Our workgroup manages broad scope of modern scientific facilities.
Researchers and PhD students, our collaborators and, in some cases, our external partners use our specialized equipment and instrumentation, which ranges from flow analysis, over chromatography and capillary electrophoresis to mass spectrometry. These techniques facilitate measurements of broad spectra of molecules with high sensitivity, speed and accuracy.
We have 9 well equipped laboratories in three floors of our department with more than 30 analytical instruments (30% not older than 3 years). Chromatography instruments UHPLC, UHPSFC, 2D-UHPLC and HPLC utilizing mass spectrometry, spectrophotometry, fluorescence and charged aerosol detectors, and GC instrument utilizing flame ionization detector. Capillary electrophoresis instruments utilizing triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, spectrophotometric and contactless conductivity detectors. Mass spectrometry covers broad spectra from small molecules to biomolecules using recent models of all major kinds of detectors – single quadrupole, triple quadrupole, high resolution Orbitrap and high resolution Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight. The instruments are equipped with software for quantitative analysis and advanced structure elucidation. Flow analysis methods are represented by commercial and lab made instruments for flow injection analysis, sequential injection analysis, sequential injection chromatography and lab-in-syringe methods utilizing various special accessories for automated sampling and sample treatment, and spectrophotometric, fluorescence and chemiluminescence detectors.
Analytical instruments are supported by necessary instruments, e.g. supercritical fluid extraction, stand-alone spectral fluorescence and spectrophotometric detectors, polarimeter, universal electrochemical detector, centrifuges, vacuum centrifuge, vacuum manifolds for filtration and solid phase extraction, thermomixers, semi-micro and micro balances, and 3D printer.
Detailed overview of the facilities is shown below.
Laboratory of chromatographic techniques
- HRMS system Acquity UPLC I-class and Synapt G2Si Q-TOF mass spectrometer (Waters)
- Acquity UPLC with UV and MS/MS Quattro Micro detection (Micromass+Waters)
- Acquity UPC2 with PDA and MS detection (Waters)
- Ultimate 3000 RSLC with PDA, FL and ESA charged aerosol detector (Dionex)
- HPLC system Prominence LC20 with PDA detector (Shimadzu)
- HPLC serie LC10 with UV and FL detection (Shimadzu)
- UHPLC serie Nexera with PDA detection (Shimadzu)
- 2D UHPLC Agilent Infinity II 1290
- Thermo Fischer Vanquish UHPLC coupled to Orbitrap HF-X
- Waters MV-10 ASFE System
- GC-17A (Shimadzu)
2D UHPLC Agilent Infinity II 1290
Thermo Vanquish UHPLC & Orbitrap HF-X

Acquity UPC2 with PDA and MS detection

MV-10 ASFE System

Acquity UPLC I-class & Synapt G2Si Q-TOF

Ultimate 3000 RSLC with PDA, FL and ESA

Waters Acquity UPLC MS/MS

Shimadzu Prominence LC20

Shimadzu LC10AD
Laboratory of electro-migration techniques
- UHPLC Agilent Infinity II 1290 / Agilent CE 7100 coupled to Triple Quadrupole Agilent 6495 mass spectrometer
- Agilent 7100 CE Coupled with Diode Array UV/Vis and C4D Detectors (Agilent)
- Beckman P/ACE™ MDQ CE with Diode Array Detector (Beckman Coulter)
Agilent CE 7100 coupled to Triple Quadrupole

Agilent 7100 CE

Beckman P/ACE MDQ
Laboratory of flow techniques
Sequential injection systems
- SIChrom - dual multiposition valve (FIAlab)
- SIChrom (FIAlab)
- SIChrom II (FIAlab)
- MicroSIA (FIAlab)
- FIAlab 3500 (FIAlab)
- FIAlab 3000 (FIAlab)
- miniSIA-2 (Global FIA)
- Home-made SIA system consisted of 2.5 mL Cavro XL 3000 piston pump (Cavro Scientific Instruments), 10-port Vici-Valco selection valve with electric actuator (Valco Instruments Co.) controlled by LabVIEW® based operational program FaFSIA version 2.0.
- Home-made instruments for Lab-In-Syringe, Lab-On-Valve, and other experimental flow techniques
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- photomultiplier of Spectra-Physics fluorometric detector (Schoeffel Instrument Corp.)
- photomultiplier (Hamamatsu)
- photomultiplier (FIAlab)
- spectrophotometers USB2000, USB4000, USB4000FL (Ocean Optics)

SIA 3000

SIA 3500


Miscellaneous instruments
Autolab PGSTAT101 - electrochemical instrument
i-Raman Plus (B&W Tek inc.) - raman spectrometer
RF-6000 (Shimadzu) - spectrofluorimeter
ATS Xtend (Sotax) - automated dissolution Testing