masters Study - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, (M.Sc. in Pharmacy)
Research Interests
- Cardiovascular and cancer molecular biology, pharmacology, toxicology
- in-vitro models of diseases
- drug-induced cardiotoxicity
- role of various isoforms of topoisomerase II in anticancer and cardiotoxic effects of drugs
- oxidative stress-related diseases
- role of redox-active ions in various pathologies
- development and evaluation of potential cardioprotective and anticancer agents
- since 2012: mentor of 5 post-doctoral research associates
- since 2006: tutor of 7 Ph.D. students
- since 2010: Member of the Examination Board of Ph.D. programs Pathobiochemistry and Xenobiochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology
- since 2004: supervisor of >40 B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Pharmacy and Medical Bioanalytics) diploma theses
- since 2004: principal lecturer and examiner of Molecular Biology and Genetics study courses for B.Sc. and M.Sc. students (Pharmacy and Medical Bioanalytics), Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
- 1999-2002: teaching of seminars from Pharmacology for Pharmacy M.Sc. students, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Professional Memberships
- Editorial Board Member / Section Editor - BBA General Subjects
- Coordinator of the Charles University Programs "Research and Study of the Drugs" (PRVOUK P40, PROGRES Q42, COOPERATIO PHARM SCI)
- Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) Evaluation Panel Member (306)
- Grant Agency of the Charles University – Member of the Biology Panel (Section B)
- The Council of Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic – representative of the Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy and member of the Science and Economy committees
- International Society on Chelation and Metals (ISOCAM) – Co-chair of Cancer Subcommittee
- International Society for Heart Research (European Section)
- Czech Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Czech Pharmaceutical Society
- 1996-1998: President of the Czech Pharmacy Students' Association (CPSA)
Grants Received
- principal investigator, Czech Science Foundation project GACR 21-16195S - Chemical biology approach to study anthracycline cardiotoxicity and pharmacological cardioprotection with focus on topoisomerase II beta (2021 - 2023)
- principal investigator, Czech Science Foundation project GACR 18-08169S - Study of individual topoisomerase II isoforms in anticancer and cardiotoxic effects of anthracyclines and their modulations by bisdioxopiperazines (2018 - 2020)
principal investigator, University Research Center for the Study of Toxic and Protective Effects of Drugs on Cardiovascular System (Charles University in Prague, UNCE 204019, 2012 - 2017)
- principal investigator, Czech Science Foundation project GACR 13-15008S - New potential cardioprotective agents: study of structure-activity relationships in various types of myocardial injury (2013 - 2017)
- principal investigator, Czech Science Foundation, GACR P305/05/P156 “Study of protective effects of novel iron chelators in the heart injury induced by oxidative stress and anthracycline cytostatics” (2005-2007)
- principal investigator, grant of the Czech Society of Cardiology ”Study of the role of apoptosis in the anthracycline-induced myocardial damage" (2006-2008)
- co-investigator in other research grants and projects (6x GA CR, 7 x GA UK, 2 x IGA MZ CR, 5 x European Union – funded projects)
- 2005: Winner - Prix de Pharmacie, organized by the French Embassy in Prague and Sanofi-Aventis pharma company
- 2004: 2nd place - Young Cardiologists` Day of the Czech Society for Cardiology
- 2006: Scientific Paper Award, prize of the Blood Pressure Foundation (3rd place)
- 2009: Medal of the Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy
- 2022: Gold Medal of the Charles University
Hobbies / Personal Interests
- Traveling, Scuba Diving, Underwater Photography
author and co-author of >80 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 5 books chapters and proceeding papers, 3 textbooks, 1 accepted international patent application (PCT); >3000 citations (WoS; >2600 excluding self-citations); H-index: 30 (WoS)
Most of the papers with full-text links can be found with the PubMed Search “Simunek T”
- Keresteš V., Kubeš J., Applová L., Kollárová P., Lenčová-Popelová O., Melnikova I., Karabanovich G., Khazeem M.M., Bavlovič-Piskáčková H., Kovaříková P., Austin C.A., Roh J., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Jirkovská A. Exploring the effects of topoisomerase II inhibitor XK469 on anthracycline cardiotoxicity and DNA damage. Toxicological Sciences. 2024; 198(2): 288-302.
