Book of Abstracts
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Thursday, 23 June, 2022
Opening of the Workshop by Dean of the Faculty and organizers
prof. Lucie Cahlíková, prof. Karel Šmejkal
Introduction – Presentation Research Infrastructure Efficiency and Safety Improvement of Current Drugs and Nutraceuticals: Advanced Methods – New Challenges (EFSA–CDN)
Lectures (Chair Prof. Karel Šmejkal)
HPLC-Based approaches for the analysis of naturally occurring cannabinoids
Prof. Satyajit Sarker
Phytochemical analysis of Cannabis sativa L. products on the market: what do we have on our hands today?
Prof. Stefano Dall´Acqua
Chromatographic methods for the analysis of nutraceuticals based on plant extracts and their quality control in the Czech market
Prof. Dalibor Šatínský
11:20-11:50 Cofee break
Lectures and short lectures (Chair Prof. Dalibor Šatínský)
Natural products as drug leads for neutrophilic inflammatory diseases – on-line lecture
Prof. Tsong-Long Hwang
Isolation and identification of geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. fruit and their anti-inflammatory activities
Dr. Lenka Molčanová
Selective inhibitory effects of tropical plant extracts and compounds on diarrheagenic bacteria and intestinal cancer cells
Dr. Tomáš Kudera
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
Lectures (Chair Prof. Stefano Dall´Acqua)
Challenges of phenolic compounds analysis in herbal drugs and preparations
Prof. Franz Bucar
Recent advances in antimicrobial susceptibility testing of plant-derived volatile agents in vapour phase
Prof. Ladislav Kokoška
Progress and trends in potential utilization of natural compounds as drugs - prenylated phenolics
Prof. Karel Šmejkal
Citrus bergamia, isolation of compounds with LDLR and PCSK9 modulation properties, a food source of hypocholesterolemic agents
Dr. Stefania Sut
Study of cytostatic, cytotoxic and proapoptotic activity of Amaryllidaceae alkaloid montanine
Dr. Radim Havelek
Development and Production of LC Columns in the Chromservis Company
Ing. Jana Volková
Coffee, small refreshment accompanied by practical demonstration of HPTLC analysis of secondary metabolites and 3D print of the structure of narcissidine
Poster section
Excursion to the Garden of Medicinal plants and Greenhouse (English group, Czech group)
19:00 Closing of the first day of Workshop
Friday, 24 June, 2022
Lectures and short lectures (Chair Prof. Vincenza Andrisano)
Large scale isolation and semi-synthesis of bioactive compounds from Olea europaea
Prof. Leandros Scaltsounis
Isoquinoline alkaloids and their derivatives as a new class of antimycobacterial drugs
Prof. Lucie Cahlíková
Ambelline derivatives as selective inhibitors of liver stage malaria in vitro
Dr. Kateřina Hradiská Breiterová
Ficus species: comparison of phytochemical profile and isolation of dominant compounds
Dr. Milan Malaník
10:35-11:00 Coffee break
Lectures and short lectures (Chair. Prof. Lucie Cahlíková)
Integrated analytical methodologies for Alzheimer's disease drug discovery
Prof. Vincenza Andrisano
Alkaloids of norbelladine type from Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton as inspiration for development of highly selective butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors
Dr. Abdullah al Mamun
Biological study of indole alkaloid from Vinca minor L. with anti-alzheimer´s potential
Dr. Rudolf Vrabec
Isolation of alkaloids from Geissospermum vellosii and their biological activity
Dr. Marcela Šafratová
Bioguided analysis of Papaver rhoeas as a source of potential biologically active alkaloids
Dr. Jaroslav Jenčo
12:50-14:00 Lunch Break
Lectures and short lectures (Chair. Prof. Franz Bucar)
Gut microbiota need to be considered for explaining the activity of herbal medicine
Prof. Rudolf Bauer
Santorini’s main food crops agricultural side-products with bioactivity potential: “Fava” and the “Santorini cherry tomato”
Dr. Konstantina Vougogiannopoulou
Alkaloids isolated from Croton linearis Jacq. leaves: their antiprotozoal potentiality.
Dr. Jesús García Díaz
Discovery of new structural features in natural products
Dr. Jana Křoustková
Coffee, small refreshment accompanied by practical demonstration of HPTLC analysis of secondary metabolites and 3D print of the structure of narcissidine
Workshop´s disscussion evening
Program change reserved.
Confirmed speakers
Overview of poster presentations
- Determination of in vitro growth-inhibitory effect of essential oils from Indian medicinal plants against respiratory tract pathogens using new broth macrodilution volatilization method
Aishwarya Chaure
- Evaluation of anti-bacterial activity of semi-synthetic alkaloid derivatives from medicinal plants of the Amaryllidaceae family
Adéla Diepoltová
- Susceptibility of intestinal bacteria involved in colorectal cancer pathogenesis to phytochemicals and their synthetic analogs in vitro
Barbora Fišerová
- Liquid matrix volatilization methods for susceptibility testing of respiratory bacteria to volatile agents in vapour phase
Markéta Houdková
- Investigation of the phytochemical and cancer chemopreventive potential of Claoxylon longifolium leaves growing in southern Thailand
Chuanchom Khuniad
- Discovery of anti-coronavirus bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids
Michal Kořínek
- Discovery of a Series, Novel Oleocanthal - Based compounds as Potent Anticancer Agents
Ioannis K. Kostakis
- Investigation of selected biological activities of montanine-type alkaloids and their derivatives
Negar Maafi
- Advanced chromatographic approaches in phenolic compounds profiling in archive Tokaj wines
Pavlína Moravcová
- Celecoxib potentiates the in vitro anti-staphylococcal effect of oxacillin
Onyedika Emmanuel Okpala
- Amaryllidaceae alkaloids as inspiration for the development of highly selective butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors: the relationship between structure, effect, and toxicity
Filip Pidaný
- Nature mimicking drug design of spiro-2-oxindoles with 4H-pyran and chromen cores
Ruslan Redkin
- Semi-synthetic derivatives of Amaryllidaceae alkaloid ambelline as potential lead structures for drug development
Aneta Ritomská
- Exploitation of Greek medical and aromatic plants for the production of edible products
Konstantina Vougogiannopoulou
- An innovative and high nutritional value cheese product, enriched with bioactive extracts of olive by-products
Konstantina Vougogiannopoulou
- Production of meat products enriched with olive biophenols
Konstantina Vougogiannopoulou
- Alkaloids of Dicranostigma franchetianum (Papaveraceae) and their antimycobacterial activity
Viriyanata Wijaya