546. Chmelařová H., Catapano M. C., Garrigues, J.-C., Svec F, Nováková L., Advancing drug safety and mitigating health concerns: High-resolution mass spectrometry in the levothyroxine case study J. Pharm. Anal. 14, 100970, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jpha.2024.100970)
545. Czyz E., Svec F., Šatínský D., Recent advances in application of nanofibers as extraction sorbents in environmental analysis . TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem. 180, 117970, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2024.117970)
544. Czyz E., Erben J., Vinter J., Svec F., Šatínský D., Supported liquid phase extraction using wetted nanofiber discs as a simple approach for in-vial extraction of chlorophenols and insecticides from river water prior to HPLC-DAD analysis, Anal. Chim Acta 1327, 343137, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2024.343137)
543. Lhotská I., Kholová A., Svec F., Šatínský D., Nanofibers prepared from synthetic polymer and biopolymers as advanced extraction materials for sample preparation prior to liquid chromatography. TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem. 180, 117912, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2024.117912)
542. Kujovská Krčmová L., Suwanvecho C., Svec F., Centrifugal-assisted sample preparation techniques: Innovations and applications in bioanalysis. TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem. 180, 117909, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2024.117909)
541. Pilařová V., Plachká K., Svec F., Nováková L., Matrix effects in ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of Vitamin E in plasma: The effect of sample preparation and data processing, Talanta 280, 2024, 126658 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2024.126658)
540. Plachká K., Pilařová V., Gazárková T., Svec F, Garrigues, J.-C., Nováková L., Advancing fundamental understanding of retention interactions in supercritical fluid chromatography using artificial neural networks: Polar stationary phases with -OH moieties, Anal. Chem. 96, 12748-12759, 2024 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c01811)
539. Mrštná K., Kujovská Krčmová L., Suwanvecho C., Jandová M., Kovaříková E., Strohalm J., Hyšpler R., Solichová D., Svec F., α-Tocopherol and retinol content in Holder pasteurized versus high-pressure processed human milk during 6 months of storage. J. Food Comp. Anal. 133, 106421, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2024.106421)
538. Chmelařová H., Catapano M. C., Garrigues G.-C., Svec F., Nováková L. Advancing drug safety and mitigating health concerns: High-resolution mass spectrometry in the levothyroxine case study. J. Pharm. Anal. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jpha.2024.100970)
537. Svec F., Kam se ubírají stacionární fáze pro chromatografické kolony. Chemagazín 2, 8-10, 2024.
536. Svec F., Size exclusion chromatography has been around for sixty years. Chem. Lett. (Prague) 118, 182-189, 2024. (DOI: 0.54779/chl20240182)
535. Mrštná K., Turoňová D., Suwanvecho C., Svec F., Kujovská Krčmová L, The power of modern extraction techniques: A breakthrough in vitamin K extraction from human serum. Microchem. J. 198, 110170, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2024.110170)
534. Plachká K., Pilařová V., Kosturko Š., Svec F, Nováková L., Ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography multimodal ionization-tandem mass spectrometry as a universal tool for analysis of small molecules in complex plant extracts. Anal. Chem. 96, 2840-2848, 2024 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03599)
533. Mrštná K., Matoušová K. Kujovská Krčmová L, Carazo A., Mladenka P., Matysová L., Svec F., Analysis of vitamin K1 and major K2 variants in rat/human serum and lipoprotein fractions by a rapid, simple, and sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS method. J. Chromatogr. A 1714, 464548, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2023.464548)
532. Kholová A., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Solich P., Šatínský D., Advanced nanofibrous sorbents for the extraction of pollutants from river water and protein-containing matrices. Talanta 269, 125449, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2023.125449)
531. Háková M., Modebelu U., Erben J., Matysová L., Šatínský D., Svec F., Sklenářová H., Comparative study of drug release from electrospun nanofibers loaded with clotrimazole via two different approaches using a fully automated sequential injection systém. Talanta 269, 125415, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2023.125415)
530. Lhotská I., Háková M., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Šatínský D., Stirred discs from polycaprolactone nanofibers highly doped with graphene for straightforward preconcentration of pollutants in environmental waters. Talanta 266, 124975, 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2023.124975526).
529. Váňová N., Múčková Ľ., Kalíšková T., Lochman L., Bzonek P, Svec F., In vitro evaluation of oxidative stress induced by oxime reactivators of acetylcholine esterase in HepG2 cells. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 36, 2023 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.3c00203)
528. Jurášek M., Kratochvíl B., Kohout M., Svec F., Drašar P., On the separation and strengthening of the image behind the mirror (deracemization and chirality amplification). Chem. Lett. (Prague) 117, 671-676, 2023 (DOI: 10.54779/chl20230671)
527. Turoňová D., Kujovská Krčmová L., Vošmik M., Melichar B., Svec F., Using HPLC for the determination of platinum drugs in biological matrixes after derivatization with diethyldithiocarbamate. J. Sep. Sci. 46, 2023 (DOI: 10.1002/jssc.202300392)
526. Mrštná K., Kujovská Krčmová L., Svec F., Advances in kynurenine analysis. Clin. Chim. Acta. 547, 117441, 2023 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cca.2023.117441)
525. Svec F., Neglected applications of monolithic structures: Advanced studies in planar chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chem. Lett. (Prague) 117, 395-406, 2023 (DOI : 10.54779/chl20230395)
524. Svec F., Neglected applications of monolithic structures: The beginnings of planar chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. Chem. Lett. (Prague) 117, 308-318, 2023 (DOI : 10.54779/chl20230308)
523. Kholová A., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Solich P., Šatínský D., Comparison of nanofibers, microfibers, nano/microfiber graphene doped composites, molecularly imprinted polymers, and restricted access materials for on-line extraction and chromatographic determination of ochratoxin A, zearalenone, and citrinin in plant-based milk drinks. Microchem. J. 193, 108937, 2023 (DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2023.108937)
522. Zatrochová S., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Chocholouš P., Šatínský D., Small nanofibrous disks for preconcentration of environmental contaminants followed by direct in-vial elution and chromatographic determination. Talanta 263, 124688, 2023 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2023.124688)
521. Suwanvecho C., Kujovská Krčmová L., Švec F., Effective, convenient, and green sample preparation for the determination of retinol and retinol acetate in human serum using pipette tip microextraction. Talanta 262, 124689, 2023 (DOI:
520. Hollá M., Pilařová V., Švec F., Sklenářová H., Green approaches for extraction of bioactive compounds from dried apple cultivars. Foods 12, 893, 2023 (DOI: 10.3390/foods12040893)
519. Mrštná K., Matoušová K., Matouš P., Matysová L. , Švec F, Kujovská Krčmová L., Analysis of terbinafine in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) based solid dispersions by fast, sensitive UHPLC-DAD method. Anal. Meth. 2023 (DOI: 10.1039/D3AY00506B)
518. Horáček O., Nováková L, Tuzun E., Gruner B., Svec F., Kučera R., Advanced tool for chiral separations of anionic and zwitterionic (metalla)carboranes: Supercritical fluid chromatography. Anal. Chem, 94, 17551-17558, 2022 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c03895)
517. Lenčo J., Siddharth Jadeja S., Naplekov D. K., Krokhin O. V., Khalikova M. A., Chocholouš P., Urban J., Broeckhoven K., Novakova L., Švec F., Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography of Peptides for Bottom-Up Proteomics: A Tutorial. 21, 12, 2846–2892, 2022 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.2c00407)
516. Pilarova V., Hadysova Z., Svec F., Novakova L. Supercritical fluids in analysis of cannabinoids in various Cannabis products, Anal. Chim. Acta 1232, 340452, 2022 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2022.340452)
515. Kholová A., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Solich P., Šatínský D., Comparing adsorption performance of microfibers and nanofibers with commercial molecularly imprinted polymers and restricted access media for extraction of bisphenols from milk coupled with liquid chromatography. Talanta 252, 123822, 2022. (DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2022.123822)
514. Hashemi B., Shiri F., Svec F., Nováková L., Green solvents and approaches recently applied for extraction of natural bioactive compounds. TRAC – Trends Anal. Chem. 157, 116732, 2022. (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2022.116732)
513. Pilařová V., Kuda L., Kočová Vlčková H., Nováková L., Gupta S., KulkarniM., Svec F., Van Staden J., Doležal K., Carbon dioxide expanded liquid: An effective solvent for the extraction of quercetin from South African medicinal plants. Plant Meth. 18,87 (2022)
512. Plachká K., Gazárková T., Škop J., Guillarme D., Svec F., Nováková L., Fast optimization of supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry interfacing using prediction equations. Anal Chem. 94,4831-4840, 2022 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c00154)
511. Vernerová A., Kujovská Krčmová L., Heneberk O., Radochová V. Svec F. UHPLC method for determination of inflammatory biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid as a tool for diagnosis of periodontal disease. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 22, 114644, 2022 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jpba.2022.114644)
510. Gazárková T., Plachká K., Svec F., Nováková L. Current state of supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry. TRAC – Trends Anal. Chem. 149, 116544, 2022 (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2022.116544)
509. Bílková A., Knapová P., Suran P., Kwiecien J., Svec F., Sklenářová H., Effect of storage conditions on content of pesticide residues in sweet cherries. Food Chem.: X 13, 100185, 2022 (DOI: 10.1016/j.fochx.2021.100185)
508. Raabová H., Chocholoušová Havlíková L., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Šatínský D., Polycaprolactone nanofibers as an alternative sorbent to restricted access media: A case study for direct extraction and separation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from human serum using column-switching chromatography. Nanomaterials 11, 2669-2681, 2021 (DOI: 10.3390/nano11102669)
507. Hollá M., Šatínský D., Svec F., Sklenářová H. UHPLC coupled with charged aerosol detector for rapid separation of steviol glycosides in commercial sweeteners and extract of Stevia rebaudiana. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 207, 114398, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jpba.2021.114398)
506. Kholová A., Lhotská I., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Solich P., Šatínský D., Comparison study of nanofibers, composite nano/microfiber materials, molecularly imprinted polymers, and core-shell sorbents used for on-line extraction-liquid chromatography of ochratoxins in Tokaj wines. Microchem. J. 170, 106690, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2021.106680)
505. Turoňová D., Kujovská Krčmová L., Svec F., Application of microextraction in pipette tips in clinical and forensic toxicology. TRAC – Trends Anal. Chem. 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2021.116404)
504. Vernerová A., Kujovská Krčmová L., O. Heneberk, V. Radochová, Melichar B., O. Strouhal, A. Kašparovský, Melichar B., Svec F., Chromatographic method for the determination of inflammatory biomarkers and uric acid in human saliva, Talanta 233, 122598, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122598)
503. Hollá M., Bílková A., Jakubec P., Košková S., Kočová Vlčková H., Šatínský D., Svec F., Sklenářová H., Benefits and Pitfalls of HPLC Coupled to Diode-Array, Charged Aerosol, and Coulometric Detections: Effect of Detection on Screening of Bioactive Compounds in Apples. Molecules 26, 3246-3262, 2021 (DOI: 10.3390/molecules26113246)
502. Plachká K., Střítecký J., Svec F., Nováková L., The effect of column history in supercritical fluid chromatography: Practical implications. J. Chromatogr. A 1651, 462272, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2021.462272)
501. Svec F., Lv Y., Tan T., Polymerizable metal-organic frameworks for the preparation of mixed matrix membranes. iScience 24, 102560, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102560)
500. Khalikova M. A., Skarbalius L., Naplekov D. K., Jadeja S., Svec F., Lenco J. Evaluation of strategies for overcoming trifluoroacetic acid ionization suppression resulted in single-column intact level, middle-up, and bottom-up reversed-phase LC-MS analyses of antibody biopharmaceuticals. Talanta 233, 122512, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122512)
499. Raabova H., Erben J., Chvojka J., Solich P., Švec F., Šatínský D. The role of pKa, log P of analytes, and protein matrix in solid-phase extraction using native and coated nanofibrous and microfibrous polymers prepared via meltblowing and combined meltblowing/electrospinning technologies. Talanta 232, 122470, 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122470)
498. Lenčo J., Šemlej T., Khalikova M. A., Fabrik I., Švec F., Sense and nonsense of elevated column temperature in proteomic bottom-up LC–MS analyses. J. Proteome Res. 29, 420-432, 2021 (DOI:10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c00479)
497. Fical L., Khalikova M., Kočová Vlčková H., Lhotská I., Hadysová Z., Vokřál I., Červeny L., Švec F., Nováková L,.Determination of antiviral drugs and their metabolites using micro-solid phase extraction and UHPLC-MS/MS in reversed-phase and hydrophilic interaction chromatography modes, Molecules 26, 2123, 2021 (DOI: 10.3390/molecules26082123)
496. Svec F., Quo vadis liquid chromatography. Chem. Lett. (Prague) 115, 185-189, 2021.
495. Eeltink S., Mestom D., Svec F., Recent developments and applications of polymer monolithic stationary phases. Anal. Sci. Adv. 2, 250-260, 2021 (DOI: 10.1002/ansa.202100006)
494. Vernerová A., Kujovská Krčmová L., Melichar B., Svec F., Non-invasive determination of uric acid in human saliva in the diagnosis of human disorders. Clinic. Chem. Lab. Medicine. 59, 797-812, 2021 (DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2020-1533)
493. Kholová A., Lhotská I., Uhrová A., Špánik I., Machyňáková A., Solich P., Svec F., Šatínský D., Determination of Ochratoxin A and Ochratoxin B in archived Tokaj wines (Vintage 1959-2017) using on-line solid phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography. Toxins 12, 739-750, 2020 (DOI: 10.3390/toxins12120739)
492. Svec F., My love affair: Monoliths. Chem. Lett. (Prague) 114, 718-728, 2020.
491. Zajickova Z., Nováková L., Svec F., Monolithic poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) columns for supercritical fluid chromatography - mass spectrometry analysis of polypeptide. Anal. Chem. 92, 11525-11529, 2020 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c02874).
490. Kujovská Krčmová L., Melichar B., Svec F., Chromatographic methods development for clinical practice: Requirements and limitations. Clinic. Chem. Lab. Medicine. 25, 1785-1793, 2020 (DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2020-0517).
