Traineeship stay of STARSS members at University of Porto and Catolica University of Porto
16. 4. 2023
Senior members of STARSS project participated at the two days traineeship stay in Porto, Portugal (13. - 14. 4. 2023). The program consisted of the visit of the main strategic partner of the STARSS project - R&D institution REQUIMTE, Portugal at the University of Porto and visit of Catolica University of Porto.
The stay consisted of meetings and discussions with the partner representatives on the current status of the STARSS project, its finalization and following cooperation on future projects; seminar of the STARSS members to U Porto academics, presenting current status and results of all topics solved during the STARSS project; Individual research discussions between cooperators from both institutions; planning of the future cooperation on the international funding proposals and join topics of research; and exchange research stays.
Visit of Prof. Sebastiaan Eeltink (Vrije Universiteit, Brussel)
6. 4. 2023
The three-days visit (3. - 5. 4. 2023) of Prof. Sebastiaan Eeltink (Vrije Universiteit, Brussel) aimed on the discussions on several topics with members of STARSS group. They aimed on: publication in the separation science, advances in 2D chromatography, advances and practical use of Hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and cooperation on the prepared proposals of Horizon Europe Twinning 2023 programme.
Group meeting of project STARSS
The visit of prof. Sebastiaan Eelting included internal meeting 4. April 2023 in Dean’s Office Meeting hall:
1. prof. Sebastiaan Eeltink (Vrije Universiteit, Brussel) - Hydrophobic interaction chromatography: Tips, tricks, and what can be done and what not
Group meeting of project STARSS
9. 3. 2022
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 9. March 2022 in 2155 hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members and group visitor:
- PharmDr. Veronika Pilařová, Ph.D. - Chromatographic approaches in vitamin D analysis
- Miquel Oliver Rodríguez, Ph.D. - Liposomes as an artificial biomimetic cell membrane for investigation of membranotropic effects and bioavailability of xenobiotics
assoc. prof. Pharm. Hana Sklenářová, Ph.D. - Automated sample manipulation for long-term monitoring
Hedvika Raabová, a former member of the STARSS project, interviewed in The Column (LC/GC)
14. 1. 2022
In the recent Issue of The Column journal (LC/GG) was published the interview with our former member Hedvika Raabová, Ph.D. She revealed the concept behind the extractions using novel composite micro-/nanofibers for sample preparation before liquid chromatography.
Group meeting of project STARSS
15. 12. 2021
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 15. December 2021 in 2155 hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members:
- PharmDr. Nela Váňová, Ph.D. - Chromatographic determination of aldehydic lipid peroxidation products: Structure-toxicity relationship of oxime reactivators of acetylcholinesterase
- Mgr. Pavlína Moravcová - UHPLC determination of phenolic compounds in archival Tokaji wines and quality control of food supplements from Curcuma longa and Berberis aristata extracts
- Ing. Jan Škop - Hypothesis testing and statistical power in examples
Group meeting of project STARSS
13. 10. 2021
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 13. October 2021 in Dean’s Office Meeting hall + on-line MS-Teams meeting, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members and cooperators:
- prof. František Švec - LC (hi)story: column technologies
- Mgr. Naplekov + Mgr. Jadeja - System Suitability Testing: An integral part of analytical procedures
- Ing. Jan Škop - Hypothesis testing and statistical power
Group meeting of project STARSS
14. 6. 2021
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 14. June 2021 in hall S2155 + on-line MS-Teams meeting, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members and cooperators:
- Mgr. Taťána Gazárková - Challenging the potential of chromatographic methods in steroid analysis: the analyst vs. the analytes
- PharmDr. Veronika Pilařová, Ph.D. - Analysis of vitamin D and its metabolites in liver tissue
- Dr. Pharm. Sercan Yildirim, Ph.D., Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon\Turkey - Microwave-Assisted in Situ Synthesis of a Novel Deep Eutectic Solvent for the Liquid-Liquid Microextraction of Beta Blockers
- assoc. prof. PharmDr. Petr Chocholouš, Ph.D. - Can MS Excel compete with scientific software in data processing and statistics?