- Incocciati A., Kubeš J., Piacentini R., Cappelletti C., Botta S., Bertuccini L., Šimůnek T, Boffi A., Macone A., Bonamore A. Hydrophobicity-enhanced ferritin nanoparticles for efficient encapsulation and targeted delivery of hydrophobic drugs to tumor cells. Protein Science 2023; 32: e4819.
- Hašková P., Applová L., Jansová H., Homola P., Franz K.J., Vávrová K., Roh J., Šimůnek T. Examination of diverse iron-chelating agents for the protection of differentiated PC12 cells against oxidative injury induced by 6-hydroxydopamine and dopamine. Scientific Reports 2022; 12: 9765.
- Pokorná Z., Kollárová-Brázdová P., Lenčová-Popelová O., Jirkovský E., Kubeš J., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Holečková M., Palička V., Šimůnek T., Štěrba M. Primary prevention of chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity with ACE inhibitor is temporarily effective in rabbits, but benefits wane in post-treatment follow-up. Clinical Science (London) 2022; 136: 139-161.
- Jirkovský E., Jirkovská A., Bavlovič-Piskáčková H., Skalická V., Pokorná Z., Karabanovich G., Kollárová-Brázdová P., Kubeš J., Lenčová-Popelová O., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Lyon A.R., Roh J., Šimůnek T., Štěrbová-Kovaříková .P, Štěrba M. Clinically translatable prevention of anthracycline cardiotoxicity by dexrazoxane is mediated by topoisomerase II beta and not metal chelation. Circulation: Heart Failure 2021; 14(11): e008209.
- Kollárová-Brázdová P., Lenčová-Popelová O., Karabanovich G., Kocúrová-Lengvarská J., Kubeš J., Váňová N., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Jirkovská A., Holečková M., Šimůnek T., Štěrbová-Kovaříková P., Roh J., Štěrba M. Prodrug of ICRF-193 provides promising protective effects against chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity on a rabbit model in vivo. Clinical Science (London) 2021; 135: 1897-1914.
- Jirkovská A., Karabanovich G., Kubeš J., Skalická V., Melnikova I., Korábečný J., Kučera T., Jirkovský E., Nováková L., Bavlovič Piskáčková H., Škoda J., Štěrba M., Austin C.A., Šimůnek T., Roh J. Structure-activity relationship study of dexrazoxane analogues reveals ICRF-193 as the most potent bisdioxopiperazine against anthracycline toxicity to cardiomyocytes due to its strong topoisomerase IIβ interactions. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2021; 64(7): 3997-4019.
- Bavlovič Piskáčková H., Jansová H., Kubeš J., Karabanovich G., Váňová N., Kollárová-Brázdová P., Melnikova I., Jirkovská A., Lenčová-Popelová O., Chládek J., Roh J., Šimůnek T., Štěrba M., Štěrbová-Kovaříková P. Development of water-soluble prodrugs of the bisdioxopiperazine topoisomerase IIβ inhibitor ICRF 193 as potential cardioprotective agents against anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Scientific Reports 2021; 11(1): 4456.
- Kollárová-Brázdová P, Jirkovská A, Karabanovich G, Pokorná Z, Bavlovič Piskáčková H, Jirkovský E, Kubeš J, Lenčová-Popelová O, Mazurová Y, Adamcová M, Skalická V, Štěrbová-Kovaříková P, Roh J, Šimůnek T, Štěrba M. Investigation of structure-activity relationships of dexrazoxane analogs reveals topoisomerase IIβ interaction as a prerequisite for effective protection against anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2020; 373(3): 402-415.
- Pokorná Z., Jirkovský E., Hlaváčkova M., Jansová H., Jirkovská A., Lenčová-Popelová O., Brázdová P., Kubeš J., Šotáková-Kašparová D., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Vostatková L., Holzerová K., Kolář F., Šimůnek T., Štěrba M. In vitro and in vivo investigation of cardiotoxicity associated with anticancer proteasome inhibitors and their combination with anthracycline. Clinical Science (London) 2020; 133(16): 1827-1844.
- Jansová H., Šimůnek T. Cardioprotective potential of iron chelators and prochelators. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2019; 26(2): 288-301.
- Reimerová P., Jirkovská A., Bavlovič-Piskáčková H., Karabanovich G., Roh J., Šimůnek T., Štěrbová-Kovaříková P. UHPLC-MS/MS method for analysis of sobuzoxane, its active form ICRF-154 and metabolite EDTA-diamide and its application to bioactivation study. Scientific Reports. 2019; 9(1): 4524.
