

Professor PharmDr. Petr Pavek, PhD.
Petr is focused on gene regulation of xenobiotic-metabolizing and on molecular pharmacology on novel NRs ligands.


PharmDr. Ondřej Holas, PhD.
Ondřej is working on nanofomulations of nuclear receptors ligands for liver or intestinal therapy.


Professor PharmDr. František Trejtnar, Ph.D.
František is involved in radiopharmacy research and diagnostics and in pharmacokinetics and renal pharmacology.


Tomáš Smutný, PharmDr., PhD., junior researcher
His research interest is focused on hepatic cellular models including 3D spheroids of primary human hepatocytes.

Lucie Hyršová, PhD. - PharmDr., PhD., junior researcher
She is working on transporters (including LRP2) and gene metabolism gene expression and regulation in different tissues.

Jana Maixnerova, RNDr., Phd., junior researcher
Jana is working on different aspect of toxicity testing.

Alžbeta Horvátová, MSc., junior researcher
“Sisi” is focused on the treatment of liver diseases with new steroidal NRs ligands.

PhD students

Nancy Mrózková, MSc.
Jana is focused on novel lipid and polymer nanoformulations for oral and targeted drug delivery.

Barbora Boltnarová, MSc.
Barbora is focused on biodegradable nanoformulations based on ligands for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Anna Ďurinová, MSc.
Anna is suiting membrane transporters functions in the kidney

Mária Krutáková
application of novel ligands in therapeutick applications.

Rajamnikkam Kamaraj
in silico and in vitro testing of novel ligands

Dharani Sai Sreekanth Nellore
is involved in examination novel CAR ligands in hepatic models

Petra Grosová, MSc.
Petra works on nove nanoformulation for the treatment intracellular infections


  • Jan Dusek, MSc.
  • Josef Škoda, PhD
  • PharmDr. Alejandro Carazo, PhD
  • PharmDr. Lucie Hyršová, PhD
  • PharmDr. Michaela Dubecká, MSc.
  • PharmDr. Alice Rulcová, PhD
  • PharmDr. Lucie Stejskalová, PhD
  • Mgr. Michal Bitman
  • PharmDr. Lucie Krausová, PhD
  • PharmDr. Kateřina Pospěchová, PhD


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