Group meeting of project STARSS
15. 3. 2021
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 15. March 2021 in Dean’s Office Meeting hall + on-line MS-Teams meeting, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members:
- Mgr. Hedvika Raabová - Immunospecific nanofibrous sorbent for the recovery of biopharmaceuticals
- PharmDr. Veronika Pilařová, Ph.D. - Different extraction methods for isolation of vitamin D and its metabolites from liver tissue
doc. Hana Sklenářová - Horizon Europe, other projects and cooperation possibilities
Group meeting of project STARSS
15. 10. 2020
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 15. October 2020 in seminar room S210, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members and cooperators:
- Mgr. Kateřina Plachká, Ph.D. - Ion mobility- high resolution mass spectrometry in anti-doping analysis
- Mgr. Ondřej Horáček - The chiral separations of boron cluster compounds in SFC
- Mgr. Celestine Gemuh Vubangsi - Synthesis of Magnetic GUMBOS and NanoGUMBOS
- PharmDr. Juraj Lenčo, Ph.D. - Column temperature - a good servant but a bad master
Great success of the research stay of Fulbright U.S. Scholar Professor Zuzana Zajickova in our faculty
8. 10. 2020
Professor Zuzana Zajickova from Barry University, USA, joined the team of the STARSS project for three months in fall 2019. Her stay here has been funded by the Fulbright Commission.
It is of great success that a research work focused on the novel application of polymer-based monolithic columns in supercritical fluid chromatography, which she conducted during her relatively short visit, resulted in highly innovative results. The high quality of the work was confirmed by publishing them in the top experimental ISI journal Analytical Chemistry (IF2019 6.785, D1, American Chemical Society); Zuzana Zajickova, Lucie Nováková, and Frantisek Svec, Monolithic Poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) Columns for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Polypeptide, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 17, 11525–11529; DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c02874. Noticeably, the manuscript impressed the reviewers as it has been accepted less than one month after the submission!
Professor Zajickova’s novel work, in cooperation with two STARSS experts from the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, contributed to the introduction of monolithic columns in the field of supercritical fluid chromatography technique. She demonstrated gradient separation of a mixture of large polypeptides carried out using monolithic poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) column and carbon dioxide/methanol mobile phase. Thus, her research broadened the capability of currently rapidly expanding separation technique.
Workshop “Separation in Proteomics” was postponed to 2021
30. 9. 2020
Due to the worsening epidemiological situation (Covid-19), the workshop “Separation in Proteomics” will not be held on the original date. The new date will be announced in advance when the situation allows it, expected is spring 2021.
Workshop “Separation in Proteomics”
17. 9. 2020
A workshop “Separation in Proteomics” will be held on Friday 6. 11. 2020, in Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University. It is devoted to all who want to broaden their skills in proteomics using LC-MS, particularly operators in laboratories. Welcome are those interested in the chromatographic separation of peptides and proteins too. Tentative program of the workshop is here. For your registration at the workshop, please use this form.
František Švec has commented and discussed on fifty years of HPLC
18. 6. 2020
The Analytical Scientist journal published in May issue a feature "
Conversations About Chromatography" where František Švec together with several other leading scientists comment on and discuss fifty years of HPLC.
Group meeting of project STARSS
10. 6. 2020
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 10. June 2020 in 2155 hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members and group visitor:
Mgr. Kateřina Fikarová - Automated salting-out liquid-liquid extraction coupled to on-line solid phase extraction and HPLC for the determination of sulfonamides in urine
Mgr. Aneta Kholová - Comparative study of various sorbents for determination of five bisphenols in milk using on-line solid phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography
Mgr. Hedvika Raabová - Nanofibers: Promising newcomers in on-line biological sample handling
Project STARSS in the media
31. 3. 2020
CHEMAGAZÍN, Czech journal for chemical-technology and laboratory practice has published the article about the results and current status of the projest STARSS (written in Czech).
Mid-term meeting of project STARSS
15. 1. 2020
The meeting will summarize the results of first half, current status, and discuss the plans for second half of project Starss. All members of the project will meet strategic partners of the project. It will be held in the lecture hall of Garden of Medicinal Plants, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové. The meeting will be concluded with a workshop in the laboratories focused on the tasks of the instrumentation purchased from the project.