- Reimerová P., Stariat J., Bavlovič-Piskáčková H., Jansová H., Roh J., Kalinowski D., Macháček M., Šimůnek T., Richardson D.R., Štěrbová-Kovaříková P. Novel SPME fibers based on a plastic support for determination of plasma protein binding of thiosemicarbazone metal chelators: A case example of DpC, an anti-cancer drug that entered clinical trials. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2019; 411(11): 2383-2394.
- Jansová H., Kubeš J., Reimerová P., Štěrbová-Kovaříková P., Roh J., Šimůnek T. 2,6-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde analogues of the iron chelator salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone: Increased hydrolytic stability and cytoprotective activity against oxidative stress. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2018; 31(11): 1151-1163.
- Macháček M., Carter K.A., Kostelanský F., Miranda D., Seffouh A., Ortega J., Šimůnek T., Zimčík P., Lovell J.F. Binding of an amphiphilic phthalocyanine to pre-formed liposomes confers light-triggered cargo release. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2018; 6 (44): 7298-7305.
- Hrušková K., Potůčková E., Opálka L., Hergeselová T., Hašková P., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T., Vávrová K. Structure-activity relationships of nitro-substituted aroylhydrazone iron chelators with antioxidant and antiproliferative activities. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2018; 31(6): 435-446.
- Jirkovský E., Jirkovská A., Bureš J., Chládek J., Lenčová O., Stariat J., Pokorná Z., Karabanovich G., Roh J., Brázdová P., Šimůnek T., Kovaříková P., Štěrba M. Pharmacokinetics of the cardioprotective drug dexrazoxane and its active metabolite ADR-925 with focus on cardiomyocytes and the heart. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2018; 364(3): 433-446.
- Nachtigal P., Šimůnek T., Atkinson J. Pharmacy Practice and Education in the Czech Republic. Pharmacy (Basel). 2017; 5(4): E54.
- Bureš J, Jirkovská A, Šesták V, Jansová H, Karabanovich G, Roh J, Štěrba M, Šimůnek T., Kovaříková P. Investigation of novel dexrazoxane analogue JR-311 shows significant cardioprotective effects through topoisomerase IIbeta but not its iron chelating metabolite. Toxicology. 2017; 392: 1-10.
- Filipský T. Říha M., Hašková P., Pilařová V., Nováková L., Semecký V., Vávrová J., Holečková M., Palička V., Šimůnek T., Hrdina R., Mladěnka P. Intravenous rutin in rat exacerbates isoprenaline-induced cardiotoxicity likely due to intracellular oxidative stress. Redox Report 2017; 22: 78-90.
- Lenčová-Popelová O., Jansová H., Jirkovský E., Bureš J., Jirkovská-Vávrová A., Mazurová Y., Reimerová P., Vostatková L., Adamcová M., Hroch M., Pokorná Z., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T., Štěrba M. Cardioprotective effects of NO-donor molsidomine are not directly translatable to chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity settings. Toxicology 2016; 372: 52-63.
- Hašková P., Jansová H., Bureš J., Macháček M., Jirkovská A., Franz K.J., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T. Cardioprotective effects of iron chelator HAPI and ROS-activated boronate prochelator BHAPI against catecholamine-induced oxidative cellular injury. Toxicology 2016; 371: 17-28.
- Macháček M., Demuth J., Čermák P., Vavrečková M., Hrubá L., Jedličková A., Kubát P., Šimůnek T., Nováková V., Zimčík P. Tetra(3,4-pyrido)porphyrazines caught in the cationic cage: toward nanomolar active photosensitizers. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016; 59 (20): 9443–9456.
- Roh J., Karabanovich G., Nováková V., Šimůnek T., Vávrová K. Large-scale synthesis of piperazine-2,6-dione and its use in the synthesis of dexrazoxane analogues. Synthesis 2016; 48: 4580 – 4588.
- Hrušková K., Potůčková E., Hergeselová T., Liptáková L., Hašková P., Mingas P., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T., Vávrová K. Aroylhydrazone iron chelators: Tuning antioxidant and antiproliferative properties by hydrazide modifications. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016; 120: 97-110.
- Jansová H., Bureš J., Macháček M., Hašková P., Jirkovská A., Roh J., Wang Q., Franz K.J., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T. Characterization of cytoprotective and toxic properties of iron chelator SIH, prochelator BSIH and their degradation products. Toxicology 2016; 350: 15-24.
