- 2006-2010 Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bangladesh University, Department of Pharmacy
- 2011-2012 Master degree, University of Asia Pacific, Department of Pharmacy, Bangladesh
- 2022 Ph.D., Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany
Current Position
- a postdoc at Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany
Research focus
- isolation of secondary metabolites from the family Amaryllidaceae (isolation, characterization and structural identification of pure compounds)
- screening biological activity of isolated compounds (AChE, BuChE, POP, GSK-3β, anticancer and antimalarial activity)
- preparation of semisynthetic derivatives of isolated compounds.
Professional career
- 2016-2017 research assistant; Quest International University Perak, Malaysia
- 2012-2016 industrial pharmacist; Pharmasia Pharmaceutical Ltd. Bangladesh
Professional membership
- since 2015 Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Society
- professional (grade-A) registered pharmacist in Bangladesh (Reg. No - A4349)
Original Papers
PIDANY, F., KROUSTKOVA, J., AL MAMUN, A., SUCHANKOVA, D., BRAZZOLOTTO, X., NACHON, F., CHANTEGREIL, F., DOLEZAL, R., PULKRABKOVÁ, L., MUCKOVA, L., HRABINOVA, M., FINGER, V., KUFA, M., SOUKUP, O., JUN, D., JENCO, J., KUNES, J., NOVAKOVA, L., KORABECNY, J., CAHLIKOVA, L.: Highly selective butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors related to Amaryllidaceae alkaloids - design, synthesis, and biological evaluation. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 252, 115301 (2023).
KŘOUSTKOVÁ, J., RITOMSKÁ, A., Al MAMUN, A., HULCOVÁ, D., OPLETAL, L., KUNEŠ, J., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L., BUCAR, F.: Structural analysis of unusual alkaloids isolated from Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton. Phytochemistry 204, 113439 (2022). DOI:
AL MAMUN, A., PIDANY, F., HULCOVA, D., MARIKOVA, J., KUCERA, T., SCHMIDT, M., CATAPANO, M.C., HRABINOVA, M., JUN, D., MUCKOVA, L., KUNES, J., JANOUSEK, J., ANDRYS R., NOVAKOVA, L., PERINOVA, R., MAAFI, N., SOUKUP, O., KORABECNY, J., CAHLIKOVA, L.: Amaryllidaceae alkaloids of norbelladine-type as inspiration for development of highly selective butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors: Synthesis, biological activity evaluation, and docking studies. In. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 8308 (2021).
MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., AL MAMUN, A., AL SHAMMARI, L., KORABEČNÝ, J., KUČERA, T., HULCOVÁ, D., KUNEŠ, J., MALANÍK, M., VAŠKOVÁ, M., KOHELOVÁ, E., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L., POUR, M.: Structure Elucidation and cholinesterase inhibition activity of two new minor Amaryllidaceae alkaloids; Molecules 26, 1279 (2021).
MAAFI, N., AL MAMUN, A., JANĎOUREK, O., MAŘÍKOVA, J., BREITEROVÁ, K., DIEPOLTOVÁ, A., KONEČNÁ, K., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., HULCOVÁ, D., KUNEŠ, J., KOHELOVÁ, E., KOUTOVÁ, D., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Semisynthetic derivatives of selected Amaryllidaceae alkaloids as a new class of antimycobacterial agents. Molecules 26, 6023 (2021).
AL MAMUN, A., MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., HULCOVÁ, D., JANOUŠEK, J., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., KUČERA, T., HRABINOVÁ, M., KUNEŠ, J., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L: Amaryllidaceae alkaloids of belladine-type from Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton as new selective inhibitors of butyrylcholinesterase. Biomolecules 10, 800 (2020).
PEŘINOVÁ, R., MAAFI, M., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., KOHELOVÁ, E., DE SIMONE, A., AL MAMUN, A., HULCOVÁ, D.,MARKOVÁ, J., KUČERA, T., JUN, D., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., ANDRISANO, V., JENČO, J., KUNEŠ, J., MARTINEZ, A., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Functionalized aromatic esters of the Amaryllidaceae alkaloid haemanthamine and their in vitro and in silico biological activity connected to Alzheimer´s disease. Bioorg. Chem. 100, 103928 (2020).
MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., RITOMSKÁ, A., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., PEŘINOVÁ, R., AL MAMUN, A., KUČERA, T., KOHELOVÁ, E., HULCOVÁ, D., KOBRLOVÁ, T., KUNEŠ, J., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Aromatic esters of the crinane Amaryllidaceae alkaloid ambelline as selective inhibitors of butyrylcholinesterase. J. Nat. Prod. 83, 1359-1367 (2020).
AL SHAMMARI, L., AL MAMUN, A., KOUTOVÁ, D., MAJOROŠOVÁ, M., HULCOVÁ, D., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., BREITEROVÁ, K. MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., HAVELEK, R., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L.: Alkaloid profiling of Hippeastrum cultivars by GC-MS, isolation of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids and evaluation of their cytotoxicity. Rec. Nat. Prod. 14, 154-159 (2020).
ZAMAN, A., KHAN, M. S., AKTER, L., SYEED, S. H., AKTER, J., MAMUN, A. A., ALAM, M. E., HABIB, M. A., JALIL, M. A.: Exploring new pharmacology and toxicological screening and safety evaluation of one widely used formulation of Nidrakar Bati from South Asia region. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 15, 121 (2015).
KHAN, M. S., MAMUN, A. A., PARVIN, S., ALAM, M. E., HABIB, M. A.: Screening of BADH Activity of Borreria articularies (Linn.) for the Inhibition of P. aeruginosa. Inter. J. Phytopharmacy 4, 99-104 (2014).
MAMUN, A. A., HABIB, M. A., ALAM, M. E., RAHMAN, M. M., PARVIN, M. S.: Effect on CNS activity and analgesic activity of Perthenium histerophorous L. by methanolic extract at aerial part in swiss albino mice. Inter. J. Innov. Pharm. Sci. Res. 2, 1625-1637 (2014).
CAHLIKOVA, L., VRABEC, R., PIDANY, F., PERINOVA, R., MAAFI, N., AL MAMUN, A., RITOMSKA, A., WIJAYA, V., BLUNDEN, G.: Recent progress on biological activity of Amaryllidaceae and further isoquinoline alkaloids in connection with Alzheimer´s disease. Molecules 26, 5240 (2021).