3rd STARSS conference on Separation Science (25 - 26 November, 2019)
29. 11. 2019
The STARSS project team (Specialized Team for Advanced Research on Separation Science) organized the 3rd STARSS Conference on Separation Science in Nové Adalbertinum in Hradec Králové on November 25 - 26, 2019. The program was again prepared in cooperation with our international partners, to cover wide variety of topics, applications and different analysis approaches. Namely in analysis of biomolecules, SFx, sample preparation, mass spectrometry in life sciences, 2D-techniques, chromatography and flow techniques. We are thankful to all of invited speakers for accepting invitation and to all of you - attendants for such a huge interest. The scientific program was of a high quality (not only) thanks to the lectures of excellent speakers:
Prof. Sebastiaan Eeltink, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Dr. Koen Sandra, Research Institute for Chromatography, Kortrijk, Belgium
Assoc. Prof. Debby Mangelings, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Prof. Börje Sellergren, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden
Prof. Michael Lämmerhofer, Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
Prof. Manuel Miró, University of Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Assoc. Prof. David Friedecký, Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Petr Česla, University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Jiří Urban, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Besides the lectures the program included two workshops "Supercritical fluid extraction for the isolation of natural compounds" and "3D printing - from the idea to the object, a practical demonstration".
please read here for more details
Group meeting of project STARSS
8. 10. 2019
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 7. October 2019 in Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members and group visitor:
- prof. RNDr. Petr Solich, CSc.; prof. ing. František Švec, CSc. - Project information, active participation in presentations, publication authorship, English in publications etc.
- prof. Zuzana Zajíčková, Ph.D. (Barry University, USA) - Sol-gel monoliths for applications in capillary liquid chromatography, Teaching, research and service at US universities
- Mgr. Ivona Lhotská, Ph.D. - Effect of LC-MS additives on electrospray ionization
- Mgr. Ondřej Jung - Jak si naplánovat experiment – pokračování II
Group meeting of project STARSS
12. 6. 2019
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 12. June 2019 in Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members:
Mgr. Kateřina Kučerová - Application of monolithic columns in clinical practice
PharmDr. Juraj Lenčo, Ph.D. - Analysis of amino acids, peptides, protein chains intact proteins using liquid chromatography
Ing. Ondřej Jung - Jak si naplánovat experiment - pokračování
STARSS seminar
29. 5. 2019
Whole day seminar/meeting including presentations and discussions of the project group members and visitors from the Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy was held in the lecture hall of Garden of Medicinal Plants, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové. Five members of project Starss and five visitors from Holovousy persented their contributions focused on the role of separation science in evaluation of fruit production.
Group meeting of project STARSS
13. 3. 2019
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 13. March 2019 in Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members:
Dr. Maria Khalikova, Ph.D. - Analysis of biopharmaceuticals: Where we are and where we are going?
PharmDr. Ivana Horstkotte Šrámková, Ph.D. - Development of an online nanofibers SPE-HPLC method for the determination of neonicotinoids in natural waters
Ing. Ondřej Jung - Jak si naplánovat experiment
Professor František Švec is nominee for research support Donatio Universitatis Carolinæ
14. 1. 2019
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové has nominated Prof. František Švec for research support Donatio Universitatis Carolinæ. By this way are awarded significant scientific personages who exceptionally contribute to prestige of Charles University.
2nd STARSS conference on Separation Science (25 - 27 November, 2018)
29. 11. 2018
Second edition of the serie of conferences of STARSS project was held in Hradec Králové at Nové Adalbertinum venue on 25-27 November, 2018. The program was prepared in cooperation with our international partners, to cover wide variety of topics, applications and different analysis approaches. Namely in SFx, sample preparation, mass spectrometry in life sciences, 2D-techniques, chromatography and flow techniques. We are thankful to all of invited speakers for accepting invitation and to all of you - attendants for such a huge interest. The scientific program was of a high quality (not only) thanks to the lectures of excellent speakers:
Prof. Charlotta Turner, Lund University, Lund, Sweden - Supercritical carbon dioxide and gas expanded liquids in separation science
Dr. Deirdre Cabooter, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium - Mass transfer phenomena in liquid chromatography
Dr. Tatianna Tenikova, Saint-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia - My 30 years with polymer monoliths: past, present, and perspectives
Dr. Audrey Combes, ESPCI Paris, Paris, France - Molecularly imprinted polymers: a useful tool for selective sample treatment
Besides the lectures the program included the tutorial on supercritical fluid extraction (Prof. Charlotta Turner), and the workshop on supercritical fluid extraction and the workshop on flow techniques.
please read here for more details
Group meeting of project STARSS
11. 10. 2018
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 10. October 2018 in Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members:
Mgr. Kateřina Plachká - Matrix effects in analysis of tocopherols and tocotrienols using supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry and different sample preparation methods
Mgr. Pavel Jakubec - Analysis of triacylglycerols and fat soluble vitamins in milk
Ing. Ondřej Jung, PharmDr. Pavel Jáč, Ph.D. - Optimalizační software MODDE
Dr. William Craig Byrdwell showed in his lecture that the world is based on numbers
18. 9. 2018
Project STARSS invited Dr. William Craig Byrdwell (Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, U.S.D.A., Beltsville, USA) who presented his research in fascinating lecture “How LC-MS of Lipids Led to a New Understanding of Space, Mass, and the Periodic Table”. Now, it is clear that entire world is based on numbers!
