Assoc. Prof. Petra Štěrbová, Ph.D.

  • Maiden name: Kovaříková

  • Born: December 20th, 1977
Present position
Contact information:
Faculty of Pharmacy, Heyrovského 1203, 500 05 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 495067236
Personal Identifiers:

Research interests

  • Development of LC-MS methods for targeted assay of novel drugs and the metabolites in biological materials, stability of drugs/drug candidates in biological environments
  • Bioanalytical study on pharmacokinetics and biotransformation of novel thiosemicarbazone anti-cancer agents
  • Bioanalysis and bioactivation of novel cardioprotective drugs
  • Sample preparation prior LC-MS analysis of drugs

Education and professional carrier

  • Since 2012: associate professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague, thesis: High-performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of clinically used drugs and novel drug candidates
  • 2004-2012: researcher at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Analysis, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague
  • 2005-2011: researcher of the center “Research of new drugs“- Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague
  • 2001-2006: PhD in Pharmaceutical Analysis - Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague, thesis: Analytical evaluation of drugs and drug candidates using HPLC
  • 1996-2001: MSc in Pharmacy - Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague, thesis: The chromatographic methods in the analysis of drugs

Teaching experience

  • Mentor of 1 post-doctoral research associate and 7 PhD students
  • Supervisor of 1 Bc. and 30 MS.c theses
  • Teaching of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis, Bioanalysis of Drugs, Mass Spectrometry

Grants received (principal investigator)

  • 2011-2013: Ministry of Health (NT12403-3/2011): “Pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacokinetics and biotransformation study of novel thiosemicarbazone anticancer agents”
  • 2012: Ministry of Education (366/2012): “Innovation and development of instrumental laboratories for drug analysis”
  • 2010-2012: Czech Science Foundation, post-doc. project (P206/10P439): “Modern bioanalytical approach to interdisciplinary investigation of bisdioxopiperazine cardioprotective agents”
  • 2006: Ministry of Education (1319/2006): “Innovation of the subjects Drug Analysis and Therapeutic Drug
  • 2005: Charles University (284/2006): “Pharmaceutical-analytical approach to evaluation of novel drug candidates from the group of iron chelators” of iron chelators”
  • 2004: Charles University (395/2004): “Development of HPLC evaluation of novel drug candidates from the group of pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone analogues and the application to the analysis of biological materials”
  • 2004: Ministry of Education (952/2004): “Stability study of pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone”

Other: Co-investigator-Czech Science Foundation (2x), supervision of 4 student grants of Charles University, University Centre for Research of Toxic and Protective Effects of Drugs on Cardiovascular System

Professional membership

  • Czech Society of Mass Spectrometry


Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague
  • Prof. PharmDr. Tomáš Šimůnek, Ph.D. -  In vitro investigation of bioactivation of cardioprotective agents
  • Assoc.PharmDr. Jaroslav Roh, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Kateřina Vávrová, Ph.D.   – Chemical synthesis of metabolites
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague
  • Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Martin Štěrba, Ph.D. -  Pharmacokinetics and bioactivation of cardioprotective agents
  • Prof. MuDr. Stanislav Mičuda, Ph.D.- Pharmacokinetics of thiosemicarbazone anticancer drugs
University of Sydney, Australie
  • Prof. Des R. Richardson -  Development of novel thiosemicarbazone anticancer drugs  - pharmacokinetics and biotransformation study
Duke University, USA
  • Assoc. Prof. Katherine J. Franz - Development of boronate prochelators


Author and co-author of 55 articles in international journals with IF; 893 citations (WoS; excluding self-citations); H-index: 18 (WoS).

