Public Transport

Portal/planner of Public Trasport - Local, National and International - for combination of all kinds of transport (bus, train, plane)

How to get here - airplane

There is no international airport within the area of Hradec Kralove. So International Prague Airport is only choice.

The journey from International Prague Airport to Hradec Kralove is frequent (hourly), it takes 2,5 - 3 hours and there are several choices of connection. Public transport always includes the trip to Prague main railway station or Prague Main Bus station Florenc.  

The connection between International Prague Airport and Prague city centre is provided by public transport bus lines which operate at regular few-minute intervals. Bus stops are located directly in front of terminals.

To get to Prague city centre the fastest by public transport, we recommend taking the 119 bus (Prague Airport – Veleslavín train station) and changing to metro Line A. Or the 100 bus (Prague Airport – Zličín station) and changing to metro Line B (stops Prague main railway station or main Bus station Florenc).

Maps, timetables, fares and route planning are available in English on the Prague Public Transport website

Both train and bus connections are direct or with one change in Pardubice.

For planning your trip use Portal of Public Transport (above).


How to get here - train

There are direct trains from Prague to Hradec Kralove. (example here)

There is Main international train line trough Pardubice (20-30 min connection from Hradec Kralove) (example here)

For planning your trip use Portal of Public Transport (above).


How to get here - bus

There are frequent national and several international connections to Hradec Kralove or more international connections through Prague. Still, there are more than 10 direct connections between Prague and Hadec Kralove.

For planning your trip use Portal of Public Transport (above).

© Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
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