- Filipský T. Říha M., Hašková P., Pilařová V., Nováková L., Semecký V., Vávrová J., Holečková M., Palička V., Šimůnek T., Hrdina R., Mladěnka P. Intravenous rutin in rat exacerbates isoprenaline-induced cardiotoxicity likely due to intracellular oxidative stress. Redox Report 2017; 22: 78-90.
- Macháček M., Kollár J., Miletín M., Kučera R., Kubát P., Šimůnek T., Nováková V., Zimčík P. Anionic hexadeca-carboxylate tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine: synthesis and in vitro photodynamic studies of a water-soluble, nonaggregating photosensitizer. RSC Advances 2016; 6: 10064–10077.
- Lenčová-Popelová O., Jirkovský E., Jansová H., Jirkovská-Vávrová A., Vostatková-Tichotová L., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Chládek J., Hroch M., Pokorná Z., Geršl V., Šimůnek T., Štěrba M. Cardioprotective effects of inorganic nitrate/nitrite in chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity: comparison with dexrazoxane. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2016; 91: 92-103. [Impact factor 2016: 5.680]
- Říha M., Hašková P., Martin J., Filipský T., Váňová K., Vávrová J., Holečková M., Homola P., Vítek L., Palička V., Šimůnek T., Mladěnka P. Protective effects of D-Penicillamine on catecholamine-induced myocardial injury. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2016; Article ID 5213532
- Šesták V., Stariat J., Cermanová J., Potůčková E, Chládek J., Roh J., Bureš J., Jansová H., Průša P., Štěrba M., Mičuda S., Šimůnek T., Kalinowski D.S., Richardson D.R., Kovaříková P. Novel and potent anti-tumor and anti-metastatic di-2-pyridylketone thiosemicarbazones demonstrate marked differences in pharmacology between the first and second generation lead agents. Oncotarget. 2015; 6(40): 42411-42428.
- Lenčo J., Lenčová-Popelová O., Link M., Jirkovská A., Tambor V., Potůčková E., Stulík J., Šimůnek T., Štěrba M. Proteomic investigation of embryonic rat heart-derived H9c2 cell line sheds new light on the molecular phenotype of the popular cell model. Experimental Cell Research. 2015; 339: 174-186.
- Potůčková E, Roh J, Macháček M, Sahni S, Stariat J, Šesták V, Jansová H, Hašková P, Jirkovská A, Vávrová K, Kovaříková P, Kalinowski DS, Richardson DR, Šimůnek T. In vitro characterization of the pharmacological properties of the anti-Cancer chelator, Bp4eT, and its phase I metabolites. PLoS One. 2015; 10(10): e0139929.
- Jirkovská-Vávrová A., Roh J., Lenčová-Popelová O., Jirkovský E., Hrušková K., Potůčková-Macková E., Jansová H., Hašková P., Martinková P., Eisner T., Kratochvíl M., Šůs J., Macháček M., Vostatková-Tichotová L., Geršl V., Kalinowski D.S., Muller M., Richardson D.R., Vávrová K., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T. Synthesis and analysis of novel analogues of dexrazoxane and its open-ring hydrolysis product for protection against anthracycline cardiotoxicity in vitro and in vivo. Toxicology Research. 2015; 4: 1098-1114.
- Váchová L., Macháček M., Kučera R., Demuth J., Čermák P., Kopecký K., Miletín M., Jedličková A., Šimůnek T., Nováková V., Zimčík P. Heteroatom-substituted tetra(3,4-pyrido)-porphyrazines: a stride toward near-infraredabsorbing macrocycles. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 2015; 13(20): 5608 – 5612.
- Macháček M., Cidlina A., Nováková V., Švec J., Rudolf E., Miletín M., Kučera R., Šimůnek T., Zimčík P. Far-red absorbing cationic phthalocyanine photosensitizers: Synthesis and evaluation of the photodynamic anti-cancer activity and the mode of cell death induction. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2015; 58(4): 1736-1749.
- Bureš J., Jansová H., Stariat J., Filipský T., Mladěnka P., Šimůnek T., Kučera R., Klimeš J., Wang Q., Franz K.J., Kovaříková P. LC-UV/MS methods for the analysis of prochelator-Boronyl salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (BSIH) and its active chelator salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH). Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2014; 105C: 55-63.
