Conference | Speakers

Conference Improving Drug Solubility: Recent Advances In Pharmaceutical Technology

Confirmed speakers

* prof. Martin Kuentz
Institute for Pharma Technology,
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland,
Muttenz, Switzerland
Lecture: Case studies in computational formulation research


* prof. Thomas Rades
Department of Pharmacy,
University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Lecture: What can we learn from drug properties to make sensible decisions about the development of amorphous solid dosage forms?


* assoc. prof. Tamás Sovány
Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs,
University of Szeged,
Szeged, Hungary
Lecture: Inorganic nanocarriers to improve solubility and permeability of orally administered solid dosage forms


* prof. Petr Zámostný
Department of Organic Technology,
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague,
Prague, Czech Republic
Lecture: Microstructure and dissolution of carrier systems comprising poorly soluble drugs


* prof. Anette Müllertz
Department of Pharmacy,
University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Lecture: Customizing lipid-based formulations for optimizing oral delivery of problem drugs


* assoc. prof. Barbora Vraníková
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology,
Charles University,
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Lecture: Mesoporous silica-based systems in enhancing drug solubility


* prof. Karl G. Wagner
Department of Pharmaceutics,
University of Bonn,
Bonn, Germany
Lecture: Biphasic dissolution as a biorelevant tool for the performance evaluation and ranking of enabling formulations and principles


* dr. Georgios Paraskevopoulos
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology,
Charles University,
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Lecture: The use of dendrimers as solubility enhancers


* dr. Ondřej Holas
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology,
Charles University,
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Lecture: Biodegradable polymeric nanospheres: a potent tool for drug bioavailability enhancement



Preliminary program


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