Venue: 17 September 2018, 10 a.m. – Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Project STARSS partnered 19. School of Mass Spectrometry (10 - 14 September 2018)
17. 9. 2018
19. School of Mass Spectrometry, annual meeting on Mass Spectrometry and hyphenated technics was organized 10. - 14. 9. 2018 in Resort Horal in Špindlerův Mlýn. Assoc Prof. Lucie Nováková, one of the senior researches of the project STARSS, was designated chairman and several junior members were in organizing committee of the meeting.
The topic of the meeting was "Many hands make light work" focused on hyphenation of mass spectrometry with separation techniques. The program was divided in 14 session (including 3 renovned foreingn speakers) with 41 lessons, 1 poster session and 2 workshops and was attended by 230 participants.
The meeting received glowing reviews of both beginners and entusiasts in mass spectometry!
For more details about the meeting read here (in Czech).
Polish-Czech Symposium (Flow Analysis & Capillary Electrophoresis) in cooperation with STARSS
16. 7. 2018
Polish-Czech Symposium II. FA&CE 2018 (Flow Analysis & Capillary Electrophoresis) was organized in 25 - 27 June 2018 in Garden of Medicinal Plants of Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove Charles University. The symposium was organized in cooperation with foreign strategic partner of Charles University - Jagellonian University in Krakow, Poland and was supported by STARSS project.
The conference was opened by both chairmen Prof. Petr Solich (Charles University) and Prof. Paweł Kościelniak (Jagiellonian University in Krakow). Five renown scientists in both scopes of the conference were invited to present recent trends. Prof. Spas Kolev, University of Melbourne, Australia “Flow analysis determination of arsenate using on-line extraction and gas-diffusion membrane-based separation”; Prof. Dr. Víctor Cerdà, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain “AutoAnalysis: A software package for laboratory automation”; Prof. Ana María García Campaña, University of Granada, Spain “Capillary electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry: an efficient alternative for the determination of contaminant residues in foods”; Prof. Andras Guttman, University of Debrecen, Hungary “New Advances in Comprehensive Glycosylation Analysis of Biopharmaceuticals”; Prof. Dr. Gerhard K. E. Scriba, University of Jena, Germany “CE Enantioseparations and Application to the Determination of the Stereoisomeric Purity of Drugs”.
5 Key lectures were complemented by 27 lectures, 11 posters and 2 workshops. The conference was attended by 70 participants from Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Australia, Hungary, USA, Thailand and Germany.
For more details about the conference read here.
Group meeting of project STARSS
13. 6. 2018
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 13. March 2018 in Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members:
David Moreno-Gonzales, PhD. - Use of capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry for the determination of pesticide and antibiotic residues in foods
Maria Khalikova, Ph.D. - Biopharmaceutical analysis in Research Institute for Chromatograph
Dr. Veronika Pilařová, Ph.D. - Supercritical fluid extraction of biologically active compounds from sea buckthorn
12. 6. 2018
The STARSS meeting organized by the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, and supported by STARSS project was held in Pec pod Sněžkou on 10th – 12th June 2018). The researchers from STARSS, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, and invited researches from the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Palacký University, Olomouc, participated on this meeting.
After professor František Švec‘s welcoming address, professor Petr Solich (Hradec Kralové) and professor Karel Lemr (Olomouc) introduced their departments and scientific research of their groups. Then, talks given by the researches from both groups followed. Majority of presented and discussed topics were focused on current the trends in advanced separation sciences including the use of supercritical fluid chromatography, gas chromatography, and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography hyphenated with mass spectrometry in many application fields such as pharmaceutical and clinical analysis, archeology, analysis of proteins and other natural compounds. Some talks were also focused on the green chemistry principles represented by miniaturization of sample preparation techniques and automation of procedures in flow-based techniques. A wide variety of discussed topics gave a lot of new knowledge and inspiration.
