Laboratory of Flow Analytical Methods (SIA Group)
Laboratory deals with fundamental and applied research of automated analytical methods using computer controlled flow manifolds for all steps of analytical procedures and detection: sample handling, sample pre-treatment, high-selective analysis, monitoring of long-time processes and chromatographic separation for virtually any kind of samples (matrix).
Analytical chemistry methods are automated using micro-flow methods - FIA, SIA, SIC, in-syringe analysis and Lab-On-Valve. The manifolds are developed for purpose and the developed methods are applied for pharmaceutical, biomedical and environmental analysis.
We have more than 25 of experience in development of flow methods and we are looking for cooperation with academic partners as well as public and private organizations/companies in the fields of analytical flow method development, technology of flow method instruments and applications related to/performed with the flow methods.
For whole presentation including contact details, see this document.
Laboratory of Bioanalytical Methods
The laboratory is engaged in applied research, particularly in the development of chromatographic methods for clinical research. Considerable emphasis is also placed on the preanalytical phase, primarily on the development of modern sample preparation techniques in bioanalysis. Researchers have extensive experience with different types of biological fluids.
The laboratory is equipped with the HPLC and UHPLC system with mass spectrometry detection. The research team is cooperating with a number of important centers in the Czech Republic and abroad and is a successful investigator of many research projects. It also participates in education of undergraduate and doctoral students of Faculty of Pharmacy.
We are looking for cooperation with academic institutions as well as with the private sector. We offer a complete service in chromatographic methods development in bioanalysis and the possibility of developing bachelor's, master's and doctoral thesis in our department.
For whole presentation including contact details, see this document.
Certifikovaná kontrolní laboratoř
Kontrolní laboratoř Katedry analytické chemie Farmaceutické fakulty v Hradci Králové splňuje požadavky správné výrobní praxe pro oblast kontrolně-analytického hodnocení léčiv a provádí farmaceutickým výrobním a distribučním společnostem fyzikální, fyzikálně-chemické a chemické zkoušení léčiv, léčivých látek a pomocných látek dle platných lékopisů, lékárnám provedení zkoušek na čistotu u Aqua purificata ČL 2009 a zkoušení léčivých přípravků připravovaných opakovaně na žádanky dle ČL 2009 nebo metodami na pracovišti kontrolní laboratoře vyvinutými.
Prezentace včetně kontaktů je k dispozici v tomto dokumentu.