Nationality: Portuguese
Date of birth: 31/10/1974
Address: Departamento de Ciências Químicas,
Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto
R Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, 228, 4050-313 Porto,
E-mail: |
M. Segundo received her BSc in Microbiology in 1997 from the College of Biotechnology, Portuguese Catholic University. In 2002 she obtained her PhD in Biotechnology, with specialization in Chemistry from the same institution. Positions held/ academic activities carried: She joined REQUIMTE, Portuguese Government Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry, Clean Technologies and Processes as Researcher in 2003. In 2006, she joined the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, U.Porto as lecturer, promoted to Professor Auxiliar in 2011. In 2010-12, she was an executive member of the Direction
Board of Portuguese Society of Chemistry and she is President of Division of Analytical Chemistry since 2016. In January 2012, she was appointed national delegate to the Analytical Chemistry Division of EuCheMS – European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences and in 2013 she has established her independent research group in Separation Science and High-throughput Screening. Her current research focuses on automation of sample treatment prior to chromatographic analysis, and on development of high-throughput microchemical methods.
She has successfully supervised 8 PhD thesis and is currently supervisor of 4 PhD students, funded by Portuguese grants. She is also a member of the Direction Board of SANFEED program – Sustainable Animal Nutrition and Feeding, PhD program funded by FCT and companies and member of Supervision Board of BiotechHealth program – International Doctoral Programme in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology Applied to Health Sciences, PhD program funded by FCT.
Scientific production and achievements: Her scientific production comprises 11 book chapters, 101 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, with over 1500 citations. The average number of citations per article is 16 and her h-index is 22. She is the first author in 9 papers and corresponding/senior author of >50 papers. Among all papers, 80% were published in top (Q1) peer-reviewed journals of Analytical Chemistry and Biochemical Research Methods areas including Nature Protocols (IF=9.646, rank 2/77), TRAC-Trends in Anal. Chem. (IF=7.487, rank 2/75), Analytical Chemistry (IF=5.886, rank 4/75), and Analytica Chimica Acta (IF=4.712 rank 8/75). More information can be found at ORCID number: 0000-0003-2938-0214 and Scopus Author ID: 6602384941. M.A. Segundo attended about 30 international and other 30 national conferences, where she gave 15 plenary or invited lectures and she is author/co-author of >60 oral and >160 poster presentations. Her work was well received by the scientific community, testified by several awards received for papers presented in scientific conferences and the FIA Award for Science attributed by the Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis in 2016. She was co-chair of 18th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis held in Porto in 2013. She was also a member of the scientific committee of 10 events and member of the organizing committees of 17 conferences.
She is/was principal investigator of 5 projects, including PTDC/AAC-AMB/104882/2008, 2010-2013, Development and application of fast methodology for evaluation of UV filters levels in coastal bathing waters, funded by Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT - 185 kEuro). She is/was executive research in other 20 projects, including two projects for high-tech equipment (c.a. 1400 kEuro) and two projects led by industrial partners (ca. 1500 kEuro). In 2015 she was part of the team that received the prize “Acredita Portugal”, acknowledging her participation in technology transfer to industrial partners.
International cooperation:
Concerning her experience within international cooperation, M.A. Segundo was Erasmus+ Local Coordinator (2014-2016), sending more than 80 students yearly to European countries for 3 months pharmaceutical professional internship. She has received 12 graduate students for research from other countries and she has current cooperation with groups in Germany, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Czech Republic, Serbia and USA. She has been invited Professor at University of Coruña (Spain), at University of Balearic Islands (Spain), and at Charles University (Czech Republic).