Selected articles (2012-2022):

  • Reimerová P., Stariat J., Bavlovič Piskáčková H., Jansová H., Roh J., Kalinowski D.S., Macháček M., Šimůnek T., Richardson D.R., Štěrbová-Kovaříková P. Novel SPME fibers based on a plastic support for determination of plasma protein binding of thiosemicarbazone metal chelators: a case example of DpC, an anti-cancer drug that entered clinical trials. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2019;. doi: 10.1007/s00216-019-01681-w. (IF2019=4.157)

  • Reimerová P., Jirkovská A., Bavlovic Piskackova H., Karabanovich G., Roh J., Šimůnek T., Štěrbová-Kovaříková P. UHPLC-MS/MS method for analysis of sobuzoxane, its active form ICRF-154 and metabolite EDTA-diamide and its application to bioactivation study. Scientific Reports. 2019; 9(1):4524 (IF2019=3.998)

  • Jansová H., Kubeš J., Reimerová P., Štěrbová-Kovaříková P., Roh J., Šimůnek T. 2,6-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde Analogues of the Iron Chelator Salicylaldehyde Isonicotinoyl Hydrazone: Increased Hydrolytic Stability and Cytoprotective Activity against Oxidative Stress. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2018; 31(11):1151-1163. (IF2018=3.274)

  • Hrušková K,. Potůčková E., Opálka L., Hergeselová T., Hašková P., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T., Vávrová K. Structure-Activity Relationships of Nitro-Substituted Aroylhydrazone Iron Chelators with Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2018;31(6):435-446 (IF2018=3.274)

  • Jirkovský E., Jirkovská A., Bureš J., Chládek J., Lenčová O., Stariat J., Pokorná Z., Karabanovich G., Roh J., Brázdová P., Šimůnek T., Kovaříková P., Štěrba M. Pharmacokinetics of the Cardioprotective Drug Dexrazoxane and Its Active Metabolite ADR-925 with Focus on Cardiomyocytes and the Heart. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2018;364:433-446. (IF2018= 3.615)

  • Bures J., Jirkovska A., Sestak V., Jansova H., Karabanovich G., Roh J., Sterba M., Simunek T., Kovarikova P. Investigation of novel dexrazoxane analogue JR-311 shows significant cardioprotective effects through topoisomerase IIbeta but not its iron chelating metabolite. Toxicology. 2017;392:1-10. (IF2017=3.265)

  • Sestak V., Roh J., Klepalova L., Kovarikova P. A UHPLC-UV-QTOF study on the stability of carfilzomib, a novel proteasome inhibitor, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2016; 124: 365-73 (IF2016=3.255)

  • Jansová H., Bureš J., Macháček M., Hašková P., Jirkovská A., Roh J., Wang Q., Franz K.J., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T. Characterization of cytoprotective and toxic properties of iron chelator SIH, prochelator BSIH and their degradation products, Toxicology. 2016; 350-352:15-24 (IF2016=3.582)

  • Hrušková K., Potůčková E., Hergeselová T., Liptáková L., Hašková P., Mingas P., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T., Vávrová K. Aroylhydrazone iron chelators: Tuning antioxidant and antiproliferative properties by hydrazide modifications, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2016; 120:97-110 (IF2016=4.519)

  • Tycova A., Vido M., Kovarikova P., Foret F. Interface-free capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry system with nanospray ionization-Analysis of dexrazoxane in blood plasma, Journal of Chromatography A. 2016; 1466:173-9. (IF2016=3.891)

  • Lenčová-Popelová O., Jansová H., Jirkovský E., Bureš J., Jirkovská-Vávrová A., Mazurová Y., Reimerová P., Vostatková L., Adamcová M., Hroch M., Pokorná Z., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T, Štěrba M. Are cardioprotective effects of NO-releasing drug molsidomine translatable to chronic anthracycline cardiotoxicity settings? Toxicology. 2016; 372:52-63. (IF2016=3.582)

  • Hašková P., Jansová H., Bureš J., Macháček M., Jirkovská A., Franz K.J., Kovaříková P., Šimůnek T.Cardioprotective effects of iron chelator HAPI and ROS-activated boronate prochelator BHAPI against catecholamine-induced oxidative cellular injury. Toxicology. 2016; 371:17-28. (IF2016=3.582)

  • Šesták V., Stariat J., Cermanová J., Potůčková E., Chládek J., Roh J., Bureš J., Jansová H., Průša P., Stěrba M., Mičuda S., Šimůnek T., Kalinowski D. S., Richardson D.R., Kovaříková P. Novel and Potent Anti-Tumor and Anti-Metastatic Di-2-Pyridylketone Thiosemicarbazones Demonstrate Marked Differences in Pharmacology Between the First and Second Generation Lead Agents, Oncotarget. 2015; 6(40):42411-28 (IF2015=5.008)

