Research focus
isolation and analysis of alkaloids from plants (extraction, TLC, column chromatography, HPLC, GC/MS)
docking studies and molecular dynamics of biologically active isolated alkaloids or their semisynthetic derivatives
in vitro biological activities of isolated alkaloids (neurodegenerative diseases, cytotoxicity, …)
- Application of computational deep learning techniques for the recognition of plant microscopic images
Research fellowship
- 2021/2022 Erasmus+ 3-months internship on Martin-Luther University, Halle, Germany, supervisor: prof. Wolfgang Sippl
Teaching activities
- since 2022 tutor/advisor/opponent of several diploma thesis at Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University
- since 2021 teaching microscopy laboratory exercise from subject Pharmacognosy I at Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical botany
- since 2017 teaching physico-chemical laboratory exercise from subject Pharmacognosy I and II at Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical botany
Current position
- Assistant professor (AP2) at Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical botany
- Junior Researcher on project OncoPharm (reg. No. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_021/0008442)
- Creator of study materials for project Geen Deal (reg. No. NPO_UK_MSMT-2114/2024-4)
Original papers
KŘOUSTKOVÁ, J., KOHELOVÁ, E., MUTHNÁ, D., KUNEŠ, J., HAVELEK, R., VRABEC, R., MALANÍK, M., SUCHÁNKOVÁ, D., CHLEBEK, J., JENČO, J., KOSTURKO, Š., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. (2024). Undescribed Amaryllidaceae alkaloids from Zephyranthes citrina and their cytotoxicity. J. Nat. Prod. 87, 2317-2326 (2024).
HRADISKÁ BREITEROVÁ, K., RITOMSKÁ, A., FONTINHA, D., KŘOUSTKOVÁ, J., SUCHÁNKOVÁ, D., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., KOHELOVÁ, E., PEŘINOVÁ, R., VRABEC, R., FRANCISCO, D., PRUDÊNCIO, M., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. Derivatives of Amaryllidaceae alkaloid ambelline as selective inhibitors of hepatic stage of Plasmodium berghei infection in vitro. Pharmaceutics 15, 1007 (2023).
VRABEC, R., BLUNDEN, G., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. Natural alkaloids as multi-target compounds towards factors implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 4399 (2023).
ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., KŘOUSTKOVÁ, J., MAAFI, N., SUCHÁNKOVÁ, D., VRABEC, R., CHLEBEK, J., KUNEŠ, J., OPLETAL, L., BUCAR, F., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. Amaryllidaceae alkaloids from Clivia miniata (Lindl.) Bosse (Amaryllidaceae): isolation, structural elucidation, and biological activity. Plants 11, 3034 (2022).
WIJAYA, V., JANĎOUREK, O., KŘOUSTKOVÁ, J., HRADISKÁ-BREITEROVÁ, K., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., SOBOLOVÁ, K., KOHELOVÁ, E., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., KONEČNÁ, K., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., VRABEC, R., KUNEŠ, J., OPLETAL, L., CHLEBEK, J., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. Alkaloids of Dicranostigma franchetianum (Papaveraceae) and Berberine Derivatives as a New Class of Antimycobacterial Agents. Biomolecules 12, 844 (2022).
VRABEC, R., MAŘÍKOVÁ, J., LOČÁREK, M., KORÁBEČNÝ, J., HULCOVÁ, D., HOŠŤÁLKOVÁ, A., KUNEŠ, J., CHLEBEK, J., KUČERA, T., HRABINOVÁ, M., JUN, D., SOUKUP, O., ANDRISANO, V., JENČO, J., ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., NOVÁKOVÁ, L., OPLETAL, L., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. Monoterpene indole alkaloids from Vinca minor L. (Apocynaceae): identification of new structural scaffold for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Phytochemistry 194, 113017 (2022).
VRABEC, R., VOKURKOVÁ, D., TŮMOVÁ, L., CHEEL, J. Ex-vivo Immune-stimulating Activity of Scutellaria baicalensis and Its Major Flavonoids on Human Immune Cells. Rec. Nat. Prod. 16, 188-193 (2022).
TIMBILLA, A. A., VRABEC, R., HAVELEK, R., ŘEZÁČOVÁ, M., CHLEBEK, J., BLUNDEN, G., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. The anticancer properties of harmine and its derivatives. Phytochem. Rev. (2024).
ŠAFRATOVÁ, M., VRABEC, R., BLUNDEN, G., CAHLÍKOVÁ, L. KŘOUSTKOVÁ, J. Specialized metabolites of the genus Zephyranthes Herb.: a critical review on taxonomy and phytochemistry. Phytochem. Rev. (2024).
CAHLÍKOVÁ, L., VRABEC, R., PIDANÝ, F., PEŘINOVÁ, R., MAAFI, N., AL MAMUN, A., RITOMSKÁ, A., WIJAYA, V., BLUNDEN, G. Recent Progress on Biological Activity of Amaryllidaceae and Further Isoquinoline Alkaloids in Connection with Alzheimer’s Disease. Molecules 26, 5240 (2021).
PSE Trends in Natural Products 2024 Young Scientists' Meeting in Brno, Czech Republic, Poster: Vincarubine: Unraveling a cytotoxic mechanism against cancer cells.
13th Postgradual and Postdoc conference in Hradec Králové, Short oral presentation: Cytotoxic alkaloids from Vinca minor L.
70th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA) in Thessaloniki, Greece, Poster: Isolation and biological activity of alkaloids from Vinca minor L. related to Alzheimer’s disease
Workshop: Recent Progress in Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry in Hradec Králové, Short oral presentation: Biological study of indole alkaloid from Vinca minor L. with anti-alzheimer´s potential.
12th Postgradual and 10th Postdoc conference in Hradec Králové, Short oral presentation: Alkaloids of Vinca minor L. – Identification of new anti-Alzheimer’s structural scaffold.
49th Conference synthesis and analysis of drugs in Hradec Králove, Czech republic, Short online presentation: Indole alkaloid from Vinca minor L. with promising activity against Alzheimer's disease,
11th Postgradual and 9th Postdoc conference in Hradec Králové, Short online presentation: Indole alkaloids from Vinca minor L. and their biological activity.
10th Postgradual and 8th Postdoc conference in HradecnKrálové, Short oral presentation: Isolation of alkaloids from Vinca minor L. and their inhibitory activity on human cholinesterases.
48th Conference synthesis and analysis of drugs in Bratislava, Slovak republic, Poster: Inhibition activity of alkaloids from Vinca minor L. against human cholinesterases.
9th Postgradual and 7th Postdoc conference in Hradec Králové, Short oral presentation: Immunomodulation activity of Scutellaria baicalensis and Azorella compacta.
23rd Seminar – Current issues in the cultivation of medicinal, aromatic, and spicy plants in Olomouc, Czech republic, Poster: Immunomodulation activity of Scutellaria baicalensis and Azorella compacta.