Poweryoga for beginners
Poweryoga is a style of exercise aimed at releasing, stretching and strengthening the muscular corset of the whole body. Poweryoga uses individual basic yoga positions that are substituted for the basic formula of Poweryoga – the sun salutation. The lessons consist of exercises in standing and on the ground, ending with the final relaxation. Exercises are carried out at a calm pace important for the correct engagement of the position with emphasis on breath quality. Poweryoga is without philosophy, and as a direction it is characterized by physical body. It is designed to improve physical condition and in synergy it works with psychics and some of the means used by classical yoga.
The aim of the exercise is to try to establish harmony between the body and mind, to strengthen and stretch the whole body, to learn to breathe properly and to concentrate.
Goals of Poweryoga:
Proper posture.
Development flexibility.
Development of strength.
Balancing muscle imbalance.
Shaping the figure.
Release of the back and spine.
Knowledge of oneself.
Improved concentration.
The art of relaxation.
sportswear, drink
Teacher: Mgr. Kateřina Mahlerová
Place: Zámostí 683, Hradec Králové