- Potůčková E., Hrušková K., Bureš J., Kovaříková P., Špirková I.A., Pravdíková K., Kolbabová L., Hergeselová T., Hašková P., Jansová H., Macháček M., Jirkovská A., Richardson V., Lane D. J. R., Kalinowski D.S., Richardson D.R., Vávrová K., Šimůnek T. Structure-activity relationships of novel salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH) analogs: iron chelation, anti-oxidant and cytotoxic properties. PLoS One. 2014; 9(11): e112059.
- Serda M., Kalinowski D. S., Rasko N., Potůčková E., Mrozek-Wilczkiewicz A., Musiol R., Małecki J.G., Sajewicz M., Ratuszna A., Muchowicz A., Gołab J., Šimůnek T., Richardson D. R., Polanski J. Exploring the anti-cancer activity of novel thiosemicarbazones generated through the combination of retro-fragments: Dissection of critical structure-activity relationships. PLoS One. 2014; 9(10): e110291.
- Jansová H., Macháček M., Wang Q., Hašková P., Jirkovská A., Potůčková E., Kielar F., Franz K.J., Šimůnek T. Comparison of various iron chelators and prochelators as protective agents against cardiomyocyte oxidative injury. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2014; 74: 210-221.
- Lenčová-Popelová O., Jirkovský E., Mazurová Y., Lenčo J., Adamcová M., Šimůnek T., Geršl V., Štěrba M. Molecular remodeling of left and right ventricular myocardium in chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity and post-treatment follow up. PLoS One. 2014; 9(5): e96055.
- Potůčková E., Jansová H., Macháček M., Vávrová A., Hašková P., Tichotová L., Richardson V., Kalinowski D.S., Richardson D.R., Šimůnek T. Quantitative analysis of the anti-proliferative activity of combinations of selected iron-chelating agents and clinically used anti-neoplastic drugs. PLoS One. 2014; 9(2): e88754.
- Stariat J., Suprunová V., Roh J., Šesták V., Eisner T., Filipský T., Mladěnka P., Nobilis M., Šimůnek T., Klimeš J., Kalinowski D.S., Richardson D.R., Kovaříková P. Simultaneous determination of the novel thiosemicarbazone anti-cancer agent, Bp4eT, and its main phase I metabolites in plasma: Application to a pilot pharmacokinetic study in rats. Biomedical Chromatography 2014; 28(5): 621-9.
- Vávrová A., Jansová H., Macková E., Macháček M., Hašková P., Tichotová L., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T. Catalytic Inhibitors of Topoisomerase II Differently Modulate the Toxicity of Anthracyclines in Cardiac and Cancer Cells. PLoS One. 2013; 8(10): e76676.
- Makhseed S, Macháček M, Alfadly W, Tuhl A, Vinodh M, Šimůnek T, Nováková V, Kubát P, Rudolf E, Zimčík P. Water-soluble non-aggregating zinc phthalocyanine and in vitro studies for photodynamic therapy. Chemical Communications. 2013; 49(95): 11149-51.
- Jirkovský E., Lenčová-Popelová O., Hroch M., Adamcová M., Mazurová Y., Vávrová J., Mičuda S., Šimůnek T., Geršl V., Stěrba M. Early and delayed cardioprotective intervention with dexrazoxane each show different potential for prevention of chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity in rabbits. Toxicology 2013; 311(3):191-204.
- Štěrba M., Popelová O., Vávrová A., Jirkovský E., Kovaříková P., Geršl V., Šimůnek T. Oxidative stress, redox signaling and metal chelation in anthracycline cardiotoxicity and pharmacological cardioprotection. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 2013; 18(8): 899-929.
- Janůšová B., Školová B., Tükörová K., Wojnarová L., Šimůnek T., Mladěnka P., Filipský T., Říha M., Roh J., Palát K., Hrabálek A., Vávrová K. Amino acid derivatives as transdermal permeation enhancers. Journal of Controlled Release. 2013; 165(2): 91-100.
- Kovaříková P., Pasáková I., Vávrová A., Stariat J., Klimeš J., Šimůnek T. Development of LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of the cardioprotective drug dexrazoxane and its metabolite ADR-925 in isolated cardiomyocytes and cell culture medium. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2013; 76C: 243-251.