489. Bílková A., Baďurová K., Svobodová P., Vávra R., Jakubec P., Chocholouš P., Švec F., Sklenářová H. Content of major phenolic compounds in apples: Ultra-low oxygen conditions benefits in long-term storage. J. Food Compos. Anal. 92, 103587, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2020.103587)
488. Háková M., Chocholouš P., Valachovič A., Erben J., Chvojka J., Solich P., Švec F., Šatínský D. On-line polydopamine coating as a new way to functionalize fibrous sorbent for solid phase extraction. Talanta 219, 121189, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121189)
487. Pilařová V., Kočová Vlčková H., Jung O., Protti M., Buchta V., Mercolini L., Svec F., Nováková L. Unambiguous determination of farnesol and tyrosol in vaginal fluid using fast and sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS method. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 412, 6529-6541, 2020 (DOI: 10.1007/s00216-020-02699-1)
486. Raabova H., Háková M., Chocholoušová Havlíková L., Solich P., Svec F., Šatínský D. Poly-ε-caprolactone nanofibrous polymers: A simple alternative to restricted access media for extraction of small molecules from biological matrixes. Anal. Chem. 92, 6801-6805, 2020 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00544)
485. Háková M., Chocholoušová Havlíková L., Svec F., Solich P., Šatínský D., Nanofibers as advanced sorbents for on-line solid phase extraction in liquid chromatography: A tutorial. Anal. Chim. Acta 1121, 83-96, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2020.04.045)
484. Plachká K, Khalikova M., Babičová B., Němcová Z., Roubíčková L., Jung O., Svec F., Nováková L., Ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography in impurity control II: Method validation. Anal. Chim. Acta 1117, 48-59, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2020.04.038)
483. Lenčo J., Khalikova M.A., Svec F., Dissolving peptides in 0.1% formic acid brings risk of artificial formylation. J. Proteom Res.19, 993-999, 2020 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00823)
482. Šrámková I.H., Horstkotte B., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Solich P., Šatínský D., 3D-printed magnetic stirring cages for semi-dispersive extraction of bisphenols from water using polymer micro- and nanofibers. Anal. Chem. 92, 3964-3971, 2020 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05455)
481. Jenčo J. , Kujovská Krčmová L., Sobotka L., Bláha V., Solich P., Svec F. Development of novel liquid chromatography method for clinical monitoring of vitamin B1 metabolites and B6 status in the whole blood. Talanta 211, 120702, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.120702)
480. Háková M., Chocholoušová Havlíková L., Svec F., Solich P., Erben J., Chvojka J., Šatínský D., Novel nanofibrous sorbents for the extraction and determination of resveratrol in wine. Talanta 206, 120181, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.120181)
479. Moreno-González D., Jáč P., Svec F., Nováková L., Determination of sudan dyes in chili products by micellar electrokinetic chromatography-MS/MS using a volatile surfactantdetermination of sudan dyes in chili products by micellar electrokinetic chromatography-ms/ms using a volatile surfactant. Food Chem. 310, 125963, 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125963)
478. Háková M., Chocholoušová Havlíková L., Chvojka J., Erben J., Solich P., Svec F., Šatínský D., Polycaprolactone nanofibers functionalized with dopamine coating: A new sorbent for on-line solid phase extraction of bisphenols, betablockers, nonsteroidal drugs, and phenolic acids in chromatography. Microchim. Acta 186, 710, 2019 (doi.org/10.1007/s00604-019-3846-2)
477. Cheng K., Svec F., Lv Y., Tan T., Hierarchical Micro- and Mesoporous Zn-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks Templated by Hydrogel: Their Use for Enzyme Immobilization and Catalysis of Knoevenagel Reaction. Small 15, 1902927, 2019 (DOI: 10.1002/smll.201902927)
476. Ma L., Svec F., Lv Y., Tan T., In situ bottom-up growth of metal-organic frameworks in crosslinked poly(ethylene oxide) layer with ultrahigh loading and superior uniform distribution. J. Mater. Res. A 7, 20293-20301, 2019 (DOI: 10.1039/C9TA05401D)
475. Ma L., Svec F., Lv Y., Tan T., Engineering of filler/polymer interface in metal‐organic framework‐based mixed‐matrix membranes to enhance gas separation. A review. Chem.-Asian J. 14, 3502-3514, 2019 (DOI: 10.1002/asia.201900843)
474. Kučerová K., Kujovská Krčmová L., Mikanová Z., Matysová L., Melichar B., Svec F., Determination of urinary retinol and creatinine as an early sensitive marker of renal dysfunction, J. Chromatogr. A 1607, 460390, 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2019.460390)
473. Ribeiro L. F., Masini J. C., Svec F. Use of thiol functionalities for the preparation of porous monolithic structures and modulation of their surface chemistry: A review. TRAC – Trends Anal. Chem. 118, 606-624, 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2019.06.027)
472. Luo J., Ma L., Svec F., Tan T., Lv Y. Reversible two enzyme co-immobilization on pH-responsive imprinted monolith for glucose detection. Biotechnol. J. 14 (10), 1900028, 2019 (DOI: 10.1002/biot.201900028)
471. Fikarová K., Horstkotte B., Sklenářová H., Svec F., Solich P. Automated continuous-flow in-syringe dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of mono-nitrophenols from large sample volumes using a novel approach to multivariate spectral analysis Talanta 202, 11-20, 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.04.044)
470. Lhotská I., Kohlová A., Machyňáková A., Hroboňová K., Solich P., Svec F., Šatínský D., Preparation of citrinin-selective molecularly imprinted polymer and its use for on-line solid phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 411, 2395-2404, 2019 (DOI: 10.1007/s00216-019-01682-9)
469. Šrámková I. H., Carbonell-Rozas L., Horstkotte B., Háková M., Erben J., Chvojka J., Svec F., Solich P., Garcia-Campana A. M., Šatinský D., Screening of extraction properties of nanofibers in a sequential injection analysis system using a 3D printed device. Talanta 197, 517-521, 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.01.050)
468. Ma L., Svec F., Tan T., Lv Y. In-situ growth of highly permeable zeolite imidazolate framework membranes on porous polymer substrate using metal chelated polyaniline as interface layer. J. Membr. Sci. 576, 1-8, 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2019.01.011).
467. Nováková L. Sejkorová M., Smolková K., Plachká K., Svec F., The benefits of ultra-high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography in determination of lipophilic vitamins in dietary supplements. Chromatografia 82, 477-487, 2019 (DOI: 10.1007/s10337-018-3666-2)
466. Pilařová V., Khalikova M. A.,, Plachká K., Svec F., Nováková L. Recent developments in supercritical fluid chromatography – mass spectrometry: Is it a viable option for analysis of complex samples? TRAC – Trends Anal. Chem. 112, 212-225, 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2018.12.023)
465. Svec F., Which Chromatographia papers have influenced my favorite field: Monolithic columns. Chromatographia 82, 5-6, 2019 (DOI: 10.1007/s10337-018-3682-2)
464. Novosvětská L., Chocholouš P., Svec F., Sklenářová H., Fully automated method based on on-line molecularly imprinted polymer solid phase extraction for determination of lovastatin in dietary supplements containing red yeast rice. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 411, 1219-1228, 2019 (DOI: 10.1007/s00216-018-1554-0)
463. Kučerová K., Reiská V., Svec F., Kujovská Krčmová L., Matysová L., Fast determination of omeprazole in extemporaneous suspensions used in paediatrics and stability studies. Anal. Meth. 11, 517-523, 2019 (DOI: 10.1039/c8ay02547a)
462. Háková M., Chocholoušová Havlíková L., Solich P., Svec F., Šatínský D., Electrospun nanofiber polymers as extraction phases in analytical chemistry. The advances of the last decade. TRAC – Trends Anal. Chem. 110, 81-96, 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2018.10.030)
461. Nováková L., Plachká K., Khalikova M., Švec F. Supercritical fluid chromatography in bioanalysis; In Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Vol. 2,. Rosse G. (Ed.), De Gruiter, 33-75, 2018. (DOI 10.1515/9783110618983-002)
460. Meirelles L.N., Thales Silva Campos T.S., Rodriguez Z., Hernandez R., Svec F., Zajickova Z. “Single-pot” approach towards preparation of alkyl and polyfluoroalkyl organo-silica monolithic capillaries for reversed-phase liquid chromatography, J. Sep. Sci. 41, 3669-3676, 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201800688)
459. Plachká K., Svec F., Nováková L. Ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography in impurity control: Searching for generic screening approach. Anal. Chim. Acta 1039, 149-161, 2018 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2018.07.008)
458. Ma L., Svec F., Tan T., Lv Y. Mixed matrix membrane based on crosslinked poly[(ethylene glycol) methacrylate] and metal-organic framework for efficient separation of carbon dioxide and methane. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 1, 2808-2818, 2018 (DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.8b00459)
457. Vyviurska O, Lv Y, Mann BF, Svec F. Comparison of commercial organic polymer-based and silica-based monolithic columns using mixtures of analytes differing in size and chemistry. J. Sep. Sci. 41, 1558-1566, 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201701374)
456. Háková M., Chocholoušová Havlíková L., Chvojka J., Erben J., Solich P., Svec F., Šatínský D., A comparison study of nanofiber, microfiber, and new composite nano/microfiber polymers used as sorbents for on-line solid phase extraction in chromatography system. Anal. Chim. Acta (DOI: 10.1016/ j.aca.2018.04.023.
455. Háková M., Chocholoušová Havlíková L., Chvojka J., Svec F., Solich P., Šatínský D., Nanofiber polymers as novel sorbents for on-line solid phase extraction in chromatographic system: A comparison with monolithic reversed phase C18 sorbent. Anal. Chim. Acta 1018, 26-34, 2018 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2018.02.065)
454. Pilařová V., Plachká V., Chrenková L., Najmanová I., Mladěnka P., Svec F., Novák O., Nováková L. Simultaneous determination of quercetin and its metabolites in rat plasma by using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry Talanta 185, 71-79, 2018. (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.03.033).
453. Vlčková H., Pilařová V., Svobodová P., Plíšek J., Svec F., Nováková L. Current state of bioanalytical chromatography in clinical analysis. Analyst, 143, 1305-1325 2018 (DOI: 10.1039/C7AN01807J)
452. Svec F., Lv Y., Porous monolithic layers and mass spectrometry in Handbook of Advanced Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Techniques. Holcapek M, Byrdwell W.C. (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 141-178, 2017. (ISBN: 9780128117323).
451. Svec F., Monolithic columns: A historical review. Electrophoresis, 38 (22-23), 2810–2820, 2017 (DOI: 10.1002/elps.201700181)
450. Chen S., Wen L., Svec F., Tan T., Lv Y. Magnetic metal-organic frameworks as scaffolds for spatial co-location and positional assembly of multi-enzyme systems enabling enhanced cascade biocatalysis. RSC Advan. 7, 21205-21213, 2017 (DOI: 10.1039/C7RA02291C)
449. Urban J., Hajek T., Svec F. Monolithic stationary phases with a longitudinal gradient of porosity, J. Sep. Sci. 40, 1703-1709, 2017 (DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201700048)
448. Mullner T., Zankel A., Holzel A., Svec F., Tallarek U. Morphological properties of methacrylate-based polymer monoliths: from gel porosity to macroscopic inhomogeneities. Langmuir, 33, 2205-2214, 2017
(DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00337).
447. Masini J.C., Svec F., Porous monoliths for on-line sample preparation: A review. Anal. Chim. Acta, 964, 24-44, 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2017.02.002).
446. Eeltink, S., Wouters S., Dores-Souisa J.L., Svec F. Advances in organic polymer-based monolithic column technology for high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry profiling of antibodies, intact proteins, oligonucleotides, and peptides. J. Chromatogr. A 149, 8-21, 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2017.01.002)
445. del Mar Darder M., Salehinia S., Parra J. B., Herrero-Martinez J. M. , Svec F., Cerdà V., Turnes Palomino G., Maya F. Nanoparticle-directed metal-organic framework/porous organic polymer monolithic supports for flow-based applications. ACS Appl. Mat. Interfac. 9, 1728-1736, 2017 (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b10999)
444. Carrasco-Correa E.J., Martínez-Vilata A., Herrero-Martínez J. M., Parra J.B., Maya F., Cerdà F., Palomino Cabello C., Turnes Palomino G., Svec F., Incorporation of zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8)-derived nanoporous carbons in methacrylate polymeric monoliths for capillary electrochromatography Talanta 164, 348-354, 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2016.11.027)
443. Lv Y., Tan X., Svec F., Preparation and applications of monolithic structures containing metal-organic frameworks, J. Sep. Sci. 40, 272-287, 2017 (DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201600423)
442. Wang X., Lamprou A., Svec F., Bai Y, Liu H., Polymer-based monolithic column with incorporated chiral metal-organic framework for enantioseparation of methyl phenyl sulfoxide using nano-liquid chromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 39, 4544-4548, 2016 (DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201600810)
441. Tong W., Lv Y., Svec F., Advantage of nanoporous styrene-based monolithic structure over beads when applied for methane storage. Appl. Energ. 183, 1520-1527, 2016 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.09.066)
440. Wen L.,Tan X., Qui S., Svec F., Lv Y., “Smart” molecularly imprinted monoliths for the selective capture and easy release of proteins, J. Sep. Sci. 39, 3267-3273, 2016 (DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201600576)
439. Lv Y., Qin Y. Svec F., Tan T., Molecularly imprinted plasmonic nanosensor for selective SERS detection of protein biomarkers. Biosens. Bioelectr. 80, 433-441, 2016 (DOI: /10.1016/j.bios.2016.01.092)
438. Wen L., Gao A., Cao Y, Svec F., Tan T., Lv Y., Layer-by-layer assembly of metal-organic frameworks in macroporous polymer monolith and their use for enzyme immobilization. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 37, 551-557, 2016 (DOI: 10.1002/marc.201500705)
437. Cao Y., Lyin W., Svec F., Tan T., Lv Y., Magnetic AuNP@Fe3O4 nanoparticles as reusable carriers for reversible enzyme immobilization. Chem. Eng. J. 286, 272-281, 2016 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.10.075)
436. Satzer P., Svec F., Sekot G., Jungbauer A., Protein adsorption onto nanoparticles induces conformational changes: Particle size dependency, kinetics, and mechanisms. Eng. Life Sci. accepted (DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201500059)
435. Huang J., Zhou X., Lamprou A., Maya F., Svec F., Turner R. Nanoporous polymers from cross-linked polymer precursors via tert-butyl group deprotection and their carbon dioxide capture properties. Chem. Mater. 27, 7388-7394, 2015 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b03114)
434. Mullner T., Zankel A., Lv Y., Svec F., Holzel A., Tallarek U., Accessing structural correlations and heterogeneity length scales in functional porous polymers from physical reconstructions. Adv. Mater. 27, 6009-6013, 2015 (DOI: 10.1002/adma.201502332)
433. Cao Y., Lv M., Xu H., Svec F., Tan T., Lv Y., Planar monolithic porous polymer layers functionalized with gold nanoparticles as large-area substrates for sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensing of bacteria. Anal. Chim. Acta, 896, 111-119, 2015 (DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2015.09.018)
432 . Gharbaran D., Britsch D., Soto G., Weed A.M.K., Svec F., Zajickova Z., Tuning preparation conditions towards optimized separation performance of thermally polymerized organo-silica monolithic columns in capillary liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr. A 1381, 184-193, 201(DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2015.06.069)
431. Kurganov A. A., Svec F., Kanateva A. Yu., Flow induced conformational transitions of macromolecules and their effect on chromatographic separations. Polymer 60, A1-A18, 2015 (DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2015.01.010)
430. Zhou X., Huang J., Barr K., Lin Z., Maya F., Abbott L., Colina C., Svec F., Turner R., Nanoporous hypercrosslinked polymers containing Tg enhancing comonomers, Polymer 59, 42-48, 2015 (DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2014.12.065)
429. Lv Y., Svec F., Advances and recent trends in the field of monolithic columns for chromatography, Anal. Chem. 87, 250-274, 2015 (DOI: 10.1021/ac504059c).
