1979-84 - Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague, 1986 - PharmDr.; 1997 - Ph.D.-Thesis - Ring substituted pyrazinecarboxylic acid derivatives as potential antituberculotics and antimycotics (supervisor: Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Jiří Hartl, CSc.)
Employment: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis, Heyrovskeho 1203, Hradec Kralove 500 05, Czech Republic, 2002 – Assoc. Prof., 2011 – Professor in the field of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Charles University in Prague
Administrative duties
Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (2015-), member of Senate, Charles University in Prague, member of Committee for economy (2003-2015), Vice-Dean for External and International Relations (2018-2022)
Czech Pharmaceutical Society (1985-), member of Committee (2005-), vice-president (2011-2014), president (2015-), Section of Synthetic Drugs Committee Chairman (2019–)
Editorial board: Prakticke Lekarenstvi (2005-)
European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry Czech Republic Delegate (2018-)
Scientific Boards
Head of the Committee for Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2006-), member of committees (Control of Chemical Drugs, Bioorganic Chemistry) for post-graduate study;
Professional and research activities
Investigation of relationships between the chemical structure and biological activity of pyrazinecarboxylic acid derivatives as potential antituberculotics and antimycotics. Rational design and synthesis of novel potential therapeutic agents (non-steroidal antileucotrienics). Study of inhibition of photosynthetic electron transport in spinach chloroplasts in substituted amides of pyrazinecarboxylic acid. Design and synthesis of elicitors derived from pyrazine. Synthesis and evaluation of reactivators of inhibited acetylcholinesterase.
Author of 94 original papers (75 in the journals with impact factor), 24 reviews (11 in the journals with impact factor), more than 200 posters and 60 plenary or short lectures at symposia in the Czech Republic and world congresses abroad. Author (2 textbooks, 2 chapters) or co-author of 6 manual scripts and 11 grant projects.
Web of Science (October 2023) - ResearcherID N-8860-2013
- results found: 113
- Sum of the Times Cited: 2405
- Citing Articles without self-citations: n.a.
- h-index: 30

Teaching activities
Lecturer and guarantor for the subjects Pharmaceutical chemistry and Technology of synthetic drugs, Chemical Drugs, Synthetic Drugs; supervisor of diploma-students (71 works defended) and doctor's degree works (12 works defended), tutor of post-graduate students (6 works defended).
DOLEŽAL, M.; MILETÍN, M.; KUČEROVÁ, M.; ZIMČÍK, P.; ZITKO, J. Farmaceutická chemie léčiv kardiovaskulárního, trávícího a vylučovacího systému. 1. vyd., Praha, Karolinum, 2022, 320 str. [ISBN 9788024651026]
Farmaceutická chemie léčiv působících na kardiovaskulární, trávicí a vylučovací systém - Karolinum
DOLEŽAL, M.; OPLETALOVÁ, V.; MILETÍN, M., ZIMČÍK, P.; KUČEROVÁ, M. Pharmaceutical chemistry of drugs affecting autonomic nervous system. (in Czech language) 1st ed., Prague, Karolinum, 2009, 139 pp. [ISBN 978-80-246-1633-9]
Martin Doležal and Katarína Kráľová (2011). Synthesis and Evaluation of Pyrazine Derivatives with Herbicidal Activity, Herbicides, Theory and Applications, Sonia Soloneski and Marcelo L. Larramendy (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-975-2, InTech, Available from: Synthesis and Evaluation of Pyrazine Derivatives with Herbicidal Activity
Martin Doležal, Jan Zitko and Josef Jampílek (2012). Pyrazinecarboxylic Acid Derivatives with Antimycobacterial Activity, Understanding Tuberculosis - New Approaches to Fighting Against Drug Resistance, Pere-Joan Cardona (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-948-6, InTech, Available from: Pyrazinecarboxylic Acid Derivatives with Antimycobacterial Activity
Pharmaceutical chemistry of drugs affecting central nervous system. (in Czech language) 1st ed., Prague, Karolinum, 2013, 188 pp. [ISBN 978-80-246-2382-5]