- Jirkovský E., Popelová O., Křiváková-Staňková P., Vávrová A., Hroch M., Hašková P., Brčáková-Doleželová E., Mičuda S., Adamcová M., Šimůnek T., Červinková Z., Geršl V., Štěrba M. Chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity: molecular and functional analysis with focus on Nrf2 and mitochondrial biogenesis pathways. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2012; 343(2): 468-78.
- Macková E., Hrušková K., Bendová P., Vávrová A., Jansová H., Hašková P., Kovaříková P., Vávrová K., Šimůnek T. Methyl and ethyl ketone analogs of salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone: Novel iron chelators with selective antiproliferative action. Chemico-Biological Interactions 2012; 197: 69-79.
- Vávrová A., Šimůnek T. DNA topoisomerase IIb: A player in regulation of gene expression and cell differentiation. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2012; 44(6): 834-837.
- Hašková P., Koubková L., Vávrová A., Macková E., Hrušková K., Kovaříková P., Vávrová K., Šimůnek T. Comparison of various iron chelators used in clinical practice as protecting agents against catecholamine-induced oxidative injury and cardiotoxicity. Toxicology 2011; 289(2-3): 122-131.
- Štěrba M., Popelová O., Lenčo J., Fučíková A., Brčáková E., Mazurová Y., Jirkovský E., Šimůnek T., Adamcová M., Mičuda S., Stulík J., Geršl V. Proteomic insights into chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2011; 50(5): 849-862.
- Hrušková K., Kovaříková P., Bendová P., Hašková P., Macková E., Stariat J., Vávrová A., Vávrová K., Šimůnek T. Synthesis and initial in vitro evaluations of novel antioxidant aroylhydrazone iron chelators with increased stability against plasma hydrolysis. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2011; 24(3): 290-302.
- Hašková P., Kovaříková P., Koubková L., Vávrová A., Macková E., Šimůnek T. Iron chelation with salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH) protects against catecholamine autooxidation and cardiotoxicity. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2011; 50(4): 537-549.
- Vávrová A., Popelová O., Štěrba M., Jirkovský E., Hašková P., Mertlíková-Kaiserová H., Geršl V., Šimůnek T. In vivo and in vitro assessment of the role of glutathione antioxidant system in anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Archives of Toxicology 2011; 85(5): 525-535.
- Bendová P., Macková E., Hašková P., Vávrová A., Jirkovský E., Štěrba M., Popelová O., Kalinowski D.S., Kovaříková P., Vávrová K., Richardson D.R., Šimůnek T. Comparison of clinically used and experimental iron chelators for protection against oxidative stress-induced cellular injury. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2010; 23(6): 1105-1114.
- Popelová O., Štěrba M., Hašková P., Šimůnek T., Hroch M., Gunčová I., Nachtigal P., Adamcová M., Geršl V., Mazurová Y. Dexrazoxane-afforded protection against chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity in vivo: effective rescue of cardiomyocytes from apoptotic cell death. British Journal of Cancer 2009; 101(5): 792-802.
- Šimůnek T., Štěrba M., Popelová O., Adamcová M., Hrdina R., Geršl V. Anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity: Overview of studies examining the roles of oxidative stress and free cellular iron Pharmacological Reports 2009; 61(1): 154-171.
- Mladěnka P., Kalinowski D.S., Hašková P., Bobrovová Z., Hrdina R., Šimůnek T., Nachtigal P., Semecký V., Vávrová J., Holečková M., Palička V., Mazurová Y., Jansson P., Richardson, D.R. The novel iron chelator, PCTH, reduces catecholamine-mediated myocardial toxicity. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2009; 22(1): 208-217.
- Mladěnka P., Zatloukalová L., Šimůnek T., Bobrovová Z., Semecký V., Nachtigal P., Hašková P., Macková E., Vávrová J., Holečková M., Palička V., Hrdina R. Direct administration of rutin does not protect against catecholamine cardiotoxicity. Toxicology 2009; 255(1-2): 25-32.
- Šimůnek T., Štěrba M., Popelová O., Kaiserová H., Adamcová M., Hroch M., Hašková P., Poňka P., Geršl V. Anthracycline toxicity to cardiomyocytes or cancer cells is differently affected by iron chelation with salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone. British Journal of Pharmacology 2008; 155(1): 138-48.