428. Terborg L., Masini J. C., Lin M., Lipponen K., Riekolla M.-L., Svec F. Porous polymer monolithic columns with gold nanoparticles as intermediate ligand for the separation of proteins in reverse phase-ion exchange mixed mode. J. Adv. Res. 6, 441-448, 2015 ( DOI: 10.1016/j.jare.2014.10.004).
427. Vaast A., Terryn H., Svec F., Eeltink S. Nanostructured porous polymer monolithic columns for capillary liquid chromatography of peptides. J. Chromatogr. A 1374, 171-179, 2014.
426. Lv Y., Cao Z., Svec F., Tan T., Porous polymer-based monolithic layers enabling pH triggered switch between superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic properties. Chem. Com. 50, 13809-13812, 2014 (DOI: 10.1039/c4cc05915h)
425. Sancho R., Novell A., Svec F., Minguillon C., Substituted polyproline-derived chiral selectors bonded to monolithic silica columns as chiral stationary phases for high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 37, 2805-2813, 2014. (DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201400640)
424. Muellner T., Zankel A., Svec F., Tallarek U., Finite-size effects in the 3D reconstruction and morphological analysis of porous polymers, Mater. Today, 17, 404-411, 2014. (DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2014.07.003)
423. Saeed A., Maya F., Xiao D.J. Najam-ul-Haq M., Svec F., Britt D.K., Growth of a highly porous coordination polymer on macroporous polymer monolith support for enhanced immobilized metal ion affinity chromatographic enrichment of phosphopeptides. Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, 5790-5797, 2014. (DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201400116) .
422. Terborg L., Lux S.F., Lin M., Kostecki R., Svec F., Porous polymer monoliths with incorporated single layer graphene. Scientia Chromatogr., 6, 27-33, 2014.
421. Wang H., Zhang, H., Lv Y., Svec F., Tan T., Polymer monoliths with chelating functionalities for solid phase extraction of metal ions from water. J. Chromatogr. A, 1343, 128-134, 2014.
420. Blinova N., Svec F., Poly(ethylene glycol) containing functionalized for carbon dioxide separation.Prep. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels, 59 (1), 433-44, 2014.
419. Sedlacek O., Kucka J., Svec F., Hruby M., Silver-coated monolithic columns for separation in radiopharmaceutical applications. J. Sep. Sci. 37, 798-902, 2014.
418. Blinova N., Svec F., Functionalized high performance polymer membranes for separation of carbon dioxide and methane. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 600-604, 2014.
417. Lv Y., Lin Z., Tan T., Svec F., Preparation of reusable bioreactors using reversible immobilization of enzyme on monolithic porous polymer support with attached gold nanoparticles, Biotech. Bioeng. 111, 50-58, 2014.
416. Maya F., Svec F., A new approach to the preparation of large surface area poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) monoliths via knitting of loose chains using external crosslinkers and application of these monolithic columns for separation of small molecules. Polymer, 55, 340-346, 2014.
415. Saeed A., Najam-ul-Haq M., Jabeen F., Svec F., High affinity phosphopeptides enrichment and desalting of biological materials on newly engineered poly(glycidyl propargyl ether/divinyl benzene). Anal. Chem. 85, 8979−8986,2013
414. Lv Y., Lin Z., Tan T., Svec F., Preparation of porous styrenics-based monolithic layers for thin layer chromatography coupled with matrix-assisted laser-desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection. J. Chromatogr. A, 1316,154-159, 2013.
413. Maya F., Svec F., Porous polymer monoliths with large surface area and functional groups prepared via copolymerization of protected functional monomers and hypercrosslinking, J. Chromatogr. A, 1317, 32-38, 2013.
412. Zhou X., Li Y., Hart K., Abbott L., Lin Z., Svec F., Colina C., Turner R. Nanoporous structure of semi-rigid alternating copolymers via nitrogen sorption and molecular simulation. Macromolecules 46, 5968-5973, 2013.
411. Lv Y. , Tan T., Svec F., Molecular imprinting of proteins in polymers attached to the surface of nanomaterials for selective recognition of biomacromolecules. Biotech. Adv., 31, 1172-1186, 2013.
410. Weed A.-M. K., Dvornik J., Stefancin J. J., Gyapong A. A., Svec F., Zajickova Z., Photopolymerized organo-silica hybrid monolithic columns: Characterization of their performance in capillary liquid chromatography, J. Sep. Sci. 36, 270-278, 2013.
409. Mullner T., Zankel A., Mayrhofer C., Reingruber H., Holtzel A., Lv Y., Svec F., Tallarek U., Reconstruction and characterization of a polymer-based monolithic stationary phase using serial block-face scanning electron microscopy, Langmuir, 28, 16733-16737, 2012.
408. Lv Y., Lin Z., Svec F., Hypercrosslinked large surface area porous polymer monoliths for hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography of small molecules featuring zwitterionic functionalities attached to gold nanoparticles held in layered structure, Anal. Chem. 84, 8457-8460, 2012.
407. Blinova N., Svec F., Functionalized polaniline-based composite membranes with vastly improved performance for separation of carbon dioxide and methane. J. Membr. Sci. 423/424, 514-521, 2012.
406. Lv Y., Lin Z., Svec F., "Thiol-ene" click chemistry: A facile and versatile route to functionalization of porous polymer monoliths. Analyst 137, 4114-4118, 2012.
405. Blinova N., Svec F., Polaniline based membranes for separation of carbon dioxide and methane. Prep.Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 57 (1), 312-313, 2012.
404. Křenková J., Foret F., Svec F., Less common applications of monoliths: V. Monolithic scaffolds modified with nanostructures for chromatographic separations and tissue engineering. J. Sep. Sci. 35, 1266-1283, 2012.
403. Blinova N., Stejskal J., Fréchet J.M.J., Svec F., Effect of reaction conditions on film morphology of polyaniline composite membranes for gas separation. J. Polym. Sci. A, Polym. Chem. 50, 3077-3086, 2012.
402. Lv Y., Maya Alejandro F., Fréchet J.M.J., Svec F., Preparation of porous polymer monoliths featuring enhanced surface coverage with gold nanoparticles J. Chromatogr. A, 1261, 121-128, 2012.
401. Chen X.J., Dinh N.P., Zhao J., Wang Y.T., Li S.P., Svec F., Effect of ion adsorption on CEC separation of small molecules using hypercrosslinked porous polymer monolithic capillary columns. J. Sep. Sci. 35, 1502-1505, 2012.
400. Svec F., Quest for organic polymer-based monolithic columns affording enhanced efficiency in high performance liquid chromatography separations of small molecules in isocratic mode. J. Chromatogr. A,1228, 250-262, 2012.
399. Urban, J., Svec, F., Fréchet, J.M.J., A monolithic lipase reactor for biodiesel production by transesterification of triacylglycerides into fatty acid methyl esters, Biotech. Bioeng. 109, 371-380, 2012.
398. Chambers S.D., Svec, F., Porous polymer monoliths functionalized through copolymerization of a C60 fullerene-containing methacrylate monomer for highly efficient separations of small molecules. Anal. Chem. 83, 9478-9484, 2011.
397. Geiger E. J., Mair D.A., Pisano A. P., Svec F., Development of an injection molding tool for complex microfluidic geometries. Microsyst. Technol. 17, 1537- 1540, 2011.
396. Teisseyre T, Urban J., Halpern-Manners N., Chambers S., Bajaj V., Svec F., Pines A., Remotely detected NMR for the characterization of flow and fast chromatographic separations using organic polymer monoliths. Anal. Chem. 83, 6004-6010, 2011.
395. Zahner D., Abagat J., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Levkin P.A., A facile approach to superhydrophilic¨Csuperhydrophobic patterns in porous polymer films. Adv. Mater., 23, 3030-3034, 2011.
394. Urbanova I., Svec F., Monolithic polymer layer with gradient of hydrophobicity for separation of peptides using two- dimensional thin layer chromatography and MALDI-TOF-MS detection, J. Sep. Sci. 34, 2345-2351, 2011.
393. Zajickova Z., Ruby E., Svec F., In-situ sol-gel preparation of porous alumina monoliths for chromatographic separations of adenosine phosphates. J. Chromatogr. A, 1218, 3555-3558, 2011.
392. Walsh Z., Levkin P. A., Abele S., Scarmagnani S., Heger D., Klan P., Diamond D., Paull B., Svec F., Macka M., Polymerization and surface modification of methacrylate monoliths in polyimide channels and polyimide coated capillaries using 660 nm light emitting diodes, J. Chromatogr. A, 1218, 2954-2962, 2011.
391. Chambers S. D., Svec, F., Frechet , J.M.J., Incorporation of carbon nanotubes in porous polymer monolithic capillary columns to enhance the chromatographic separation of small molecules. J. Chromatogr. A. 1218, 2546-2552, 2011.
390. Urban, J., Svec, F., Frechet, J.M.J., Hypercrosslinking: New approach to porous polymer monolithic capillary columns with large surface area for the highly efficient separation of small molecules. J. Chromatogr. A. 1217,8212-8221, 2010.
389. Svec F., New developments in field of monoliths for chromatography. LC-GC Europe , 23 (5), 272-277, 2010.
388. Krenkova J., Lacher N., Svec F., Control of selectivity via nanochemistry: Monolithic capillary column containing hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for rapid separation of proteins and enrichment of phosphopeptides. Anal. Chem. 82,8335-8341, 2010.
387. Zajickova Z., Luna J. Svec F., Surface modification of silica-based monolith with poly(pentafluoropropyl methacrylate) using single step photografting. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 33, 164-1648, 2010.
386. Cao, Q., Xu, Y., Liu, F., Svec, F., Frechet J.M.J., Polymer monoliths with exchangeable chemistries: Use of gold nanoparticles as intermediate ligands for capillary columns with varying surface functionalities. Anal. Chem. 82,7416-7421, 2010.
385. Walsh Z., Vaquez M., Benito-Lopez F., Paull B., Macka M., Svec F., Diamond D, The use of scanning contactless conductivity detection for the characterization of stationary phases in micro-fluidic chips. Lab. Chip. 2010.
384. Geiger E. J., Pisano A. P., Svec F., A polymer-based microfluidic platform featuring on-chip actuated hydrogel valves for disposable applications. J. Microelectromech. Syst. 2010.
383. Svec F., New developments in field of monoliths for chromatography. LC-GC, 28 (4) suppl., 18-23, 2010.
382. Woodward S., Urbanova I., Nurok D., Svec F., Separation of peptides and oligonucleotides using a monolithic polymer layer and pressurized planar electrophoresis and electrochromatography, Anal. Chem. 82, 3445-3448, 2010.
381. Nischang I., Brueggemann O., Svec F., Advances in the preparation of porous polymer monoliths in capillaries and microfluidic chips with focus on morphological aspects. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 397, 953-960, 2010.
380. Urban J., Svec, F., Frechet, J.M.J., Efficient separation of small molecules using a large surface area hypercrosslinked monolithic polymer capillary column, Anal. Chem. 82, 1621-1623, 2010.
379. Han, Y., Levkin, P.A., Abarientos, A., Liu H., Svec, F., Frechet, J.M.J., Monolithic superhydrophobic layer with photopatterned virtual channel for the separation of peptides using two-dimensional thin layer chromatography - desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Anal. Chem. 82, 2520?528, 2010.
378. Walsh Z., Levkin P.A., Jain V., Paull B., Svec F., Macka M., Visible light initiated polymerization of styrenic monolithic stationary phases using 470 nm light emitting diode arrays. J. Sep. Sci. 33, 61-66, 2010.
377. Svec F., Porous polymer monoliths: Amazingly wide variety of techniques enabling their preparation, J. Chromatogr. A. 1217, 902-924, 2010.
376. Xu, Y., Cao, Q., Svec, F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Porous polymer monolithic column modified with gold nanoparticles for fishing-out and separation of cysteine-containing peptides, Anal. Chem. 82, 3352-3358, 2010.
375. Majors R., Svec F., What ever happened with CEC. LC-GC, 27, 1032-1039, 2009.
374. Krenkova J., Gargano A., Lacher N. A., Schneiderheinze J. M., Svec F., High binding capacity surface grafted monolithic columns for cation exchange chromatography of proteins and peptides, J. Chromatogr. A. 1216, 6824-6830, 2009.
373. Nischang I., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Downscaling limits and confinement effects in the miniaturization of porous polymer monoliths in narrow bore capillaries. Anal. Chem. 81, 7390-7396, 2009.
372. Ganzera M., Nischang I., Siegel C., Senzenberger B., Svec F., Stuppner H., Application of MEKC and monolithic CEC for the analysis of bioactive naphthoquinones in Eleutherine Americana. Electrophoresis 30, 3757-3763, 2009.
371. Levkin P.A., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Porous polymer coatings: a versatile approach to superhydrophobic surfaces. Adv. Funct. Mater. 19, 1993-1998, 2009.
370. Krenkova J., Lacher N., Svec F., Multidimensional system enabling deglycosylation of proteins using capillary reactor containing peptide-N-glycosidase F immobilized on porous polymer monolith and HILIC LC-MS separation and detection of glycans. J. Chromatogr. A. 1216, 3252-3259, 2009.
369. Germain J., Frechet J.M.J., Svec F., Nanoporous Polymers for Hydrogen Storage. Small 5, 1098-1111, 2009.
368. Germain J., Frechet J.M.J., Svec F., Nanoporous, hypercrosslinked polypyrroles: Effect of crosslinking moiety on pore size and selective gas adsorption. Chem. Com. 1526-1528, 2009.
367. Svec F., Capillary electrochromatography: Selected developments that caught my eye since the year 2000. Electrophoresis 30, S68-S82, 2009
366. Krenkova J., Svec F., Less common applications of monoliths: IV. Recent developments in immobilized enzyme reactors for proteomics and biotechnology. J. Sep. Sci. 32, 706-718, 2009.
365. Nischang I., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Effect of capillary cross section geometry and size on the separation of proteins in gradient mode using monolithic poly(butyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) columns. J. Chromatogr. A. 1216, 2355-2361, 2009.
364. Krenkova J., Lacher N., Svec F., Highly efficient enzyme reactors containing trypsin and endoproteinase LysC immobilized on porous polymer monolith coupled to MS suitable for analysis of antibodies. Anal. Chem. 81, 2004-2012, 2009
363. Mair D.A., Schwei T., Dinio T., Frechet J.M.J, Svec F. Use of photopatterned porous polymer monoliths as passive micromixers to enhance mixing efficiency for on-chip labeling reactions. Lab Chip 9, 877-883, 2009
362. Slater M., Frechet J.M.J., Svec F. , In-column preparation of a brush-type chiral stationary phase using click chemistry and a silica monolith. J. Sep. Sci. 32, 21-28, 2009
361. Svec F., My favorite materials: Porous polymer monoliths. J. Sep. Sci. 32, 3-9, 2009.
360. Svec F., What's currently going on in liquid chromatography. Chem. Lett. (Prague) 103, 266-270, 2009.
359. Germain J., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Preparation of size-selective nanoporous polymer networks of aromatic rings: potential adsorbents for hydrogen storage. Chem. Mater. 20, 7069-7076, 2008.