Breaking of a dogma in bottom-up proteomics
17. 4. 2018
The article “Conventional-Flow Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for Exploratory Bottom-Up Proteomic Analyses” published by a STARSS member, Juraj Lenčo et. al., in an internationally renowned journal (Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90, 5381−5389, Impact Factor: 6.320) describes research and development in area of advanced, highly efficient conventional-flow liquid chromatography and exceptionally sensitive MS instruments for exploratory proteomics. The study set out to examine the possibilities and limitations of a state-of-the art conventional-flow LC–MS platform (using 1 mm i.d. column and minimized extra-column peak dispersion) for bottom-up exploratory proteomics. The results clearly demonstrated that there is no vital need for nanoLC and nanospray for bottom-up exploratory proteomics, and the extra sample demands should not be a limiting factor for most conventional-flow proteomic analyses and thus conventional-flow LC–MS proved to be an attractive alternative method for bottom-up exploratory proteomics.
Group meeting of project STARSS
21. 3. 2018
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 21. March in Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Presentations of STARSS group members:
- Mgr. Lucie Zelená - Polymer inclusion membranes and their applications in sample pre-treatment
- Mgr. Pavel Jakubec - Targeted metabolomic profiling of monepantel in meadow plants
- PharmDr. Juraj Lenčo, Ph.D. - Conventional-flow LC-MS analyses for proteomic applications
3D printing seminar
- Vojtěch Tambor, Trilab - Laboratory Applications of 3D Printing Technologies: A Practical Primer
- Burkhard Horstkotte, Ph.D. - Use of 3D printing for the development of flow analyzer components
- Vojtěch Tambor, Trilab - Practical demonstrations of 3D printing
Early stage researches showed high level
26. 1. 2018
8th Postgraduate and 6th Postdoc Conference (24th and 25th January 2018) - local conference dedicated to early stage researchers held in Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University fulfill the aims – the place for practice of presentation and discussion of results and introduce strategic partners of STARSS project. Opening session gave the inspiration for youth by the lectures of Prof. František Švec - Preparation of manuscript that is likely to be accepted in high end journal, Prof. Marcela Segundo, University of Porto, Portugal - Bead injection for (bio)chemical analysis and Prof. Spas Kolev, University of Melbourne, Australia - Environmental Pollutant Sensing on a Paper-Based Microfluidic Platform. Following 7 sessions were a room for 15-minute lectures of ESRs. Total number of conference participants was over 150 and among 76 presenting ESR were all PhD students and postdocs of STARSS project.
Practice makes perfect
10. 1. 2018
The project supports 8th Postgraduate and 6th Postdoc Conference - local conference dedicated to junior researchers held in Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University. Not only members of the STARSS team have a great opportunity to present and discuss results of their research by short lectures. Three lectures of renowned professors (strategic partners of STARSS) during the opening part of the conference give even greater chance to learn something new and to be inspired.
How to present scientific data?
13. 12. 2017
Workshop supported by STARSS project will be organized on 15. January 2018 by STARSS team member Dr. Juraj Lenčo. It will be focused on the oral presentation of scientific data - preparation of slideshow, design of slideshow, presentation of results, specifics of oral presentation, non-verbal communication, training of speech, etc. The workshop intended for PhD students and early-stage researches, includes one theoretical lecture and one practical lecture.
STARSS conference on Separation Science (4 - 5 December, 2017)
6. 12. 2017
The first of the serie of conferences of STARSS project was held in Hradec Králové at Nové Adalbertinum venue on Monday and Tuesday, 4 - 5 December, 2017. We are thankful to all of invited speakers for accepting invitation and to all of you - attendants for such a huge interest. The programme was prepared in cooperation with our international partners, to coverd wide variety of applications and different approaches. The scientific program was of a high quality thanks to presentations of excellent speakers:
Prof. Manuel Miró, University of Balearic Islands, Spain - Automatic sorptive microextraction in mesofluidic platforms
Dr. Sebastiaan Eeltink, Vrije Uninvesiteit Brussels, Belgium - Advances in microfluidic chip technology for separation science
Dr. Jean-Christophe Garrigue, University Toulouse III, France - New supramolecular sorbents for green sample-prep and trace analysis
Dr. Laura Mercolini, University of Bologna, Italy - Microsampling in bioanalysis: advances, challenges and perspectives
Prof. František Švec, Charles University, Hradec Králové - Myths about monolithic columns: False or true?