  • Potůčková E., Roh J., Macháček M., Sahni S., Stariat J., Šesták V., Jansová H., Hašková P., Jirkovská A., Vávrová K., Kovaříková P., Kalinowski D. S., Richardson D. R., Šimůnek T. In vitro characterization of the pharmacological properties of the anti-cancer chelator, Bp4eT, and ts phase I metabolites, PLoS ONE. 2015; 10(10): e0139929 (IF2015=3.057)

  • Bureš J., Jansová H., Stariat J., Filipský T., Mladěnka P., Šimůnek T., Kučera R., Klimeš J., Wang Q., Franz K.J., Kovaříková P. LC-UV/MS methods for the analysis of prochelator-boronyl salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (BSIH) and its active chelator salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH). Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2015; 105(1): 55-63. (IF2015= 3.169)

  • Potůčková E., Hrušková K., Bureš J., Kovaříková P., Špirková I.A., Pravdíková K., Kolbabová L., Hergeselová T., Hašková .P, Jansová H, Macháček M., Jirkovská A., Richardson V., Lane D.J., Kalinowski D.S., Richardson D.R., Vávrová K., Šimůnek T. Structure-activity relationships of novel salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH) analogs: iron chelation, anti-oxidant and cytotoxic properties. PLoS One. 2014, 9(11): e112059.  (IF2014= 3.232)

  • Cermanova J., Kadova Z., Dolezelova E., Zagorova M., Safka V., Hroch M., Laho T., Holeckova M., Mokry J., Kovarikova P., Bures J., Sterba M., Micuda S. Deferoxamine but not dexrazoxane alleviates liver injury induced by endotoxemia in rats. Shock. 2014, 42(4):372-79. (IF2014= 3.045)

  • Kučera R., Kovaříková P., Pasáková-Vrbatová .I, Slaninová J., Klimeš J. Zirconia--a stationary phase capable of the separation of polar markers of myocardial metabolism in hydrophilic interaction chromatography. Journal of Separation Science. 2014, 37(9-10):1089-93. (IF2013= 2.594)

  • Stariat J., Suprunová V., Roh J., Šesták V., Eisner T., Filipský T., Mladěnka P., Nobilis M., Šimůnek T., Klimeš J., Kalinowski D.S., Richardson D.R., Kovaříková P. Simultaneous determination of the novel thiosemicarbazone anti-cancer agent, Bp4eT, and its main phase I metabolites in plasma: Application to a pilot pharmacokinetic study in rats. Biomedical Chromatography. 2014; 28(5):621-9 (IF2013= 1.662)

  • Stariat J., Kovaříková P., Kučera R., Klimeš J., Kalinowski D.S, Richardson D.R, Ketola R.A. Identification of in vitro metabolites of the novel anti-tumor thiosemicarbazone, DpC, using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2013; 405(5):1651-61. (IF2013= 3.578)

  • Kovaříková P., Pasaková-Vrbatová I., Vávrová A., Stariat J., Klimeš J., Simunek T. Development of LC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of the cardioprotective drug dexrazoxane and its metabolite ADR-925 in isolated cardiomyocytes and cell culture medium, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis .2013; 76(1): 243-51. (IF2013= 2.829)

  • Štěrba M., Popelová O., Vávrová A., Jirkovský E., Kovaříková P., Geršl V., Šimůnek T. Oxidative stress, redox signaling and metal chelation in anthracycline cardiotoxicity and pharmacological cardioprotection, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 2013; 18(8): 899-929. (IF2013: 7.667)

  • Macková E., Hrušková K., Bendová P., Vávrová A., Jansová H., Hašková P., Kovaříková P., Vávrová K., Šimůnek T. Methyl and ethyl ketone analogs of salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone: Novel iron chelators with selective antiproliferative action. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2012; 197: 69-79. (IF2011: 2.865)

  • Stariat J., Šesták V., Vávrová K., Nobilis M., Kollárová Z., Klimeš J., Kalinowski D.S., Richardson D.R., Kovaříková P. LC-MS/MS identification of the principal in vitro and in vivo phase I metabolites of the novel thiosemicarbazone anti-cancer drug, Bp4eT, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2012; 403(1): 309-321. (IF2011: 3.778)

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