358. Svec F., What is hot in column technologies for liquid chromatography? Am. Lab. 40, 13-17, 2008.
357. Geiger E.J., Mair D.A., Pisano A.P., Svec F., "On chip actuation of thermally sensitive hydrogel valve". MicroTAS 2008, 1678-1680, (2008).
356. Mair D.A., Geiger E.J., Schwei T., Dinio T., Frechet J.M.J. , Svec F., "Use of photopaterned nanoporous polymer monoliths as passive mixers to enhance mixing efficiency for on-chip labeling reactions" MicroTAS 2008, 1399-1401, (2008).
355. Chen G., Svec F., Knapp D.R. Microvalve for on-chip flow control based on thermo-responsive nanostructured polymer. Lab. Chip., 8, 1198-1204, 2008.
354. Svec F., Krenkova J., Rigid porous polymer monoliths as stationary phases and supports. LC-GC America, 26, 24-30, 2008.
353. Levkin P. A., Eeltink S., Stratton T. R., Brennen R., Robotti K., Killeen K., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Monolithic porous polymer stationary phases in polyimide chips for the fast high-performance liquid chromatography separation of proteins and peptides. J. Chromatogr. A, 1200, 55-61, 2008.
352. Geiser, L., Eeltink S., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., In-line system containing porous polymer monoliths for protein digestion with immobilized pepsin, peptide preconcentration and nano-liquid chromatography separation coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy. J. Chromatogr. A, 1188, 88-96, 2008.
351. Augustin V., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., CEC separation of peptides using poly(hexyl acrylate-co-1,4-butanediol diacrylate-co-[2-(acryloyloxy)ethyl]trimethyl ammonium chloride) monolithic column. Electrophoresis, 29, 3875-3886, 2008.
350. Svec F., Stellan Hjerten's contribution to the development of monolithic stationary phases. Electrophoresis, 29, 1593-1603, 2008.
349. Svec F., Kurganov A. A. Less common applications of monoliths. III. Gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 1184, 281-295, 2008.
348. Cooley P. W., Chen T., Wallace D. B., Hopwood F., Gooley A., Svec F. A microdispenser for LC separation and MALDI MS analysis. Amer. Lab. 39 (17), 27-29, 2007.
347. Svec F., Stachowiak T. B., Macroporous monoliths for chromatographic separations in microchannels. In Handbook of Capillary and Microchip Electrophoresis and Associated Microtechniques (3rd Edition) (Landers J., Ed.) Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2007, pp. 1297-1326.
346. Germain J., Frechet J.M.J., Svec F. Nanoporous polymers for hydrogen storage. Po lym. Mat., Sci. Eng. 97, 272-273, 2007.
345. Germain J., Frechet J.M.J., Svec F. Hypercrosslinked polyanilines with nanoporous structure and high surface area: Potential adsorbents for hydrogen storage. J. Mat. Chem. 17, 4989 - 4997, 2007.
344. Logan T. C., Clark D. S., Stachowiak T. B., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Photo- patterning enzymes on polymer monoliths in microfluidic channels for steady-state kinetic analysis and spatially-separated multi-enzyme reactions. Anal. Chem. 79, 6592-6598, 2007.
343. Eeltink S., Geiser, L., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Optimization of the porous structure and polarity of polymethacrylate-based monolithic capillary columns for the LC-MS separation of enzymatic digests. J Sep. Sci. 30, 2814-2820, 2007.
342. Mair D. A. , Rolandi M., Snauko M., Noroski R., Frechet J. M. J., Svec F., Room temperature bonding for plastic high pressure microfluidic chips. Anal. Chem. 79, 5097-5102, 2007.
341. Beiler B., Vincze A., Svec F., Safrany A., Poly(2-hydroxyethyl acrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) monoliths synthesized by radiation polymerization in a mold. Polymer 48, 3033-3040, 2007.
340. Stachowiak T. B., Mair D. A., Holden T.G., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Hydrophilic surface modification of cyclic olefin copolymer microfluidic chips using sequential photografting. J. Sep. Sci. 30, 1088-1093, 2007.
339. Geiser, L., Eeltink S., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Stability and repeatability of capillary columns based on porous monoliths of poly(butyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate). J. Chromatogr. A, 1140, 140-146, 2007.
338. Bakry B., Bonn G.K., Mair D. A., Svec F., Monolithic porous polymer layer for the separation of peptides and proteins using thin-layer chromatography coupled with MALDI- TOF-MS. Anal. Chem. 79, 486-403, 2007.
337. Eeltink S., Hilder E.F., Geiser L., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Rozing G.P., Schoenmakers P.J., Kok W.T. Controlling the surface chemistry and chromatographic properties of methacrylate-ester-based monolithic capillary columns via photografting. J. Sep. Sci. 30, 407-413, 2007.
336. Eeltink S., Svec F., Recent advances in the preparation and application of porous polymer-based monolithic stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography. Electrophoresis 28, 137-147, 2007.
335. Stachowiak, T. B.; Svec, F.; Frechet , J. M. J. Hydrophilic, protein-resistant surface modification of polymer monoliths via photografting for multifunctional microfluidic devices. Proceedings of Micro Total Analysis Systems 2006; Kitamori T., Fujita H., Hasebe S. (Eds.), Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems, Tokyo, Japan 2006; pp. 227-229.
334. Cooley P. W., Chen T., Wallace D. B., Hopwood F., Gooley A., Svec F., A microdispenser for LC separation and MALDI MS analysis. Internat. Lab. News, 36, 12-14, 2006.
333. Stachowiak T. B., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Patternable protein resistant surfaces for multifunctional microfluidic devices via surface hydrophilization of porous polymer monoliths using photografting. Chem Mat. 18, 5950-5957, 2006.
332. Mair D. A. , Geiger E., Pisano, A. P. Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Injection molded microfluidic chips featuring integrated interconnects. Lab. Chip., 6, 1346-1354, 2006.
331. Eelting B., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Open-tubular capillary columns with a porous layer of monolithic polymer for highly efficient and fast separations in electrochromatography. Electrophoresis 27, 4249-4256, 2006.
330. Germain J., Hradil J., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., High surface area nanoporous polymers for reversible hydrogen storage. Chem. Mater. 18, 4430-4435, 2006.
329. Svec F., Geiser, L., Monolithic stationary phases for HPLC and sample preparation . LC-GC America , 24 (S4), 22-27, 2006.
328. Svec F., Less common applications of monoliths: Preconcentration and solid phase extraction. J. Chromatogr. B 841, 52-64, 2006.
327. Slater M., Snauko M., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., "Click chemistry" in the preparation of porous polymer-based particulate stationary phases for micro-HPLC separation of peptides and proteins. Anal. Chem. 78, 4969-4975, 2006.
326. Svec F., Huber C.G., Monolithic materials: Promises, challenges, achievements. Anal. Chem. 78, 2100-2107, 2006.
325. Hemstrom P., Nordborg A., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Irgum K. Polymer-based monolithic microcolumns for hydrophobic interaction chromatography of proteins. J. Sep. Sci. 29, 25-32, 2006.
324. Svec F., Less common applications of monoliths: I. Microscale protein mapping with proteolytic enzymes immobilized on monolithic supports. Electrophoresis 27, 947-961, 2006.
323. Svec F., Porous Monoliths: Stationary phases of choice for HPLC in various formats. Chinese J. Chromatogr. 23, 585-594, 2005.
322. Nordborg A., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Irgum K. Extending the array of crosslinkers suitable for the preparation of polymethacrylate-based monoliths. J. Sep. Sci. 28, 2401-2406,2005.
321. Benes M., Horak D., Svec F. Methacrylate-based chromatographic media, J. Sep. Sci. 28, 1855-1875, 2005.
320. Safrany A., Beiler B., Laszlo K., Svec F., Control of pore formation in macroporous polymers synthesized by single-step gamma-radiation-initiated polymerization and crosslinking. Polymer 46, 2862-2871, 2005.
319. Svec F., Recent developments in the field of monolithic stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 28, 729-745, 2005.
318. Svec F., High throughput peptide mass mapping using an integrated capillary device coupled to a mass spectrometer. LC-GC Europe , January, 2-5, 2005.
317. Mutlu S., Svec F., Mastrangelo C. H., Frechet J. M. J., Gianchandani Y. B. Enhanced electro-osmotic pumping with liquid bridge and field effect flow rectification. IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Maastricht , Netherlands , Jan. 25-29, 2004 Technical Digest, 17th, 850-853, 2004.
316. Svec F., Csaba Horvath's contribution to theory and practice of capillary electrochromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 27, 1255-1272, 2004
315. Hilder E. F., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Latex-functionalized monolithic columns for the separation of carbohydrates by micro anion-exchange chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A 1053, 101-106, 2004.
314. Svec F., Porous monoliths: Emerging stationary phases for HPLC and related methods. Suppl. LC-GC North America June, pp. 18-21 , 2004.
313. Svec F., Preparation and HPLC applications of rigid macroporous organic polymer monoliths. J. Sep. Sci. 27, 747-766, 2004.
312. Pucci V., Raggi M. A., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Monolithic columns with a gradient of functionalities prepared via photoinitiated grafting for separations using capillary electrochromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 27, 779-788, 2004.
311. Svec F., Organic polymer monoliths as stationary phases for capillary HPLC. J. Sep. Sci. 27, 1419-1430, 2004
310. Stachowiak T. B., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Chip electrochromatography. J. Chromatogr. A 1044, 97-111, 2004.
309. Hilder E. F., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., The development and application of polymeric monolithic stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography. J. Chromatogr. A 1044, 3-22, 2004.
308. Lee D., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Photopolymerized monolithic capillary columns for rapid mHPLC separation of proteins. J. Chromatogr. A 1051, 53-60, 2004.
307. Peterson D. S., Luo Q., Hilder E. F., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Porous polymer monolith for matrix-free laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry of small molecules, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 18, 1504-1512, 2004
306. Hilder E. F., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Shielded stationary phases based on porous polymer monoliths for capillary electrochromatography of highly basic biomolecules, Anal. Chem. 76, 3887-3892, 2004.
305. Svec F., Monolithic stationary phases for HPLC: Birthplace Prague. Chem. Letters (Prague) 98, 232-238, 2004.
304. Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Duvdevani I., Testing of compositional distribution in brominated isobutylene elastomers . Rubb. Chem. Technol. 77, 78-89, 2004.
303. Tripp J. A., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Zeng S., Mikkelsen J.C., Santiago J. G., High-pressure electroosmotic pumps based on porous polymer monoliths. Sens. Actuat. B, Chem. 99, 66-73, 2004.
302. Y. Fintschenko, W.Y. Choi, E.B. Cummings, J.M.J. Frechet , J.A. Fruetel, E.F. Hilder, D.A. Mair, T.J. Shepodd, F. Svec, An answer in the palm of your hand: microfluidics for analytical applications, Proc. SPIE, 4982, 196-207, 2003.
301. Sykora D., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Petro M., Safir A. L., Rapid determination of molecular parameters of synthetic polymers using precipitation/redissolution HPLC and molded monolithic column. In High Throughput Analysis. A Tool for Combinatorial Materials Science, Potyrailo R.A., Amis E.J., Eds., Kluwer Academic, New York, 2003, pp. 155-186.
300. Barrett L. M., Svec F., Fintschenko Y. Preconcentration of proteins on chip using a photoinitiated polymer monolith containing immobilized tannic acid. in Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems, M. A. N. Klavs, F. Jensen, D. J. Harrison (Eds.) Transducers Research Foundation, pp 1077-1080, 2003.
299. Mutlu S., Yu C., Svec F., Mastrangelo C. H., Frechet J. M. J., Gianchandani Y. B. A thermally responsive polymer microvalve without mechanical parts photo-patterned in a parylene channel. TRANSDUCERS, Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Proceedings of 12th International Conference, Vol. 1, 802 -805, 2003.
298. Lamerhofer M., Tobler E., Zarbl E., Lindner W., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J. Macroporous monolithic chiral stationary phases for CEC: New chiral monomer derived from cinchona alkaloid with enhanced enantioselectivity. Electrophoresis 24, 2986-2999, 2003.
297. Peterson D. S. , Rohr T., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Dual Function Microanalytical Device by In-Situ Photolithographic Grafting of Porous Polymer Monolith: Integrating Solid Phase Extraction and Enzymatic Digestion for Peptide Mass Mapping. Anal. Chem. 75, 5328-5335, 2003.
296. Luo Q., Mutlu S., Gianchandani Y.B., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Monolithic valves for microfluidic chips based on thermoresponsive polymer gels. Electrophoresis 24, 3694-3702, 2003.
295. Stachowiak T., Rohr T., Hilder E.F., Peterson D. S., Yi M., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Fabrication of porous polymer monoliths covalently attached to the walls of channels in plastic microdevices. Electrophoresis 24, 3689, 3693, 2003.
294. Ling F. H., Brahmachary E., Xu M., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Polymer-bound cellulose phenylcarbamate derivatives as chiral stationary phases for enantioselective HPLC. J. Sep. Sci. 2, 1337-1346, 2003.
293. Svec F., Tennikova T. B., Deyl. Z., Eds., Monolithic Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.
292. Svec F., Tennikova T. B., Historical review. In Monolithic Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications, Svec F., Tennikova T. B., Deyl. Z. (Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003, pp. 1-18.
291. Svec F., Fr¨¦chet , J. M. J., Rigid macroporous organic polymer monoliths prepared by free radical polymerization. In Monolithic Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications, Svec F., Tennikova T. B., Deyl. Z. (Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003, pp. 19-50.
290. Tennikova T. B., Svec F., Theoretical aspects of separation using short monolithic beds. In Monolithic Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications, Svec F., Tennikova T. B., Deyl. Z. (Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003, pp. 351-372.
289. Sykora D., Svec F., Synthetic polymers. In Monolithic Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications, Svec F., Tennikova T. B., Deyl. Z. (Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003, pp. 457-488.
288. Xie S., Jiang T., Svec F., Allington R. W., Solid phase extraction. In Monolithic Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications, Svec F., Tennikova T. B., Deyl. Z. (Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003, pp. 687-698.
287. Brahmachari E., Ling F. H., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Chiral Recognition: Design and Preparation of Chiral Stationary Phases Using Selectors Derived from Ugi Multi-Component Condensation Reactions and a Combinatorial Approach. J. Comb. Chem. 5, 441-450, 2003.
286. Svec F., Porous monoliths: The newest generation of stationary phases for HPLC and related methods, LC-GC Europe, June, 24-28, 2003.
285. Yu C., Mutlu S., Selvaganapathy P., Mastrangelo C.H., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Flow control valves for analytical microfluidic chips without mechanical parts based on thermally responsive monolithic polymers. Anal. Chem. 75, 1958-1961, 2003.
284. Xu M., Rohr T., Peterson D. S., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Polar polymeric stationary phases for normal-phase HPLC based on monodisperse macroporous poly(2,3-dihydroxypropyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) beads. Anal. Chem. 75, 1011-1021, 2003.
