Conference | Accomodation

Conference Improving Drug Solubility: Recent Advances In Pharmaceutical Technology


Here is a list of recomended hotels in Hradec Králové.

  • Most of the hotels are on
  • Most of the hotels are within walking distance from the workshop venue
  • The lower the price category, the more expensive is the hotel.

1. Hotel Nové Adalbertinum

2. EA Hotel Tereziánský dvůr

3. Hotel U Královny Elišky

4. Boromeum Residence Hotel

  • Walking distance from Venue 1.4 km, Price category of 5

5. HOTEL VACEK “Pod věží”

  • Walking distance from Venue 1.1 km, Price category 2 of 5

6. Hotel Okresní dům

7. Hotel Černigov

8. Hotel Alessandria

  • Walking distance from Venue 2.8 km (15 min Public transport), Price category of 5

8. ACADEMIC hostel (only double rooms)

9. Students dormitory of Charles University (only double rooms)

  • Ask us for assistance with the reservation
  • Walking distance from Venue 0.8 km, Price category of 5


© Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
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