- Popelová O., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Mazurová Y., Gunčová I., Hroch M., Adamcová M., Geršl V. Deferiprone does not protect against chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity in vivo. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2008; 326(1):259-269.
- Šimůnek T., Štěrba M., Popelová O., Kaiserová H., Potáčová A., Adamcová M., Poňka P., Geršl V. Pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone (PIH) and its analogs as protectants against anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Hemoglobin 2008; 32(1-2):207-15.
- Potáčová A., Štěrba M., Popelová O., Šimůnek T., Geršl V. A pilot study of matrix metalloproteinases on the model of daunorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in rabbits. Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) 2007; 50(2):109-11.
- Adamcová M., Šimůnek T., Kaiserová H., Popelová O., Štěrba M., Potáčová A., Vávrová J., Maláková J., Geršl V. In vitro and in vivo examination of cardiac troponins as biochemical markers of drug-induced cardiotoxicity. Toxicology 2007; 237: 218-28.
- Kaiserová H., Šimůnek T., van der Vijgh W. J. F., Bast A., Kvasničková E. Flavonoids as protectors against doxorubicin cardiotoxicity: role of iron chelation, antioxidant activity and inhibition of carbonyl reductase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease. 2007; 1772: 1065-1074.
- Kaiserová H., Šimůnek T., Štěrba M., den Hartog G.J.M., Schröterová L., Popelová O., Geršl V., Kvasničková E., Bast A. New iron chelators in anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Cardiovascular Toxicology 2007; 7(2):145-50.
- Štěrba M., Popelová O., Šimůnek T., Mazurová Y., Potáčová A., Adamcová M., Gunčová I., Kaiserová H., Palička V., Poňka P., Geršl V. Iron chelation-afforded cardioprotection against chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity: a study of salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH). Toxicology 2007; 235: 150-166.
- Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Popelová O., Potáčová A., Adamcová M., Mazurová Y., Holečková M., Geršl V. Early detection of anthracycline cardiotoxicity in a rabbit model: left ventricle filling pattern versus troponin T determination. Physiological Research 2007; 56(5):535-45.
- Potáčová A., Adamcová M., Čajnáková H., Hrbatová L., Štěrba M., Popelová O., Šimůnek T., Poňka P., Geršl V. Evaluation of ECG time intervals in a rabbit model of anthracycline-induced cardiomyopyathy: A useful tool for assessment of cardioprotective agents. Physiological Research 2007; 56: 251-4.
- Kaiserová H., den Hartog G.J.M., Šimůnek T., Schröterová L., Kvasničková E., Bast A. Iron is not involved in oxidative stress-mediated cytotoxicity of doxorubicin and bleomycin. British Journal of Pharmacology 2006; 149: 920-930.
- Štěrba M., Popelová O., Šimůnek T., Mazurová Y., Potáčová A., Adamcová M., Kaiserová H., Poňka P., Geršl V. Cardioprotective effects of a novel iron chelator – pyridoxal 2-chlorobenzoyl hydrazone – in the rabbit model of daunorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2006; 319: 1336-1347.
- Mladěnka P., Šimůnek T., Hübl M., Hrdina R. The role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in cellular iron metabolism. Free Radical Research 2006; 40: 263-272.
- Adamcová M., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Potáčová A., Popelová O., Geršl V. Regulatory proteins of the myocardium and heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure 2006; 8: 333-42.
- Šimůnek T., Boer C., Bouwman R. A., Vlasblom R., Versteilen A.M.G., Štěrba M., Geršl V., Hrdina R., Poňka P., de Lange J. J., Paulus W.J., Musters R.J.P. SIH - a novel lipophilic iron chelator - protects H9c2 cardiomyoblasts from oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial injury and cell death. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2005; 39: 345-354.
- Šimůnek T., Štěrba M., Holečková M., Kaplanová J., Klimtová I., Adamcová M., Geršl V., Hrdina R. Myocardial content of selected elements in experimental anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy in rabbits. BioMetals 2005; 18: 163-169.
- Šimůnek T., Klimtová I., Kaplanová J., Štěrba M., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Hrdina R., Geršl V., Poňka P. Study of daunorubicin cardiotoxicity prevention with pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone in rabbits. Pharmacological Research 2005; 51: 223-231.
- Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Popelová O., Kaplanová J., Poňka P., Geršl V. Safety and tolerability of repeated administration of pyridoxal 2-chlorobenzoyl hydrazone in rabbits. Human & Experimental Toxicology 2005; 24:581-9.