283. Rohr T., Hilder E.F., Donovan J.J., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Photografting and the control of surface chemistry in three-dimensional porous polymer monoliths. Macromolecules 36, 1677-1684, 2003.
282. Rohr T., Ogletree D.F., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Surface functionalization of thermoplastic polymers for the fabrication of microfluidic devices by photoinitiated grafting. Adv. Funct. Mater. 13, 264-270, 2003.
281. Yu C., Mutlu S., Yu C., Selvaganapathy P., Svec F., Mastrangelo C. H., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Micromachined Porous polymer for bubble free electroosmotic pump. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 2002, Proceedings of IEEE, 19-23, 2002.
280. Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Hilder E. F., Peterson D. S., Rohr T., Photopolymerized and photografted porous polymer monoliths for fabrication of microfluidic analytical systems, In Micro Total Analysis Systems 2002, Baba Y., van den Berg A., Eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 332-334, 2002.
279. Janco M., Xie S., Peterson D. ., Allington R. W., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Effect of porosity and surface chemistry on the characterization of synthetic polymers by HPLC using porous polymer monolithic columns. J. Sep. Sci. 25, 909-916, 2002.
278. Peterson D. S., Rohr T. Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., High throughput peptide mass mapping using a microdevice containing trypsin immobilized on a porous polymer monolith coupled to MALDI TOF and ESI TOF mass spectrometers. J. Proteome Res. 1, 563-568, 2002.
277. Hilder E. F., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Polymeric monolithic stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography. Electrophoresis 23, 3934-3953, 2002.
276. Peterson D. S., Rohr T., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Enzymatic microreactor-on-a-chip: protein mapping using trypsin immobilized on porous polymer monoliths molded in channels of microfluidic devices. Anal. Chem. 74, 4081-4088, 2002.
275. Burguete M. I., Frechet J. M. J., Gaercia-Verdugo E., Janco M., Luis S. V., Svec F., Vincent M. J., Xu M., New CSP based on peptidomimetics: Efficient chiral selectors in enantioselective separations. Polym. Bull. 48, 9-15, 2002.
274. Zeng S., Chen C. H., Santiago J. G., J. R. Chen, Zare R. N., Tripp J. A., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J. , Electroosmotic flow pumps with polymer frits, Sensors Actuators B, 82, 209-212, 2002.
273. Yu C., Xu M., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Preparation of monolithic polymers with controlled porous properties for microfluidic chip applications using photoinitiated free radical polymerization, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem.40, 755-769, 2002.
272. Ling F. H., Lu V., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Effect of multivalency on the performance of enantioselective separation media for chiral HPLC prepared by linking multiple selectors to a porous polymer support via aliphatic dendrons, J. Org. Chem. 67, 1993-2002, 2002
271. Xie S., Allington R. W., Frechet J. M. J., Svec F., Porous polymer monoliths: An alternative to classical beads. Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. 76, 88-124, 2002.
270. F. Svec, Capillary electrochromatography: A rapidly emerging separation method. Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. 76, 1-47, 2002.
269. Svec F. Organic Polymer Support Materials, in HPLC of Biological Macromolecules, Gooding K., Regnier F.E. (Eds.) Dekker, New York, 2002, pp.17-48.
268. Svec F., Yu C., Rohr T., Frechet J. M. J. Design of a toolbox for fabrication of analytical microfluidic systems using porous polymer monoliths. In Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001, Ramsey J.M., van den Berg A., Eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 643-645, 2001.
267. Tripp J. A., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Solid-phase acylating reagents in new format: Macroporous polymer disks. J. Comb. Chem. 3, 604-611, 2001.
266. Kita R., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Hydrophilic polymer supports for solid phase synthesis: The preparation of poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate polymer beads using "classical" suspension polymerization in aqueous medium and their application in the solid phase synthesis of hydantoins. J. Comb. Chem. 3, 564-571, 2001.
265. Yu C., Davey M. H., Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Monolithic porous polymer for on-chip solid phase extraction and preconcentration prepared by photoinitiated in situ polymerization within a microfluidic device. Anal. Chem. 73, 5088-5096, 2001.
264. F. Svec, M. Petro, J. M. J. Frechet, Separation of hydrophilic oligomers and polymers using monodisperse poly(2,3-dihydroxypropyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) beads via normal-phase and hydrophilic-interaction HPLC. Collect. Czechosl. Chem. Commun. 66, 1047-1061, 2001.
263. T. Rohr, C. Yu, M. H. Davey, F. Svec, J. M. J. Fréchet, Porous polymer monoliths: Simple and efficient mixers prepared by direct polymerization in the channels of microfluidic chips. Electrophoresis 22, 3959-3967, 2001.
262. M. Xu, E.Brahmachary, M. Janco, F. H. Ling, F. Svec, J. M. J. Fréchet, Preparation of highly selective stationary phases for HPLC separation of enantiomers by direct copolymerization of monomers with single or twin chiral ligands, J. Chromatogr. A, 928, 25-40, 2001.
261. Lammerhofer M., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Lindner W., Capillary electrochromatography in anion exchange and normal-phase mode using monolithic stationary phases. J. Chromatogr A, 925, 265-277, 2001.
260. Viklund C., Nordstrom A., Irgum K., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Preparation of porous poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) monoliths with controlled pore size distributions initiated by stable free radicals and their pore surface functionalization by grafting. Macromolecules 34, 4361-4369, 2001.
259. Deyl. Z., Svec F. (Eds.), Capillary Electrochromatography. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001.
258. Svec F., Capillary column technology: continuous polymer monoliths. In Capillary Electrochromatography, Deyl. Z, Svec F., Eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 183-240, 2001.
257. Chen J.R., Zare R.N., Peters E.C., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Semi-preparative capillary electrochromatography. Anal. Chem. 73, 1987-1992, 2001.
256. Tripp J.A., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Grafted macroporous polymer monolithic discs: A new format of scavengers for solution phase combinatorial chemistry. J. Comb. Chem. 3, 216-223, 2001
255. Lammerhofer M., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Lindner W., Monolithic stationary phases for enantioselective capillary electrochromatography, J. Microcol. Sep. 12, 597-602, 2000.
254. Meyer U., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Hawker C.J., Irgum K., The use of stable free radicals for the sequential preparation and surface grafting of functionalized macroporous monoliths. Macromolecules 33, 7769-7775, 2000.
253. Lammerhofer M., Peters E.C., Yu C., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Lindner W., Chiral monolithic columns for enantioselective capillary electrochromatography prepared by in situ copolymerization of a monomer with quinidine functionality: 1. Optimization of polymerization conditions, porous properties, and chemistry of the stationary phase" Anal. Chem. 72, 4614-4622, 2000.
252. Lammerhofer M., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Lindner W., Chiral monolithic columns for enantioselective capillary electrochromatography prepared by copolymerization of a monomer with quinidine functionality: 2. Effect of chromatographic conditions on the chiral separations. Anal. Chem. 72, 4623-4628, 2000.
251. Lammerhofer M., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J., Lindner W., Separation of enantiomers by capillary electrochromatography, TRAC-Trends Anal. Chem., 19, 676-698, 2000.
250. Svec F., Wulff D., Fréchet J.M.J., Combinatorial approaches to recognition of chirality: Preparation and use of materials for the separation of enantiomers. In Chiral Separation Techniques, 2nd Edition, Subramanian G., Ed., Wiley-VCH, p. 57-94, 2000.
249. Janco P., Svec F., Fréchet J.M.J., Schweer J., Holm R., Rapid determination of molecular parameters of synthetic polymers by precipitation/redissolution high-performance chromatography using "molded" monolithic columns. J. Polym. Sci. A, Polym. Chem. 38, 2767-2778, 2000.
248. Chen J.R., Dulay M.T., Zare R.N., Svec F., Peters E.C. Macroporous photopolymer frits for capillary electrochromatography. Anal. Chem. 72, 1224-1227, 2000.
247. Sykora D., Peters E. C., Svec F., Fréchet , J.M.J. Molded porous polymer monoliths: A novel format for capillary gas chromatography stationary phases. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 275, 42-45, 2000.
246. Tripp J. A., Stein J. A., Svec F., Fréchet J. M. J., Reactive filtration: Use of functionalized porous polymer monoliths as scavengers in solution phase synthesis. Org. Lett. 2, 195-198, 2000.
245. Jin S., Venkataraman D., DiSalvo F., Svec F., Fréchet J. M. J., Novel catalytic metal clusters supported by porous polymer monolith. Polym. Prepr. 41, 458-459, 2000.
244. Janco M., Sykora D., Svec F., Fréchet J. M. J., Rapid determination of molecular parameters of polymers using precipitation/redissolution chromatography on a monolithic column. Polym. Prepr. 41, 373-374, 2000.
243. Svec F., Peters E. C., Sykora D., Yu C., Fréchet J. M. J., Monolithic stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography based on synthetic polymers: Designs and applications. HRC- J. High Resol. Chromatogr. 23, 3-18, 2000.
242. Yu C., Svec F., Fréchet J. M. J., Towards stationary phases for chromatography on a microchip: Molded porous polymer monoliths prepared in capillaries by photoinitiated in situ polymerization as separation media for electrochromatography. Electrophoresis 21, 120-127, 2000.
241. Svec F., Peters E. C., D. Sykora, Fréchet J. M. J., Design of the monolithic polymers used in capillary electrochromatography columns. J. Chromatogr. A 887, 3-29, 2000.
240. Xie, S., Allington, R. W., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Rapid reversed phase sepration of proteins and peptides using optimized “molded?monolithic poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) columns. J. Chromatogr. A 865, 169-174, 1999.
239. Fintschenko Y., Arnold D., Peters E.C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Characterization of porous polymer monoliths as flow restrictors for capillary electrophoresis on chip. SPIE vol. 3877, 202-209, 1999.
238. Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., New porous polymer monoliths with enhanced properties: supports for rapid and efficient separations. Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Vol. 81, 544-545, 1999.
237. Peters E. C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Viklund K., Irgum K., Control of porous properties and surface chemistry in “molded?porous polymer monoliths prepared by polymerization in the presence of TEMPO. Macromolecules 32, 6377-6379, 1999.
236 Peters E. C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Rigid macroporous polymer monoliths Adv. Mat. 11, 1169-1181, 1999.
235 Murer P., Lewandowski K., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J. On bead combinatorial approach to the design of chiral stationary phases. Anal. Chem. 71, 1278-1284, 1999.
234. Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Molded rigid monolithic porous polymers: an inexpensive, efficient, and versatile alternative to porous beads for the design of materials with high flow characteristics for numerous applications. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 38, 34-48, 1999.
233. Sykora D., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Separation of oligonucleotides using novel monolithic columns with ion-exchange functional surfaces. J. Chromatogr. A 852, 297-304, 1999.
232 Xie S., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J. High-surface porous polymer monoliths: preparation of sorbent materials for high throughput on-line solid phase extraction of polar organic compounds. Chem. Mater. 10, 4072-4078, 1998.
231. Murer P., Lewandowski K., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J. Combinatorial “library on bead? approach to polymeric materials with vastly enhanced chiral recognition. Chem. Commun. 1998, 2559-2560.
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228 Lewandowski K., Murer P., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J. A combinatorial approach to recognition of chirality: the preparation of highly enantioselective aryl-dihydropyrimidine selectors for chiral HPLC. J. Comb. Chem. 1, 105-112,1999.
227. Xie, S., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Design of reactive porous polymer supports for high throughput bioreactors: poly(2-vinyl-4,4-dimethylazlactone- co-acrylamide-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) monoliths. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 62, 30-35, 1999.
226. Fr¨¦chet J. M. J.,Svec F., Functional polymers: From separation to chiral molecular recognition. Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Vol. 78, 710-711,1998.
225. Platonova N. P., Tataurova O. G., Hradil J., Svec F. Gas-chromatographic properties of methacrylate terpolymers, Zh. Fiz. Khim. 70, 1688-1691, 1996.
224 Peters E.C., Lewandowski K., Petro M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Chiral Electrochromatography with a "molded" rigid monolithic capillary column. Anal. Commun. 35, 83-86, 1998.
223. Peters E.C., Petro M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Molded rigid polymer monoliths as separation media for capillary electrochromatography 2. Effect of chromatographic conditions on the separation. Anal. Chem. 70, 2296-2302, 1998
222. Peters E.C., Petro M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Molded rigid polymer monoliths as separation media for capillary electrochromatography. 1. Fine control of porous properties and surface chemistry. Anal. Chem. 70, 2288-2295,1998.
221. Svec F., Two-dimensional high -performance liquid chromatography. Chem. Educ. 2(6), 1-8, 1997.
220. Lewandowski K., Murer P., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., The design of highly enantioselective chiral separation media using monodisperse functionalized macroporous beads: the effects of polymer matrix, tether, and linkage chemistry, Anal. Chem. 70, 1629-1638, 1998.
219. Tennikov M. B., Gazdina N. V., Tennikova T. B. , Svec F. , Effect of porous structure of macroporous polymer support on resolution in high performance membrane chromatography of proteins . J. Chromatogr. A 798, 55-64, 1998.
218. Lewandowski K., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Polar, monodisperse, reactive beads from functionalized methacrylate monomers by staged templated suspension polymerization. Chem. Mater. 10, 385-391, 1998.
217. Peters E. C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., The preparation of large diameter "molded" porous polymer monoliths and the control of pore structure homogeneity. Chem. Mater. 9, 1898-1902, 1997.
216. Peters E. C., Petro M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Molded rigid polymer monoliths as separation media for capillary electrochromatography. Anal. Chem. 69, 3646-3649, 1997.
215. Petro M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J, Monodisperse hydrolyzed poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) beads as a stationary phase for normal-phase HPLC. Anal. Chem. 69, 3131-3139, 1997.
214. Xie S., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J, Monolithic poly(2-vinyl-4,4- dimethylazlactone-co-acrylamide-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) support for design of high throughput bioreactors. Polym. Prepr. 2, 211-212, 1997
213. Fr¨¦chet J. M. J, Petro M., Svec F., Modified macroporous polymer beads in the chromatographic analysis of chemical distribution within functional polymers. Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Vol. 77, 38-39, 1997.
212. Fr¨¦chet J. M. J, Svec F., Petro M., Molded monolithic columns as an alternative to sec columns for the very fast characterization of oligomers and polymers. Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Vol. 77, 42-43, 1997.
207. Peters E. C., Svec F, Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Thermally responsive rigid polymer monoliths. Adv. Mater. 9, 630-632, 1997.
206. Xie S., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Rigid porous polyacrylamide-based monolithic columns containing butyl methacrylate as a separation medium for the rapid hydrophobic interaction chromatography of proteins. J. Chromatogr. A 775, 65-72, 1997.
205. Viklund C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Irgum K., Fast Ion-Exchange HPLC of Proteins Using Porous Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) Monoliths Grafted with Poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid). Biotechnol. Progr. 13, 597-600, 1997.
204. Lewandowski K., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., The preparation of macroporous, monodisperse, functionalized styrene - divinylbenzene copolymer beads : Effect of the nature of the monomers and total porogen volume on the porous properties. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 67, 597-607, 1998.
