EUROAGEISM Horizon 2020 project
Project title:
EUROAGEISM Horizon 2020 project (2017-2022)
Czech Republic : 7th scientific program
“Inappropriate prescribing and availability of medication safety and medication management services in older patients in Europe and other countries"
ESR7 (7th scientific program):
- Jovana Brkič, MSc., Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University (FoP CU)
Principle investigator (7th scientific program):
- Assoc. Prof. Daniela Fialová, PharmD, Ph.D., FoP CU
Key words:
health and social sciences, clinical pharmacy, ageism, inappropriate geriatric prescribing, interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial research, policy-oriented research, governmental and non-governmental pan-European research
This European Commission Horizon 2020 project was funded in 2017 – 2022 by the MCSF-ITN (Marie-Curie Scientific Foundation- International Training Network) as multi-disciplinary, multi-sectorial, science-policy oriented collaboration of researchers, policy makers and health and social care professionals investigating on interdisciplinary, inter-sectorial and pan European levels the aspects of ageism and ways to combat them.
Evaluated were ageist practices in various areas: the European law, health and social care, medication use and medication prescribing (Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University (FoP CU), chair: Assoc. Prof. D. Fialová and research group), in workforce, media, self-ageism etc. The aim was to obtain research and policy outputs for the European Commission in these areas and main outputs for the future European and Social policy,
8 Universities participated in this project: Bar-Ilan University, ISR (lead), Charles University, FoP CU, Fontys Uni (NL), Jagiellonian Uni (PL), Linköping Uni (SW), Robert Gordon Uni (UK), Tampere Uni (FIN), National Uni of Ireland (IRE) and Beijing Uni (CHI) in collaboration with international policy organizations, eg. World Health Organization (WHO), United Nation´s Economic Comission of Europe (UNECE), Age Platform Europe, European Centre for Social policy and Welfare in Vienna etc. Involved were in the scientific program 15 ESRs – Early Stage Researchers of various disciplines solving 15 innovative research projects in areas of future policy interests.
FoP CU was responsible for the 7th scientific program entitled “Inappropriate prescribing and availability of medication safety and medication management services in older patients in Europe and other countries" (ESR7: J. Brkič, MSc., principle investigator and supervisor of the program: Assoc. Prof. D. Fialová, PharmD, Ph.D.).
Total: 3,879,540,72 EUR
FoP CUNI: 232,422 EUR
Major outcomes:
Research, policy and educational outputs on aspects of ageism were summarized for professionals, policy makers and lay public in various presentations and publications from 15 studied scientific areas/scientifc projects.
7th scientific program “Inappropriate prescribing and availability of medication safety and medication management services in older patients in Europe and other countries" joined effort on aspects of inappropriate geriatric prescribing in community-residing older adults in 7 EU countries, by majority Central and Eastern EU countries (CZ, EST, BUL, CRO, SER, TUR, SP) and in developing countries (Ethiopia, India).
Outputs of the 7th scientific program were summarized eg. in a scoping literature review, systematic literature reviews on potentially inappropriate geriatric prescribing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), India and Ethiopia, as well as in results of prospective studies of potentially inappropriate prescribing in CEE or Ethiopia. Described were also problems in high availability of high-risk medications in older patients in EU countries and finalized were several policy reports and policy briefs, e.g. “Ageism in medication use: a policy brief | F1000Research” or “Implications for policy and planning to foster solidarity between the generations and enhance healthy life among older adults. (worktribe.com)”) Published was also the book chapter on „Ageism in Medication Use in Older Patients | SpringerLink“.
Assoc. Prof. Fialová had a presentation on “Medication use in older patients and aspects of ageism” at the intergovernmental policy and press meeting at the European Commission of Region in Brussels at the beginning of the project. This project enhanced also research cooperation of research teams in CEE and developing countries (Ethiopia and India) with Aging Unit of WHO, UNCE and Age Platform Europe (organized visits of researchers, participation in joined meetings) and enabled collection of international data on inappropriate geriatric prescribing in more than 2600 community residing seniors in CEE and Ethiopia. This data are continuously used for publication outputs.
The project directly responded to the European Commission’s Active and Healthy Ageing Decade initiative (2020 – 2030), described challenges and solutions of problems with ageism and rapid population ageing, and focused on harmonizing interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial collaboration between different disciplines in the field of ageism. It also opened a true dialogue among researchers, policy makers and lay public on researched topics.
Links to the project: