Prof. Ing. František Švec, Dr.Sc.



Contact Information:
Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University
Heyrovského 1203
CZ 50005 Hradec Králové




  • 1965    B.S., Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 1969    Ph.D. in polymer chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
  • 1987    Dr.Sc. in polymer chemistry, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague          


  • 1969 - 1976      Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Assistant Professor
  • 1971 - 1972      University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Visiting scientist
  • 1976 - 1992      Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Head of Department, Technology Transfer Manager.
  • 1992 - 1996      Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Professor
  • 1997 - 2014      University of California, Berkeley, CA, Faculty then Visiting Scholar
  • 2003 - 2006       University of Innsbruck, Austria. Visiting Professor
  • 2005 - current   E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Molecular Foundry, Berkeley, CA; Director of Organic and Macromolecular Synthesis Facility, currently Affiliate
  • 2013 -  2017   Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, Professor and PI in the International Research Center for Soft Materials
  • 2013 -  2017   Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea, Adjunct Professor
  • 2017 -  current  Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hradec Kralove,  Professor


  • 538 publications including 106 book chapters and review articles, 3 books (complete list attached)
  • Citations (by WOS)  >27500 (without self-citation >24000)
  • H-index (by WOS) 94

Most cited paper: F. Svec, J.M.J. Fréchet, Continuous rods of macroporous polymer as high-performance liquid chromatography separation media, Analytical Chemistry 1992, 64, 820-822. 1074 times


  • 79 patents (complete list attached)

Major funds received  

  1. Porous Polymer Rods as Chromatographic or Reactive Media, National Institutes of Health, USA, from 01-2008 to 12-2012, 1 550 000 USD (total costs), Principal Investigator.
  2. Development of Membranes for Separation of Carbon Dioxide and Methane. US Department of Energy - Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Energy Frontier Research Center, Center for Gas Separations Relevant to Clean Energy Technologies, from 01-2010 to 12-2014, 750 000 USD (total costs), Principal Investigator.
  3. Nanoporous Materials for Methane Separation and Storage, International Research Center for Soft Materials, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing,  China, from 07-2014 to 06-2017, 1 000 000 RMB (total cost), Principal Investigator.
  4. Support of research in the Organic and Polymer Synthesis Facility of the Molecular Foundry, US Department of Energy from 2005 to 06-2014, 800,000 USD (annual cost). Director of the Facility and Principal Investigator.
  5. Development of Porous Polymer Monolithic Columns Functionalized with Nanoparticles for Isolation and Purification of Antibodies, Pfizer Inc., from 01-2007 to 12-2011. Total support 400 000 USD. Results used in the quality control of products within the company.

Main scientific interests

  • Analytical and polymer chemistry
  • Development of new separation media in various shapes and formats for different modes of separations
  • Bioanalytics for proteomics and metabolomics
  • Porous polymer monoliths
  • Polymeric supports and catalysts
  • Porous materials
  • Microfluidic and capillary systems
  • Electrodriven separation techniques
  • Gas adsorption and storage
  • Membrane technologies

Major scientific achievements

  • Development of monodispersed polymethacrylate- and polystyrene microparticles with controlled size and porous properties
  • Invention and pioneering of novel monolithic porous polymers
  • Application of these advanced materials in the separation science and heterogeneous catalysis


  • 1986 - Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Award
  • 1988 - Czech National Prize
  • 2003 - President of the California Separation Science Society
  • 2005 - Journal of Chromatography Top Cited Article Award
  • 2005 - M.J.E. Golay Award and Medal in Chromatography
  • 2005 - EAS Award for Achievements in Separation Science
  • 2006 - Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy, Umea University, Sweden
  • 2008 - American Chemical Society Award in Chromatography
  • 2009 - Dal Nogare Award
  • 2009 - Honorary Professorship, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China
  • 2013 - Gold A.J.P. Martin Medal of the UK Chromatographic Society
  • 2014 - Medal of the Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • 2014 - Nernst-Tswett Award of the European Separation Science Society
  • 2014 - Award and medal of the Latin American Chromatography Committee
  • 2016 - CASSS Award for Outstanding Achievements in Separation Science
  • 2017 - Memorial Medal of University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic
  • 2018 - Votoček Medal of University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 2022 - Jaroslav Janak Award of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic
  • 2022 - Gold medal of Charles University, Prague
  • 2023 - Listed in Analytical Scientist Magazine's 100 Most Influential Mentors and Educators
  • 2023 - Neuron Foundation Award for lifetime contribution to science in chemistry, Prague
  • 2023 - F. Běhounek Prize, Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
  • 2023 - Medal of the Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic


  • CASSS (formerly California Separation Science Society) (President)
  • American Chemical Society
  • Czech Chemical Society
  • Member of permanent international steering committees of major symposia on chromatography and related techniques                       

Memberships in Editorial Boards

  • Electrophoresis
  • SePu (Chinese Journal of Chromatography)
  • Chemical Letters (Prague)
  • Journal of Advanced Research (Egypt)
  • Chromatography (Japan)
  • The Analytical Scientist (UK)

© Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
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