203. Liang Y-C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Preparation and Functionalization of Reactive Monodisperse Macroporous Poly(chloromethylstyrene -co- styrene- co-divinylbenzene) Beads by a Staged Templated Suspension Polymerization, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. 35, 2631-2643, 1997.
202. Xie S., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Preparation of porous hydrophilic monoliths: ef-fect of the polymerization conditions on the porous properties of poly(acrylamide-co-N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide) monolithic rods, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. 35, 1013-1021, 1997.
201. Viklund C., Ponten E., Glad B., Irgum K., Horstedt P., Svec F., "Molded" Macroporous Poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate) Materials with Fine Controlled Porous Properties: Preparation of Monoliths Using Photoinitiated Polymerization, Chem. Mat. 9, 463-471, 1997.
200. Petro M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J,. Haque S. A, Wang H. C., Chromatography of Functional Polymers: A New Approach to the Characterization of Reactive Polymers Obtained by Chemical Modification, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem., 35, 1173-1180, 1997.
199. Liu Y, Svec F, Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Polymer versus Silica-Based Separation Media: The Elimination of Non-Specific Interactions in the Chiral Recognition Process through Functional Polymer Design, Anal. Chem. 69, 61-65, 1997.
198. Lewandowski K., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Polar separation medium for size exclu-sion chromatography of small molecules: Uniformly sized, porous poly (vinylphenol-co-divinylbenzene) beads, J. Liquid Chromatogr. 20, 227-243, 1997.
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197. Petro M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Molded continuous poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) rod as a separation medium for the very fast separations of polymers: A comparison of the chromatographic properties of the monolithic rod with columns packed with porous and non-porous beads in precipitation-redissolution chromatography of polystyrenes, J. Chromatogr. A, 752, 59-66, 1996.
196. Viklund C.,Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Irgum K. Monolithic, "Molded", Porous Materials with High Flow Characteristics for Separations, Catalysis, or Solid Phase Chemistry: Control of Porous Properties During Polymerization, Chem. Mater., 8, 744-750, 1996.
Svec F., Molded monolithic columns as an alternative to sec columns for the very fast characteriztable for immobilization of viable cells, active organelles, and molecules; in Immobilized Biosystems, Theory and Practical Application, I. A. Veliky, R. J. C. McLean (Eds.), Blackie Academic and Proffesional, London, 1994, pp.2-127.
193. Svec F., Why is efficiency and selectivity of polymeric and silica based stationary phases for HPLC different? Chem Lett. (Prague), 90, 103-108, 1996.
192. Svec F., What are the human limits in chemistry? Chem. Lett. (Prague), 89, 601-602, 1995.
191. Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Molded separation media: an inexpensive, efficient, and versatile alternative to packed columns for the fast HPLC separation of peptides, proteins, and synthetic oligomers and polymers, Macromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp., 10, 203-216, 1996.
190. Svec F., Porous polymeric materials for biotechnology, Plasty a Kaucuk, 32, 356-360, 1995.
189. Petro M., Svec F, Gitsov I., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Molded monolithic rod of macroporous poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) as a novel separation medium for hplc of synthetic polymers: "on-column" precipitation-redissolution chromatography as an alternative to size-exclusion chromatography of macromolecules, Anal. Chem., 68, 315-321, 1996.
188. Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., New Formats of Polymeric Stationary Phases for HPLC Separations: Molded Macroporous Disks and Rods, J. Molecular Recogn., 9, 326-334, 1996.
187. Petro M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Immobilization of trypsin onto "molded" macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) rods and use of the conjugates as bioreactors and for affinity chromatography, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 49, 355-363, 1996.
186. Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Svec F., New designs of macroporous polymers as supports for separation media, solid-phase reactions, and catalysis, Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Vol. 73, 451, 1995.
185. Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Temperature, a simple and efficient tool for the control of pore size distribution in macroporous polymers, Macromolecules, 28, 7580-7582, 1995.
184. Horak D, Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J, Preparation of colored poly(styrene-co-butyl methacrylate) micrometer size beads with narrow size distribution by dispersion polymerization in presence of dyes, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. 33, 2961-2968, 1995.
183. Horak D, Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J, Preparation of monodisperse mi-crometer size beads by dispersion copolymerization of styrene and butyl methacrylate in polar media, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. 33, 2329-2338, 1995.
182. Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J, "Molded" rods of polymer for preparative separations of biological products. Biotech. Bioeng., 48, 476-480, 1995.
181. Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Modified poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene di-methacrylate) continuous rod columns for preparative-scale ion-exchange chromatography of proteins, J. Chromatogr., A702, 89-95, 1995.
180. Svec F., Wang Q. C., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Rods of macroporous polymers prepared by in situ polymerization within the confines of a column as efficient continuous media for preparative HPLC separations, Amer. Lab., 27, (12), 24M-24R, 1995.
179. Liang Y.C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J, Monodisperse polymer beads as packing material for HPLC. Preparation of macroporous poly(2,3-epoxypropyl vinylbenzyl ether-co-divinylbenzene) beads, their properties and application to HPLC separations. J. Po-lym. Sci., Polym. Chem., 33, 2639-2646, 1995.
178. Svec F., Fr¨¦chetJ.M.J, Kinetic control of pore formation in macroporous poly-mers. The formation of "molded" porous materials with high flow characteristics for separations or catalysis, Chem. Mater., 7, 707-715, 1995.
177. Wang Q. C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Hydrophilization of porous polystyrene-based continuous rod column. Anal. Chem.,67, 670-674, 1995.
176. Hosoya K., Kiishi Y., Kimata K., Araki T., Tanaka N., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Svec F., Uniform-size hydrophobic polymer-based separation media selectively modified with a hydrophilic external polymeric layer, J. Chromatography A, 690, 21-28, 1995.
175. Trochimczuk A., Hradil J., Kolarz B.N., Svec F., The amine modified acrylic copolymers as catalysts in the reaction of octylbromide with sodium cyanide, Polymer Bull. 33, 51-57, 1994.
174. Smigol. V., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J, Two-dimensional HPLC using monodisperse polymer beads containing segregated chemistries prepared by pore-size specific func-tionalization. Single column combination of size-exclusion or ion-exchange with re-versed-phase chromatography. Anal. Chem., 66, 4308-4315, 1994.
173. Wang Q. C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J., Fine control of the porous structure and chromatographic properties of monodisperse macroporous poly(styrene-co-divinyl-benzene) beads prepared using polymer porogens, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem., 32, 2577-2588, 1994.
172. Galia M., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J.M.J., Monodisperse polymer beads as packing material for high-performance liquid chromatography. effect of divinylbenzene content on the porous and chroma-tographic properties of poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) beads prepared in presence of linear polystyrene as a porogen. J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem., 32, 2169-2175, 1994.
171. Wang Q. C., Svec F., Fr¨¦chet J. M. J.,Reversed-phase chromatography of small molecules and peptides on a continuous rod of macroporous poly(styrene-co-divinylben-zene). J. Chromatogr. 669, 230-235, 1994.
170. Smigol. V., Svec F., Frechet J.M.J, HPLC of complex mixtures using monodis-perse dual chemistry polymer beads prepared by a pore-size specific functionalization process. A single column combination of hydrophobic interaction and reversed-phase chromatography. Anal. Chem. 66, 2119-2138, 1994
169. Frechet J.M.J., Lochman L., Smigol V., Svec F., Reversed-phase HPLC of func-tionalized dendritic macromolecules. J. Chromatogr. A 667, 284-289, 1994.
168. Smigol, V., Svec F. and J.M.J. Frechet Novel uniformly sized polymeric station-ary phase with hydrophilized large pores for direct injection HPLC determination of drugs in biological fluids. J. Liquid Chromatogr. 17, 891-911, 1994.
167. Svec F., Frechet J. M. J., Pore-size specific modification of porous materials. Adv. Mater. 6, 342-344, 1994.
166. Smigol, V., Svec F., J.M.J. Frechet, Uniformly sized poly(vinylphenol) porous beads: A versatile HPLC separation medium allowing fast switching between size-ex-clusion, normal phare and reversed phase chromatography. J. Liquid Chromatogr. 17, 259-276, 1994
165. Wang Q.C. Svec F., J.M.J. Frechet Macroporous polymeric stationary phase rod as continuous separation medium for reversed phase chromatography. Anal Chem. 65, 2243-2248, 1993.
164. Smigol, V., Svec F., J.M.J. Frechet The use of polymeric catalyst in the pore-size specific functionalization of porous polymers. Macromolecules 26, 5615-5620, 1993.
163. Tennikova, T.B.; Svec, F. High-performance membrane chromatography: highly efficient separation method for proteins in ion-exchange, hydrophobic interaction and reversed-phase modes. J. Chromatogr. 646, 279-288, 1993.
162. Smigol, V., Svec F. Preparation of uniform beads with enhanced hydophil-icity of pore surface, based on macroporous poly(glycydyl methacrylate-co-ethylene di-methacrylate). Collect. Czechosl. Chem. Commun.58, 2605-2611, 1993.
161. Horak, D., Lednicky, F., Rehak, V., Svec, F. Porous poly(HEMA) beads pre-pared by suspension polymerization in aqueous medium. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 49, 2041-2050, 1993.
160. Horak, D., Labsky, J., Bleha, M., Pelzbauer, Z. and Svec, F. The effect of poly-meric porogen on the properties of macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene domethacrylate). Polymer 34, 3481-3489, 1993.
159. Smigol, V. and Svec F. Preparation and properties of uniform beads based on macroporous copolymer glycydyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate: use of chain transfer agent for control of the pore size distribution. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 48, 2033-2039, 1993.
158. Ishmiyarova, G.R., Shcherbinina, N.I., Myasoedova, G.V., Sedykh, E.M., Kahovec, J., Svec, F. and Lileeva, L.V. Properties and analytical application of a com-plexing sorbent polyorg XXII. Zh. Analyt. Khim. 48, 262-268, 1993.
157. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Adamyan, A.A.; Titova, M.I.; Dan, V.N.;Trostenyuk, N.V.; Voronkova, O.S. and Gumargalieva, K.Z. Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) particles for preoperative endovascular occlusion of extensive angiodysplasias. J. Appl. Biomat. 4, 253-259, 1993.
156. Smigol, V. and Svec F. Synthesis and properties of uniform beads based on macroporous copolymer glycydyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate: a way to im-prove separation media for HPLC. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 45, 1439-1448, 1992.
155. Wang, Q.C.; Svec, F. and Fr¨¦chet, J.M.J. Monodisperse polymer beads as pack-ing material for high-performance liquid chromatography. Fine control of pore structure of macroporous beads. Polym. Bull. 28, 569-576,1992.
154. Wang, Q.C.; Hosoya, K.; Svec, F. and Fr¨¦chet, J.M.J. Polymeric porogens used in the preparation of novel monodispersed macroporous polymeric separation media for high-performance liquid chromatography. Anal. Chem. 64, 1232-1238, 1992.
153. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Adamyan, A.; Titova, M.; Skuba, N.; Voronkova, N.; Trostenyuk, N.; Vishnevskii, K. and Gumargalieva. Haemostatic activity of ethamsylate and aminocaproic acid adsorbed poly(2-bydroxyethyl methacrylate) particles. Biomaterials 13, 521-526, 1992.
152. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Adamyan, A.; Titova, M.; Skuba, N.; Voronkova, N.; Trostenyuk, V.; Vishnevskii, K. and Gumargalieva, K. Hydrogels in endovascular em-bolization. V. Antitumor agent methotrexate-containing p(HEMA). Biomaterials 13, 361-366, 1992.
151. Horak, D.; Smigol, V.; Labsky, J.; Svec, F. and Pilar, J. An e.p.r. study of the ef-fect of suspension polymerization conditions on the properties of glycidyl methacrylate - ethylene dimethacrylate particles. Polymer 33, 2051-2056, 1992.
150. Hradil, J.; Svec, F.; Votavova, E.; Bleha, M.; Pelzbauer, Z. and Brych, J. Rearrangement of the porous structure of macroporous copolymers. Polymer 33, 1731-1738, 1992.
149. Svec, F. and Fr¨¦chet, J.M.J. Continuous rods of macroporous polymer as high-performance liquid chromatography separation media. Anal. Chem. 54, 820-822, 1992.
148. Smigol, V.; Svec, F.; Hosoya, K.; Wang, Q.; Fr¨¦chet, J.M.J. Monodispersed polymer beads as packing material for high-performance liquid chromatography. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 195, 151-164, 1992.
147. Horak, J.; Svec, F.; Tennikova, T.B.; Nahunek, M. Chromatographic properties of macroporous beads from poly(GMA-coEDMA). Angew. Makromol. Chem. 139-150, 1992.
146. Tishchenko, G.A., Potekhina, T.S., Jelinkova, M., Bleha, M., Shataeva L.K., Svec, F. Adsorption of proteins on synthetic polyampholytes. Prikl. Biokhim. Mikrobiol. 27, 695-700, 1991.
145. Dernovaya, L.A.; Yu, A.; Eltekov, Yu.A.; Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Estimation of celluose polarity by gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 552, 365-370, 1991.
144. Svec, F., Tennikova, T.B. Polymeric separation media for chromatography of biopolymers in a novel shape. Macroporous membranes. J. Bioact. Compat. Polym. 6, 393-405, 1991.
143. Horak, D.; Straka, J.; Stokr, J.; Schneider, B.; Tennikova, T.B., Svec, F. Reactive Polymers 62. Reaction of macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) with phenol. Polymer 32, 1135-1139, 1991.
142. Azanova, V.V.; Hradil, J.; Sytov, G.; Panarin, E.F. and Svec, F. Macroporous membranes II. 2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate-styrene-ethylene dimethacrylate macropor-ous membranes bearing strong acid groups. React. Polym. 16, 1-8, 1991.
141. Tennikova, T.B.; Bleha, M.; Svec, F.; Alamazova, T.V. and Belenkii, B.G. High-performance membrane chromatography of proteins, a novel method of protein separation. J. Chromatogr. 555, 97-107, 1991.
140. Hradil, J.; Jelinkova, M.; Ilavsky, M. and Svec, F. Macroporous membranes 3. Properties of macroporous membranes prepared from glycidyl methacrylate, ethylene dimethacrylate and alkyl-or hydroxyalkyl methacrylate. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 185-186, 275-282, 1991.
139. Svec, F.; Jelinkova, M. and Votavova, E. Macroporous membranes I. Reactive macroporous membranes based on glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate co-polymer for high-performance membrane chromatography. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 188, 167-176, 1991.
138. Horal, D., Svec, F.; Kalal, J. Adamyan, A. and Titova, M. Biologically active thrombin-containing hydrogels based on poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) for endovas-cular occlusion. Polym. in Medicine 21, 31-41, 1991.
137. Tennikova, T.B.; Nahunek, N. and Svec, F. Modified macroporous copolymers of glycidyl methacrylate with ethylene dimethacrylate as sorbents for ion-exchange and hydrophobic interaction HPLC of proteins. J. Liquid Chromatogr. 14, 2621, 1991.
136. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Adamyan, A. and Titova, M. Poly(2-hydroxyethyl meth-acrylate) beads for the preoperative endovascular occlusion of branches of the hepatic artery in focal alterations of the liver. Clinical Mater. 6, 287-297, 1990.
135. Tennikova, T.B.; Blagodatskikh, I.V.; Svec and Tennikov, M.B. Phase Transition Chromatography of Polyesters on Macroporous Glycidyl Methacrylate-Ethylene Dimethacrylate Copolymers. J. Chromatogr. 509, 233-238, 1990.
134. Rolls, W.; Svec, F. and Fr¨¦chet, J.M.J. Design and Synthesis of Macroporous Polymeric Separation Media Based on Substituted Phenols. Polymer 31, 165-174, 1990.
133. Tennikova, T.B.; Svec, F. and Belenkii, B.G. High-Performance Membrane Chromatography. A Novel Method of Protein Separation. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 13, 63-70, 1990.
132. Azanova, V.V.; Hradil, J.; Svec, F.; Pelzbauer and Panarin, E.F. Reactive Polymers 60. Glycidyl Methacrylate-Styrene-Ethylene Dimethacrylate Terpolymers Modified with Strong Acid Groups. React. Polym. 12, 247-260, 1990.
131. Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Synthesis of Methacrylate Strongly Basic Anion Exchangers. React. Polym. 13, 43-53, 1990.
130. Dernovaya, L.A.; Yu, A.; Eltekov, Yu.A.; Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Adsorption of organic compounds on surface of microspherical cellulose. Zh. Phys. Khim. 64, 993-999, 1990.
129. Tennikova, T.B.; Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Tennikov, M.B.; Kever, E.E. and Belenkii, B.G. Hydrolyzed macroporous glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate copoly-mer with narrow pore size distribution. A novel sorbent for size-exclusion high-per-formance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 457, 187-194, 1989.
128. Scherbinina, N.I.; Ishmigarova, G.R.; Kahovec, J.; Svec, F.; Bolshakova, L.I.; Myasoedova, G.V. and Savvin, S.B. Complex Forming Sorbents Based on Glycidyl Methacrylate Gels with Imidazole Groups for Preconcentration of Trace Elements. Zh. Anal. Khim. 443, 615-619, 1989.
127. Trochimczuk, A.; Hradil, J.; Kolarz, B.N. and Svec, F. The amine modified acrylonitrile-divinylbenzene copolymers in the phase transfer catalysis. Polym. Bull. 20, 149-152, 1989.
126. Hradil, J.; Svec, F.; Aratskova, A.A.; Belyakova, L.D.; Orlov, V.I. and Yashin, I. Ion chromatography on methacrylate ion exchangers. J. Chromatogr. 457, 209-217, 1989.
125. Jelinkova, T.B.; Shataeva, L.K.; Tishchenko, G.A. and Svec, F. Reactive poly-mers. LVIII. Polyampholytes based on macroporous copolymers of glycidyl methacry-late with ethylene dimethacrylate or divinylbenzene. React. Polym. 11, 253-260, 1989.
124. Hradil, J.; Svec, F.; Platonova, P.; Belyakova, L.D. and Marousek, V. Gas-chro-matographic and sorption properties of macroporous methacrylate copolymers. J. Chromatogr. 469, 143-152, 1989.
123. Hradil, J.; Konak, C. and Svec, F. Reactive polymers. 59. An investigation of labelled copolymers glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate by a fluorescence technique. React. Polym. 11, 147-154, 1989.
122. Hradil, J.; Svec, F.; Kakriashivili, N.D.; Gogitidze, M.N. and Andronikashivili, T.G. Solute-Solvent Interactions of Macroporous Methacrylate Ion Exchangers in Salt Form Studied by Gas Chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 462, 61-69, 1989.
121. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Kalal, J.; Adamyan, A.A.; Titova, M.I.; Trostenyuk, N.V.; Skuba, N.D.; Dan, V.N.; Voronkova, O.S. and Gumargalieva, K.Z. Hydrogels in endo-vascular embolization. IV. Effect of radiopaque spherical particles on the living tissue. Biomaterials 9, 367-371, 1988.
120. Aratskova, A.A.; Beljakova, L.D.; Yashin, I.; Hradil, J. and Svec. F. Porous methacrylate copolymers, novel sorbent for HPLC. Kolloid Zh. 50, 1176-1179, 1988.
119a Eybl V., Jones M.M., Koutecka M., Koutecky J., Sykora J., Drobnik J., Svec f., Comparison of the effects of sodium N-benzylD-glucmine dithiocarbamate and ditripentat on the toxicity, excretion, and tissue distribution of cadmium in mice. Arch. Toxicol. Suppl. 12, 438-440, 1988.
119. Hradil, J.; Pivcova, H.; Spevacek, J. and Svec, F. Characterization of methacry-late copolymers with strongly acid or basic groups by using 1H NMR spectra. React. Polym. 9, 51-58, 1988.
118. Hradil, J.; Svec, F.; Konak, C. and Jurek, K. Phase-transfer catalysis IV. Localization of reaction sites in supported catalysts. React. Polym. 9, 81-89, 1988.
117. Svec, F. What is the real mechanism of polymer supported phase transfer cataly-sis? Pure Appl. Chem. 60, 377-386, 1988.
116. Pilar, J.; Horak, D.; Labsky, J. and Svec, F. EPR study of swollen spin-labelled suspension copolymers glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate and styrene-divi-nylbenzene. Polymer 29, 500-506, 1988.
115. Tennikova, T.B.; Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Kolar, J.; Coupek, J.; Trushin, S.V.; Maltsev, A.G. and Belenkii, B.G. Hydrolyzed macroporous copolymer glycidyl meth-acrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate. A new sorbent for steric exclusion HPLC of synthetic polymers and biopolymers. J. Chromatogr. 435, 357-362, 1988.
114. Horak, D.; Metalova, M.; Svec, F.; Drobnik, J.; Kalal, J.; Borovicka, M.; Adamyan, A.A.; Voronkova, O.S. and Gumargalieva, K.Z. Hydrogels in endovascular embolization. III. Radiopaque spherical particles, their preparation and properties. Biomaterials 8, 142-145, 1987.
113. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Kalal, J.; Adamyan, A.; Volynskii, D.; Voronkova, O.S.; Kokov, L.K. and Gumargalieva, K.Z. Hydrogels in endovascular embolization. II. Clinical use of spherical particles. Biomaterials 7, 467-470, 1986.
112. Jelinkova, M.; Kahovec, J. and Svec, F. Use of Crosslinked poly(N-vinylpyr-rolidone as solid cosolvent. Ing. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 25, 124-126, 1986.
111. Kas, J.; Marek, M.; Beranova, J. and Svec, F. Glycidyl Methacrylate Copolymers as Suitable Supports for Immobilizing Antigens and Antibodies. J. Chromatogr. 376, 269-272, 1986.
110. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Kalal, J. Gumargalieva, K.; Adamyan, A.; Skuba, N.; Titova, M. and Trostenyuk, N. Hydrogels in endovascular embolization. I. Spherical particles of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and their medico-biological properties. Biomaterials 7, 188-192, 1986.
109. Svec, F. Interaction of Reactive Sizes of Macroporous Copolymers Glycidyl Methacrylate-Ethylene Dimethacrylate. Reactive Polymers 56. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 144, 39-49, 1986.
108. Jerabek, K.; Setinek, Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Investigation of Morphology of Glycidyl Methacrylate Copolymers Using Inverse Size-Exclusion Chromatography. React. Polym. 5, 151-156, 1987.
107. Hradil, J.; Wojaczynska, M.; Svec, F. and Kolarz, B.N. Sorption of Phenols on Macroporous Methacrylate Copolymers Containing Ethyleneamine Groups. React. Polym. 4, 277-283, 1986.
106. Lenfeld, V.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers 55. Periodate Oxidation of Poly(2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate) Bound onto Silica Gel. Acta. Polym. 37, 377-381, 1986.
105. Polak, J.; Pilalova, J.; Svec, F. and Zurkova, E. Optimalizace ceskoslovensk?la-texov? suspenze pro diagnozu rostlinnych viru. Sbornik UVTIS- Ochrana rostlin 21, 173-178, 1985.
104. Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Reactive Polymers 54. Synthesis of Methacrylate Copolymers with Tributylammonium Groups. Polym. Bull. 14, 265-270, 1985.
103. Svec, F.; Kalalova, E. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers 53. Separation of plati-num metals on a copolymer glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate modified with ethylenediamine. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 136, 183-192, 1985.
102. Lenfeld, J.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers 52. Periodate oxidation of poly(2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate) bound into porous glass. Acta Polymerica 27, 31-36, 1986.
101. Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Reactive Polymers 51. The temperature behavior of macroporous methacrylate sorbents. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 135, 85-97, 1985.
100. Hradil, J. and Svec. F. Reactive Polymers 49. Changes in the Porous Structure of Macroporous Copolymers Due to Successive Effects of Solvents and Temperature. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 130, 81-90, 1985.
99. Jelinkova, M.; Bouchal, K.; Zurkova, E.; Svec, F. Kopolymer kyseliny 2,3,3-tri-fluorakrylov? a butylvinyletheru jako kysely katalyzator pinakolinového presmyku. Chem. Prum. 35, 600-602, 1985.
98. Horak, D.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers 50. The use of porous polymers in the sorption of tricyclic antidepresant in vitro. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 132, 69-80, 1985.
97. Hradil, J.; Svec, F.; Gogitidze, N.M. and Andronikashvili, T.T. Gas chroma-tographic solute-sorbent interactions on macroporous methacrylate ion-exchangers. J. Chromator. 324, 277-283, 1985.
96. Kovar, J.; Navratilova, M.; Skursky, L.; Drobnik, J.; Svec, F. and Fiser, J. Use of immobilized alcohol dehydorgenase for the reduction of NAD to NADH. Collect. Czechosl. Chem. Commun. 49, 2415-2423, 1984.
95. Svec, F.; Konecna, I.; Fréchet, J.M.J. and Meftahi, M.V. Polymer catalysed re-actions: The remarkable self-catalysed solubilization of crosslinked 4-vinylpyridine-ethylene dimethacrylate resins. React. Polymers 3, 151-158, 1985.
94. Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Reactive polymers XLVIII. Synthesis of polymeric sorb-ents with carboxylic groups by chemical reaction of the copolymer dihydroxypropyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate. React. Polymers 3, 91-99, 1985.
93. Monhart, V.; Balikova, M.; Tlustakova, M.; Svec, F. and Rehak, V. Hemoperfusion sorbents of czechoslovak make and their sorption charakteristics for some drugs. Cas. lék. Ces. 123, 1091-1095, 1984.
92. Andronikashvili, T.G.; Gogitidze, N.N.; Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Pecularities of Chromatographic Elution of C1 - C5 Alcohols on Cation Exchange Polymers. Izv. Ak. Nauk Gruzin. SSR 10, 67-69, 1984.
91. Svec, F. and Jehlickova, A. Reactive polymers LXVII. Sorption properties of the reaction product of macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate) with 8-aminoquinoline. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 121, 127-135, 1984.
90. Hradil, J.; Svec, F. Investigation of the surface structure of polymers by chromatographic methods. VI. Determination of glass transition temperature of macro-porous copolymers by gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 287, 67-76, 1984.
89. Hradil, J.; Svec, F. Phase transfer catalysis 2. The reaction between phenol and n-butyl bromide catalysed with polyethylene-glycols fixed on macroporous glycidyl methacrylate copolymers. Polym. Bull. 11, 159-164, 1984.
88. Andronikashvili, T.G.; Gogitidze, N.M.; Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Macroporous methacrylate ion exchangers for gas-solid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 291, 103-109, 1984.
87. Janout, V.; Kahovec, J.; Hrudkova, H.; Svec, F. and Cefelin, P. Polymer-sup-ported dimethyl sulfoxide as phase-transfer catalyst. Polym. Bull. 11, 215-221, 1984.
86. Ageev, A.N.; Aratskova, A.A.; Belyakova, L.D.; Gvozdovich, T.N.; Kiselev, A.V.; Yashin, Y.I.; Kalal and Svec, F. Liquid chromatography of benzene derivatives on a porous methacrylate copolymer containing epoxy groups. Chromatographia 17, 545-548, 1983.
85. Hradil, J.; Horak, D.; Pelzbauer, Z.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Investigation of sur-face structure of polymers by chromatografic methods. V. Use of gel permeation chro-matography in the study of the porous structure of copolymers of glycidyl methacrylate. J. Chromatogr. 259, 269-282, 1983.
84. Horak, D.; Pelzbauer, Z.; Svec, F. and Bleha, M. Reactive Polymers XLVI. The effect of diluents on the surface reactivity of polymers obtained from glycidyl methacry-late. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 117, 117-129, 1983.
83. Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Phase Transfer Catalysis 1. A Contribution to the Investigation of the Reaction between Phenol and Butyl Bromide. Polymer Bull. 10, 14, 1983.
82. Matejka, Z.; Kahovec, J. and Svec, F. Immobilized complexon amides-cation ex-changers of high chelating activity. Polymer Bull. 9, 139-143, 1983.
81. Zurkova, E.; Drobnik, J.; Kalal, J.; Svec, F.; Vojtisek, V. and Zeman, R. Immobilization of cells Escherichia coli with a penicillinamidohydrolyse activity on solid polymeric carriers. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 25, 2231-2242, 1983.
80. Zurkova, E.; Bouchal, K.; Zdenkova, D.; Pelzbauer, Z.; Svec, F.; Kalal, J. and Batz, H.G. Preparation of monodisperse reactive styrene-glycidyl methacrylate latexes by the emulsifier-free dispersion polymerisation. J. Polymer. Sci., Polym. Chem. 21, 2949-2960, 1983.
79. Kalal, J.; Kalalova, E.; Jandova, L. and Svec, F. Reactive Polymers XLV. Use of macroporous copolymer glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate modified by diethylamine for separation of Pt(IV), Pd(II) and Rh(III). Angew. Makromol. Chem. 115, 13-22, 1983.
78. Setinek, K.; Blazek, V.; Hradil, J.; Svec, F. and Kalal. Reactive Polymers XLII. Catalytic activity of macroporous methacrylate copolymers containing sulfopropyl groups in reesterification of ethyl acetate by l-propanol. J. Catal. 80, 123, 1983.
77. Horak, D.; Peska, J.; Svec, F. and Stamberg, J. The influence of porosity of dis-crete particles upon their apparent dimensions as measured by the Coulter principle. Powder Technol. 31, 263-267, 1982.
76. Monhart, J.; Svec, F.; Tlustakova, M.; Kalal, J. Moznost pouziti cs. pryskyric-nych sorbentu pro hemoperfúzi u intoxikaci psychofarmaky. Cas. lék. ces. 121, 783-786, 1982.
75. Grospic, A.; Hladovec, J.; Svec, F. and Klimes, F. Kapalina nahrazujici krev v pokusech in vitro s ultrazvukovymi detektory proudeni krve. Lékar a technika 5, 90-93, 1982.
