Group of Clinical Physiology of Nutrition and Metabolism

Our workgroup specialized on clinical physiology, nutrition and metabolism is based on the cooperation between Pharmaceutical faculty and the Department of Research and Development at University Hospital Hradec Kralove.

Head of the workgroup: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Miloslav Hronek, Ph.D.

Our research group is concerned with determination of resting energy expenditure and substrate utilization (by means of indirect calorimetry), body composition (by means of caliperation, bioelectrical impedance analysis or dual emission X-ray absorptiometry), anthropometric parameters (e.g. body height, weight or circumferences), DNA damage and reparation (by means of comet assay), function tests (e.g. spirometry or dynamometry) and biochemical parameters.

Besides the determination of above mentioned parameters we also search markers giving more accurate estimation of disease progression and mortality or bioimpedance markers of pregnancy length in women with premature rupture of membranes and preeclampsia. To outcomes of our work also belongs advice for nutrition support individualization of patients according their actual needs (parenteral nutrition all in one).

Currently running clinical studies

Clinical orientation in research in past was on study metabolism, anthropometry and nutrition in the pregnancy and lactation. This study was named NutrPreg and first in the Czech Republic with original published results.

Nutrition and its guideline for pregnant and breast-feeding women derived from results of the largest study in world with 694 pregnant women were processed in monograph Hronek, M. Nutrition in periods of pregnancy and breast-feeding. Prague: Maxdorf (edition Jessenius), 2004. 309 s. ISBN 80-7345-013-5.

In the NutrPreg study was derived new original equation for prediction of resting energy in the pregnancy that was published in Hronek M, Zadak Z, Hrnciarikova D, Hyspler R, Ticha A. New Equation for the Prediction of Resting Energy Expenditure during Pregnancy. Nutrition, 2009,vol. 25, no 9, p. 947–953.

Results of research demonstrated fat free mass as determinant of resting energy expenditure and that is not difference between pregnant and non-pregnant state. (Hronek M, Klemera P, Tosner T, Hrnciarikova D, Zadak Z. Anthropometric measured fat-free mass as essential determinant of rating energy expenditure for pregnant and non-pregnant women. Nutrition, 2011, vol. 27, no 9, p. 885-890.)


© Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
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