Laboratory of chromatographic techniques
- HRMS system Acquity UPLC I-class and Synapt G2Si Q-TOF mass spectrometer (Waters)
- Acquity UPLC with UV and MS/MS Quattro Micro detection (Micromass+Waters)
- Acquity UPC2 with PDA and MS detection (Waters)
- Ultimate 3000 RSLC with PDA, FL and ESA charged aerosol detector (Dionex)
- HPLC system Prominence LC20 with PDA detector (Shimadzu)
- HPLC serie LC10 with UV and FL detection (Shimadzu)
- UHPLC serie Nexera with PDA detection (Shimadzu)
- 2D UHPLC Agilent Infinity II 1290
- Thermo Fischer Vanquish UHPLC coupled to Orbitrap HF-X
- Waters MV-10 ASFE System
2D UHPLC Agilent Infinity II 1290
Thermo Vanquish UHPLC & Orbitrap HF-X

Acquity UPC2 with PDA and MS detection

MV-10 ASFE System

Acquity UPLC I-class & Synapt G2Si Q-TOF

Ultimate 3000 RSLC with PDA, FL and ESA

Waters Acquity UPLC MS/MS

Shimadzu Prominence LC20

Shimadzu LC10AD
Laboratory of electro-migration techniques
- UHPLC Agilent Infinity II 1290 / Agilent CE 7100 coupled to Triple Quadrupole Agilent 6495 mass spectrometer
- Agilent 7100 CE Coupled with Diode Array UV/Vis and C4D Detectors (Agilent)
- Beckman P/ACE™ MDQ CE with Diode Array Detector (Beckman Coulter)
Agilent CE 7100 coupled to Triple Quadrupole

Agilent 7100 CE

Beckman P/ACE MDQ
Laboratory of flow techniques
Sequential injection systems
- SIChrom - dual multiposition valve (FIAlab)
- SIChrom (FIAlab)
- SIChrom II (FIAlab)
- MicroSIA (FIAlab)
- FIAlab 3500 (FIAlab)
- FIAlab 3000 (FIAlab)
- miniSIA-2 (Global FIA)
- Home-made SIA system consisted of 2.5 mL Cavro XL 3000 piston pump (Cavro Scientific Instruments), 10-port Vici-Valco selection valve with electric actuator (Valco Instruments Co.) controlled by LabVIEW® based operational program FaFSIA version 2.0.
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- photomultiplier of Spectra-Physics fluorometric detector (Schoeffel Instrument Corp.)
- photomultiplier (Hamamatsu)
- photomultiplier (FIAlab)
- spectrophotometers USB2000, USB4000, USB4000FL (Ocean Optics)

SIA 3000

SIA 3500