74. Kovar, J.; Navratilova, M.; Skursky, L.; Drobnik, J. and Svec, F. Immobilization of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase on copolymers of glycidyl methacrylate and ethyl-ene dimethacrylate. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 24, 837-845, 1982.
73. Hradil, J.; Svec, F.; Kalal, J.; Belyakova, L.D.; Kiselev, A.V.; Platonova, N.P. and Shevchenko, T.I. Reactive Polymers XLIV. Sorption of gases on macroporous 2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate copolymers with amino groups of various structure. Reactive Polymers 1, 59-65, 1982.
72. Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Reactive Polymers XLIII. Reaction of hydrolysed co-poly(glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene-dimethacrylate) with propane sultone in the pres-ence of phase transfer catalyst. Polym. Bull. 6, 565-570, 1982.
71. Fréchet, J.M.J.; Bald, E. and Svec, F. Use of polymers as protecting groups: in-teraction of the reactive sites in highly crosslinked macroporous derivatives of glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate. Reactive Polymers 1, 21-26, 1982.
70. Lukas, J.; Svec, F.; Kalal, J. and Jezek, B. Reactive Polymers XLI. Effect of content and distribution of polar groups on the polarity of glycidyl methacrylate poly-meric sorbents. J. Chromatogr. 238, 69-74, 1982.
69. Zemanova, I.; Turkova, J.; Capka, M.; Nakhapetyan, L.A.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Effect of the nature of proteins on their coupling to different epoxide-containing sup-ports. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 3, 229, 1981.
68. Hradil, J. and Svec, F. Inversion of sucrose in a continuous process with ?D-fructofuranosidase (invertase) immobilise on DEAHP cellulose. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 3, 336-340, 1981.
67. Hradil, J.; Svec, F. Inversion of sucrose with ?D-fructofuranosidase (invertase) immobilized on bead DEAHP cellulose: batch process. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 3, 331-335, 1981.
66. Lukas, J.; Bleha, M.; Votavova, E.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XL. A Study of the Internal Structure of Thermally Treated Polymeric Sorbents Based on Glycidyl Methacrylate Copolymers. J. Chromatogr. 210, 255-259, 1981.
65. Valentova, O.; Marek, M.; Svec, F.; Stamberg, J. and Vodrazka, Z. Comparison of different methods of glucose oxidase immobilisation. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 23, 2093-2104, 1981.
64. Drobnik, J.; Labsky, J.; Kudlvaserova, H.; Saudek, V. and Svec, F. The activa-tion of hydroxygroups of carriers with 4-nitrophenyl and N-hydroxysuccinimidyl chloro-formates. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 24, 487-493, 1981.
63. Svec, F. and Jehlickova, A. Reactive Polymers XXXIX. Synthesis of copoly-mers of glycidyl-methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate with aminopyridines and their sorption properties. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 99, 11-22, 1981.
62. Belyakova, L.D.; Kyselev, A.V.; Platonova, N.P.; Kalal, J.; Svec, F. and Hradil, J. Reactive polymers XXXVIII. Sorption of acid gases on macroporous 2,3-epoxypro-pyl methacrylate copolymers modified by a reaction with amines. Angew, Makromol. Chem. 96, 69-84, 1981.
61. Lukas, J.; Bleha, M.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXXVII. An in-vestigation of the internal structure of polymeric sorbents based on poly(2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate). Angew. Makromol. Chem. 95, 129-137, 1981.
60. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Ilavsky, M.; Bleha, J.; Baldrian, J. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXXVI. The effect of polymerization conditions on the porosity and me-chanical properties of macroporous suspension copolymers glycidyl methacrylate-ethyl-ene dimethacrylate. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 95, 47-127, 1981.
59. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Bleha, M. and Kalal. Reactive Polymers XXXV. The effect of polymerization conditions on the specific surface area of macroporous glycidyl meth-acrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate copolymers. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 95, 109-115, 1981.
58. Svec, F.; Kalalova, E.; Tlustakova, M. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXXIV. Complexes of Ag(I) and Ag(II) with ligands bound to solid support. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 92, 133-144, 1981.
57. Horak, D.; Pelzbauer, Z.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXXIII. The influence of the suspension stabiliser on the morphology of a suspension polymer. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 26, 3205-3211, 1981.
56. Horak, D.; Pelzbauer, P.; Bleha, M.; Ilavsky, M.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXXII. Effect of composition of polymerisation feed on morphology and some physical properties of macroporous copolymers glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene di-methacrylate. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 26, 411-421, 1981.
55. Svec, F.; Horak, D. and Kubin. Numerical evaluation of the size distribution of particles obtained by suspension polymerisation using data of the Coulter Counter TA-II Apparatus. Powder Technol. 25, 125-128, 1980.
54. Lukas, J.; Votavova, E.; Svec, F.; Kalal, J. and Popl, M. Reactive Polymers XXXI. Thermally treated polymeric sorbents based on glycidyl methacrylate copoly-mers. J. Chromatogr. 194, 297-304, 1980.
53. Svec, F.; Labsky, J.; Lanyova, L.; Hradil, J.; Pokorny, S. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXX. The synthesis of 2-hydroxypropylene dimethacrylate in a mixture with glycidyl methacrylate and their copolymerisation to a macroporous product. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 90, 47-55, 1980.
52. Horak, D.; Svec, F.; Ribeiro, C.M.A. and Kalal. Reactive Polymers XXIX. The effect of components on the rate of polymerisation in model mixtures containing glycidyl methacrylate and ethylene dimethacrylate. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 87, 127-136, 1980.
51. Ribeiro, C.M.A.; Hradil, J.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXVIII. Modification of hydrolysed glycidyl-methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate copolymer by propane sultone. Angew, Makromol. Chem. 87, 119-126, 1980.
50. Svec, F.; Kalalova, E.; Marek, M.; Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXVII. Kinetics of chemical reactions of metal ions with funcational groups of glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate copolymers modified by ethylenediamine. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 87, 95-117, 1980.
Marousek V., Svec F., Strohalm J., Jonasek J., Kalal J., Preparation of water soluble copolymers of 2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate and 2,3-epithiopropyl methacrylate. Sci. Pap. Prague Inst. Chem. Technol. S3, 259-268, 1980.
49. Kukuskin, J.N.; Simonova, S.A.; Kalalova, E.; Melgunova, L.G.; Radova, Z.; Kalal, J. and Svec, F. Sorption of platinum metals by copolymer glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate with ethylenediamine and diethylamine. Zh. Prikl. Chim. (Leningrad) 1488-1493, 1979.
48. Kalal, J.; Svec, F.; Zachoval, J. and Kubat, J. The application of pyrolysis gas chromatography in the analysis of the distribution of dyad sequeneces in copolymers of the vinyl type. J. Polymer Sci., Polym. Lett. Ed. 17, 691, 1979.
Marousek V., Mikes F., Bednar B., Svec F., Zurkova E., Kalal J., Application of azoinitiators in the preparation of polybutadienes, Sci. Pap. Prague Inst. Chem. Technol. S2, 287-301, 1979.
47. Kalal, J.; Zachoval, J.; Kubat, J. and Svec, F. Application of pyrolysis-gas chro-matography in the analysis of diad sequence distribution in styrene-glycidyl methacrylate copolymers. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 1, 143, 1979.
46. Kahovec, J.; Svec, F. and Marhol, M. Simple preparation of aminomethanephos-phonic acid. Org. Preparat. Proced. Int. 10, 285-288, 1978.
45. Turkova, J.; Blaha, K.; Malanikova, M.; Vancurova, Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Glycidyl methacrylate gels with epoxide groups as supports for immobilisation of en-zymes in pH-range 3-12. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 524, 162, 1978.
44. Drobnik, J.; Vlasak, J.; Pilar, J.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXVII. Synthetic model polymers in the studies of protein immobilization of glycidyl methacrylate carriers. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 1, 107, 1979.
43. Jehlickova, A. Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXVI. Sorption Properties of the copolymer glycidyl methcrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate modified with ammonia. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 81, 87, 1979.
42. Pelzbauer, Z.; Lukas, J.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XXV. An Investigation of the Morphology of Polymeric Sorbents Based on Glycidyl Methacrylate Copolymers. J. Chromatogr. 171, 101, 1979.
41. Drobnik, J.; Saudek, V.; Svec, F.; Kalal, J.; Vojtisek, V. and Barta, M. Reactive Polymers XXIV. Enzyme immobilization techniques on poly (glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) carrier with penicillin amidase as model. Biotech. Bioeng. 21, 1317, 1979.
40. Kalalova, E.; Beiglova, V.; Kalal, J. and Svec, F. Reactive Polymers XXIII. Sorption Properties of Macroporous Chelate-forming Resin from the Copolymer Glycidyl Methacrylate-Ethylene-Dimethacrylate Containing Iminodiacetic Groups. Angew, Makromol. Chem. 72, 143-149, 1978.
39. Kubin, M.; Horak, D. and Svec, F. Evaluation of data in sieve analysis of poly-mer-based sorbents by means of a new distribution function. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 71, 51-60, 1978.
38. Svec, F.; Hrudkova, H. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XX. The preparation of a carrier with aldehyde groups by the oxidation of macroporous copolymer glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate with periodic acid. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 70, 101-108, 1978.
37. Zachoval, J.; Kalal, J.; Svec, F.; Mistr, A. and Kubecka, T. Reactive Polymers XIX. Photopolymerisation of glycidyl methacrylate copolymers. Sci. Pap. Prague Inst. of Chem. Technol. S-1, 7, 1978.
36. Lukas, J.; Svec, F.; Votavova, E. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XVIII. Polar polymeric sorbents for gas chromatography. Chem. Prum. 28, 418, 1978.
35. Svec, F.; Kalal, J.; Menyaylova, I. and Nakhapetyan, L.A. Reactive Polymers XVII. Immobilisation of amyloglucosidase on poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) carrier and its derivatives. Biotech. Bioeng. 20, 1319, 1978.
34. Lukas, J.; Svec, F.; Votavova, E. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XVI. Surface-modified polymeric sorbents based on glycidyl esters. J. Chromatogr., 153, 373, 1978.
33. Lukas, J.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XV. Polar polymeric sorb-ents based on glycidyl methacrylate copolymers. J. Chromatogr. 153, 15, 1978.
32. Marousek, V.; Haifler, H.; Prchlik, V.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XI. Preparation of crosslinked polymeric materials containing mercapto groups. Sci. Pap. Prague Inst. Chem. Technol. S-1, 113, 1978.
31. Kalalova, E.; Radova, Z.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers VI. Sorption of platinum metals on the copolymer glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate modifed with ethylene diamine. Coll. Czechosl. Chem. Commun. 43, 604, 1978.
30. Kukuskin, J.N.; Kalal, J.; Benes, M.; Stamberg, J.; Svec, F.; Kalalova, E.; Simanova, S.R. and Melgunova, L.G. Sorption of platinum metals on new selective sorbents. Izv. Vys. Utch. Zav., Khim, Khim, Technol. 20, 510-515, 1977.
29. Hrudkova, H.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XIV. Hydrolysis of the epoxide groups of the copolymer glycidyl-methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate. Brit. Polym. J. 238, 1977.
28. Svec, F.; Bares, M.; Zajic, J. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers XIII. Reaction of macroporous copolymer glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate with sodium sul-phite and the use of the product as a catalyst. Chem. Ind. 159, 1977.
27. Kalalova, E.; Radova, Z.; Ulbert, K.; Kalal, J. and Svec, F. Reactive Polymers X. EPR of complexes of Cu(II), Co(III) and Fe(III) compounds and of glycidyl methacrylate copolymer with chemically bonded ethylenediamine. Europ. Polymer J. 13, 299-303, 1977.
26. Svec, F.; Horak, D. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers IX. Preparation of macro-porous chelate-forming resin from the copolymer glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimeth-acrylate containing imino-diacetic groups. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 63, 37-45, 1977.
25. Svec, F.; Hrudkova, H.; Horak, D. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers VIII. Reaction of the epoxide groups of the copolymer glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimeth-acrylate with aliphatic amino compounds. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 63, 23-36, 1977.
24. Kalalova, E.; Radova, Z.; Svec, F. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers VII. Complexes of divalent ions with reaction products of the copolymer glycidyl methacry-late-ethylene dimethacrylate with 2-hydroxyethyl, ethyl and diethyl amine. Europ. Polymer J. 13, 293-297, 1977.
23. Kalalova, E.; Radova, Z.; Kalal, J. and Svec. F. Reactive Polymers III. Complexes of copper with ligands bound to polymeric substances. Europ. Polym. J. 13, 287-291, 1977.
22. Svec, F.; Vernekar, S.P. and Kalal, J. Polymerisation inititated with polymeric compounds II. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 62, 203-213, 1977.
21. Kalalova, E.; Kalal, J. and Svec, F. Reaktive Polymers V. Metallkomplexe po-lymergebundener Schiffscher Basen. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 54, 141-149, 1976.
20. Kalal, J.; Svec, F.; Kalalova, E. and Radova, Z. Reactive Polymers II. Die Herstellung von Metallchelaten vernetzter Polymeren. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 49, 93-101, 1976.
19. Svec, F.; Houska, M.; Myslivcova, M. and Kalal, J. Radical copolymerization of 3-substituted acryl- and methacrylaldehydes with styrene. Makromol. Chem. 177, 777-783, 1976.
18. Svec, F.; Zurkova, E.; Dedkova, I.; Krofta, K. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers IV. Reaction of polymers containing aldehyde groups with a-amino acids and their de-rivatives. Sci. Pap. Prague Inst.Chem. Technol. C24, 23-30, 1976.
17. Svec, F.; Hradil, J.; Coupek, J. and Kalal, J. Reactive Polymers I. Macroporous methacrylate copolymers containing epoxy groups. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 48, 135-143, 1975.
16. Svec, F. and Vollmert, B. Polymerization of trioxane in 1,4-dioxane. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 43, 37-51, 1975.
15. Kalal, J.; Svec, F. and Marousek, V. Reaction of epoxide groups of glycidyl methacrylate copolymers. J. Polymer Sci., Symp. 47, 155-166, 1974.
14. Kalal, J.; Ryska, M. and Svec, F. Reactions of styrene-methacroleine copoly-mers. V. Mass spectrometry analysis of products of thermal destruction. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 38, 35-43, 1974.
13. Kalal, J.; Marousek, V. and Svec, F. Fractionation of copolymers vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate by precipitation chromatography. Sci. Pap. Prague Inst. Chem. Technol. C22, 57-65, 1974.
12. Kalal, J.; Marousek, V. and Svec, F. Fractionation of copolymers vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate. Angew. Makromol. Chem. 38, 45-55, 1974.
11. Kalal, J.; Svec, F.; Zurkova, E. and Knapp, E. Copolymerisation of glycidyl methacrylate with styrene. Sci. Pap. Prague Inst. of Chem. Technol. C20, 5-11, 1973.
10. Kalal, J.; Klimova, M. and Svec, F. Reactions of Styrene-Methacrylaldehyde Copolymer III. Thermal Degradation of Linear and Crosslinked Copolymers in Solid State. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 38, 2719-2726, 1973.