Dr. Daniel Seifert, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Řež - Microfluidic systems in radiopharmacy
Dr. Burkhard Horstkotte, Charles University, Hradec Králové - What flow techniques and Lab-In-Syringe can do for sample preparation?
Dr. Petr Chocholouš, Charles University, Hradec Králové - Various approaches in the on-line Solid-Phase Extraction using flow analysis manifold
Dr. Ondřej Novák, Palacky University, Olomouc - SPE-based microextractions in plant hormone analysis
Dr. Juraj Lenčo, Charles University, Hradec Kralové - Do we still need nanospray for exploratory proteomics?
and two workshops (including discussions) on presented topics
please read here for more details
Joint meeting of projects STARSS and UNCE 20426
13. 10. 2017
Afternoon on 12. October was dedicated to the Joint meeting of two projects STARSS and UNCE 20426. The programme included four presentations of young scientists (H. Navrátilová, J. Chlebek, K. Macáková and B. Horstkotte), and presentation and workshop of 3D printing.
Group meeting of project STARSS
26. 9. 2017
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 26. September in Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Work presentations and discussion:
- Dr. Maria Khalikova, Ph.D. - UHPSFC/ESI-MS lipidomic analysis of tissues and plasma from kidney cancer patients
- Mgr. Kateřina Plachká - Ultra high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography in impurity control
21st ICFIA (International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques), St. Petersburg, Russia
2. - 8. 9. 2017
Group members presented results of their work - 4 oral presentations (P. Solich - Role of monoliths in flow analysis, B. Horstkotte - Lab-in-syringe automated of head-space extraction coupled online to FID-GC for sensitive determination of BTEX in surface waters, P. Chocholouš - Various approaches in the on-line solidphase extraction for trace metals analysis, H. Sklenářová - Automation of luciferase determination in a sequential injection system with chemiluminescence detection for cytotoxicity testing) and 5 posters (H. Sklenářová, I. Šrámková, D. Šatínský, K. Fikarová). Co-chairing of 2 section by our group members (Solich, Chocholouš) show strong position of in the field of automated flow analysis based techniques. Hot topics presented on the conference were in close relation with sample pre-treatment and separation (new materials (nano, 3D, crystal structures, ...) and method approches); hyphenation of flow analysis techniques with high performance separation (HPLC, GC, CE, ...) and detection ICP/MS, MS/MS, ... The conference was dedicated to the 80th birthday of prof. Gary D. Christian renowned author of textbook Analytical Chemistry (published in 7th Edition). Meetings with Strategic partners (prof. Spas Kolev - University of Melbourne, prof. Miro - University of Balearic Islands) improved the cooperation within the project STARSS.
K. Fikarová - was awarded with price for the best poster!
13. 7. 2017
"Expert in liquid chromatography connected with mass detection" - more details
HPLC 2017 Prague (International symposium on separation techniques)
18. - 22. 6. 2017
Group members presented results of their scientific work - 3 oral presetations (Lucie Nováková - Development of UHPSFC-MS method for high-throughput analysis of vitamin E isomers and evaluation of matrix effects when using different sample preparation approaches, Maria Khalikova - UHPSFC/ESI-MS lipidomic analysis of tissues and plasma from kidney cancer patients and František Švec - Myths about monolithic columns: False or true?) and 15 posters. František Švec presented two tutorial lessons Monolithic columns: Why, how, and for what? and Scientific writing & publishing.
M.Parmová, L.Chocholoušová, D.Šatínský, J. Chvojka - Polyamide nanofibers as the sorbents for on-line SPE-HPLC determination of Bisphenol A in river water samples was awarded Best Poster Award, awarded by the Symposium and sponsored by Agilent Technologies)
prof. František Švec was awarded Medal of University of Pardubice
Group meeting of project STARSS (Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové)
14. 6. 2017
Group meeting of project STARSS was held on 14. June in Dean’s Office Meeting hall, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové
Work presentations and discussion:
- PharmDr. Ivana Horstkotte Šrámková, Ph.D. - Testing of nanofibers as potential SPE sorbents using a SIA system
- Mgr. Veronika Pilařová, Ph.D. - Modern microextraction approaches as an important tool for pretreatment of biological matrices
- Mgr. Lucie Zelená - Automation of analytical processes using flow methods