- Adamcová M., Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Potáčová A., Popelová O., Mazurová Y., Geršl V. Troponin as marker of myocardiac damage in in drug-induced cardiotoxicity. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 2005; 4: 457-472.
- Mladěnka P., Hrdina R., Hübl M., Šimůnek T. The fate of iron in the organism and its regulatory pathways. Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) 2005; 48: 127-135.
- Šimůnek T., Klimtová I., Kaplanová J., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Štěrba M., Hrdina R., Geršl V. Rabbit model for in vivo study of anthracycline-induced heart failure and for the evaluation of protective agents. European Journal of Heart Failure 2004; 6: 377-387.
- Šimůnek T., Štěrba M., Popelová O., Hrdina R., Poňka P., Geršl V. Iron chelation for protection against oxidative stress-induced myocardial injury. Biomarkers and Environment 2004; 5: 35-37.
- Štěrba M., Šimůnek T., Mazurová Y., Popelová O., Adamcová M., Poňka P., Geršl V. Study of organ toxicity of repeated administration of novel iron chelator o-108 in rabbits. Biomarkers and Environment 2004; 5: 40-42.
- Šimůnek T., Klimtová I., Adamcová M., Geršl V., Hrdina R., Štěrba M., Kaplanová J., Mazurová Y. Cardiac troponin T as an indicator of reduced left ventricular contractility in experimental anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2003; 52: 431-4.
- Adamcová M., Pelouch V., Geršl V., Kaplanová J., Mazurová Y., Šimůnek T., Klimtová I., Hrdina R. Protein profiling in daunorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy. General Physiology and Biophysics 2003; 22: 411-19.
- Adamcová M., Štěrba M., Klimtová I., Šimůnek T., Hrdina R., Geršl V., Poňka P. Cardiac troponins following repeated administration of an iron chelator - salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH) - in rabbits. Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) 2003; 46: 171-4.
- Klimtová I., Šimůnek T., Mazurová Y., Kaplanová J., Štěrba M., Hrdina R., Geršl V., Adamcová M., Poňka P. A study of potential toxic effects after repeated 10-week administration of a new iron chelator - Salicylaldehyde Isonicotinoyl Hydrazone (SIH) to rabbits. Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) 2003; 46: 163-70.
- Štěrba M., Kaplanová J., Šimůnek T., Klimtová I., Mazurová Y., Adamcová M., Čermáková E., Hrdina R., Geršl V., Poňka P. The effect of iron chelators (pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone and salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone) on selected parameters in rabbits. Biomarkers and Environment 2003; 6 (Suppl. 1): 10-13.
- Klimtová I., Šimůnek T., Mazurová Y., Hrdina R., Geršl V., Adamcová M. Comparative study of chronic toxic effects of daunorubicin and doxorubicin in rabbits. Human & Experimental Toxicology 2002; 21: 649-57.
- Adamcová M., Macháčková J., Geršl V., Pelouch V., Šimůnek T., Klimtová I., Hrdina R., Poňka P. Cardiac troponin T following repeated administration of pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone in rabbits. Physiological Research 2002; 51: 443-448.
- Adamcová M., Geršl V., Macháčková J., Hrdina R., Klimtová I., Šimůnek T., Vávrová J., Bukač J. Troponins in experimental studies. Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) 2002; 45: 29-32.
- Hrdina R., Geršl V., Klimtová I., Šimůnek T., Mazurová Y., Macháčková J., Adamcová M. Effect of sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulphonate (DMPS) on chronic daunorubicin toxicity in rabbits: comparison with dexrazoxane. Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) 2002; 45: 99-105.
- Šimůnek T., Klimtová I., Hrdina R., Geršl V., Mazurová Y., Macháčková J., Poňka P., Holečková M. The effects of repeated administration of pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone on cardiovascular system in rabbits. Biomarkers and Environment 2001; 4 (Suppl. 1): 93-97.
- Klimtová I., Šimůnek T., Geršl V., Hrdina R., Macháčková J., Poňka P., Adamcová M., Palička V. Biochemical and haematological changes following repeated pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone administration in rabbits. Biomarkers and Environment 2001; 4 (Suppl. 1): 70–75.
- Hrdina R., Geršl V., Klimtová I., Šimůnek T., Macháčková J., Adamcová M. Anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) 2000; 43: 75-82.